
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, September 20, 2024

City of Wood Dale City Council met November 7

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City of Wood Dale City Council met Nov. 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:


Mayor Nunzio Pulice called the Regular City Council Meeting to Order at 7:30 p.m. Upon roll call, the following were:

Present: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, E. Wesley and Woods

Absent: Aldermen Susmarski and R. Wesley

Also Present: Mayor Pulice, Legal Counsel Bond, City Manager Mermuys, Treasurer Porch

Whereupon the Mayor declared a quorum present.



Alderman Eugene Wesley made a motion, seconded by Alderman Sorrentino, to approve the Regular City Council Minutes of October 17, 2019. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results:

Ayes: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, E. Wesley and Woods

Nays: None

Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.


A. Citizens to be Heard


B. Written Communiques of Citizens to be Heard

No Written Communiqués were received


A. Leave pick-up will continue through the week of November 25th.

B. Motion by Alderman Woods, seconded by Alderman Catalano, to pass approval of

$1,000 donation to School District 7 to build a new playground. When the question was put a roll call vote was taken with the following results: Ayes: Alderman Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, E. Wesley and Woods Nays: None Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.


City Manager Mermuys reported: 1. The annual Shape of Wood Dale is Wednesday, November 13th at 7:00p.m. at the

Wood Dale Junior High. There will a Questions and Answers session and they will offer light refreshments. This event is also being videotaped for those who wish to view at home. 2. The Wood Dale Police Department and Library are again collecting toys for the annual Toys for Tots Drive. New unwrapped toys are being accepted at the Library and City Hall lobby through December 9th.

VII. CONSENT AGENDA A. Omnibus Vote Mayor Pulice questioned if there were any objections to the Consent Agenda. On a motion by Alderman Woods, seconded by Alderman Jakab, to approve the Authorization for the Final Façade Improvement Grant Payment for JB’s Inn, Located at 146 W. Irving Park Road, in the not-to-exceed amount of $8,826.25. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results: Ayes: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, E. Wesley, Woods Nays: None Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried and the Item on the Consent Agenda duly approved.


A. Planning, Zoning and Building Committee (Alderman Jakab) i. An Ordinance Approving the Extension of the Approved Development Schedule for the Expansion and Renovation of the Wood Dale Public Library at 520 N. Wood Dale Road in the City of Wood Dale. On a motion by Ald. Jakab, seconded by Ald. Messina, to approve an Ordinance Approving the Extension of the Approved Development Schedule for the Expansion and Renovation of the Wood Dale Public Library at 520 N. Wood Dale Road in the City of Wood Dale. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results: Ayes: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, E. Wesley & Woods Nays: None Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.

B. Public Health, Safety, Judiciary and Ethics Committee

No report

C. Public Works Committee (Alderman Catalano) i. A Resolution Approving the Purchase of Mobile Vehicle Lifts from StertilKoni in the Amount of $44,025 On a motion by Alderman Catalano, seconded by Alderman E. Wesley, to approve a Resolution Approving the Purchase of Mobile Vehicle Lifts from SterilKoni in the amount of $44,025.00. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results: Ayes: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, E. Wesley and Woods Nays: None Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.

D. Finance and Administration Committee (Alderman Woods) i. A Resolution Seeking to Approve an Agreement Between the City of Wood Dale and

Entertainment Management Group for Prairie Fest 2020 Entertainment and Stage Management Services Rendered in the Not to Exceed Amount of $77,300 On a motion by Alderman Woods, seconded by Alderman Messina to approve a Resolution Approving A Resolution Seeking to Approve an Agreement Between the City of Wood Dale and Entertainment Management Group for Prairie Fest 2020 Entertainment and Stage Management Services Rendered in the Not to Exceed Amount of $77,300. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results: Ayes: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, E. Wesley and Woods Nays: None Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.

ii. A Resolution Seeking to Approve an Agreement/Contract Between the City of Wood Dale and Flashing Thunder Fireworks for 2020 Prairie Fest Fireworks in the Not to Exceed Amount of $16,000 On a motion by Alderman Woods, seconded by Alderman Jakab, to approve a Resolution Seeking to Approve an Agreement/Contract between the City of Wood Dale and Flashing Thunder Fireworks for the 2020 Prairie Fest in the not to exceed amount of $16,000. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results: Ayes: Alderman Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, E. Wesley and Woods Nays: None Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.

iii. A Request for Authorization to Increase the Sounds of Summer 2020 Budget On a motion by Alderman Woods, seconded by Alderman E. Wesley, to approve a request for authorization to Increase the Sounds of Summer 2020 Budget. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results: Ayes: Alderman Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, e. Wesley and Woods Nays: None Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried. Mayor Pulice reported that the City has scheduled Jefferson Starship for Prairie Fest as the highlighter.

iv. A Resolution Seeking to Approve an Agreement/Contract Between the City of Wood Dale and Arena Americas for 2020 Tent Rental Rendered in the Not to Exceed Amount of $17,000 On a motion by Alderman E. Wesley, seconded by Alderman Jakab, to approve a Resolution Seeking to Approve an Agreement/Contract between the City of Wood Dale and Arena Americas for 2020 Tent Rental Rendered in the not to exceed amount of $17,000. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results: Ayes: Alderman Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, E. Wesley and Woods Nays: None Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.

v. A Resolution Adopting the Strategic Plan for the City of Wood Dale for Fiscal Year 2021 - Fiscal Year 2022 WOODS M/SORRENTINO On a motion by Alderman Woods, seconded by Alderman Sorrentino, to approve a Resolution Adopting the Strategic Plan for the City of Wood Dale for Fiscal Year 2021 – Fiscal Year 2022. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results: Ayes: Alderman Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, E. Wesley and Woods Nays: None Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.


A. Airport Noise Committee Report:

Alderman Jakab reported that the interim Fly Quiet Runway Rotation Plan was proposed by the O’Hare Noise Compatibility Commission (ONCC), in collaboration with the Chicago Department of Aviation (CDA), in 2017 to provide relief from nighttime noise for the communities around O’Hare International Airport. The Interim Fly Quiet plan is in effect from November 3, 2019 to May 17, 2020 and from September 13, 2020 through February 2021. The plan will be impacted by airfield construction projects, which will result in reverting to the original Fly Quiet program during those periods. Fly Quiet is a voluntary nighttime noise abatement program at O’Hare that is in effect from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. The committee’s purpose was to review, modify and make recommendations regarding nighttime noise abatement procedures at O’Hare. The Fly Quiet committee has overseen a series of three runway rotation tests, which were conducted in order to find the best solution to balance nighttime noise impacts. The IFQ features an eight-week runway rotation plan. For each week, a primary and secondary runway use configuration is provided to accommodate potential changes in wind direction. The runway use configurations have been determined and approved by the ONCC to balance noise exposure to the extent possible. The ONCC Fly Quiet Committee is considering options for FQ21 – a new Fly Quiet plan to be in place once the O’Hare Modernization Program is completed and full build-out is reached at the end of 2021.

Mr. Mermuys reported there is a specific section on the City’s website for O’Hare noise and he will ensure all the updated information is on the site soon. There will be more information about the permanent Fly Quiet in the next Manager’s Report.

Mr. Paplauskas reported the City’s new website has a feature called spotlight that allows certain items to be featured and allows an option of listing two at any time.

Mayor Pulice reported that SOC has hired a specialist to help out the City and requested recommendations. The City responded yesterday for the Fly Quiet Meeting next week. They are working toward a permanent Fly Quiet Program, and once 9Center is built and 9Left is extended, there will be two other runways over 11,000 feet. He is trying to get a definite date, but it will take time once the airport is finished. The FAA has their maintenance garage on the north side of the airport and they are saying planes can’t be crossing in the evening. The City’s argument is that if they are using the garage during the day with 2,000 flights, it should not matter in the evening when there are only 200 flights. The City needs to push a little harder.

B. Stormwater Commission Report:

No report

X. APPROVAL OF LIST OF BILLS: November 7, 2019 - - $ 382,512.65

On a motion by Alderman Woods, seconded by Alderman E. Wesley, to approve the November 7, 2019, payment of the List of Bills as presented, in the amount of $382,512.65 for the following:


Fund Amount General Fund $ 173,050.58

• Road & Bridge Fund $ 4,311.40

• Motor Fuel Tax Fund $ 913.57

• Tourism Fund $ 12,077.20

• Narcotics Fund $ 68.57

• TIF District #1 $ -

• Capital Projects Fund $ 21,518.35

• Land Acquisition Fund $ -

• CERF $ -

• Commuter Parking Lot Fund $ 2,071.28

• Sanitation Fund $ 67,759.88

• Water & Sewer Capital Projects $ 42,129.04

• Water & Sewer Fund $ 58,612.78

• Special Service Area Fund $ -

Total of all Funds: $ 382,512.65 Total Number of Checks: 70

When the question was put a roll call vote was taken with the following results: Ayes: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, E. Wesley and Woods Nays: None Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.


On a motion by Alderman E. Wesley, seconded by Alderman Sorrentino, to adjourn the Regular Meeting of November 7, 2019, to Executive Session to discuss Land Acquisition

(Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5); and Land Disposition (Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(6). When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results: Ayes: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, Jakab, E. Wesley and Woods Nays: None Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:49 p.m. The City Council Meeting was called back to order at 8:49p.m.

Alderman Jakab made a motion, seconded by Alderman Woods to approve a Resolution authorizing the approval and execution of an agreement for purchase and sale of real estate located at 790 N. Central Avenue, Wood Dale, DuPage County, Illinois, PIN NO 03- 10-105-005, in the amount of $4 million dollars. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results: Ayes: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, E. Wesley and Woods Nays: None Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Alderman Jakab made a motion, seconded by Alderman Woods, to approve an Ordinance Authorizing the approval and execution of a lease agreement between the City of Wood Dale and George Sollitt Construction Company for the real estate located at 790 N. Central, Wood Dale, DuPage County, Illinois PIN No. 03-10105-005 for two years for fair rental value. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results: Ayes: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, E. Wesley and Woods Nays: None Whereupon the Mayor declared the motion carried.






On a motion by Alderman E. Wesley, seconded by Alderman Sorrentino, to adjourn the Regular Meeting of November 7, 2019. When the question was put, a roll call vote was taken with the following results: Ayes: Aldermen Catalano, Jakab, Messina, Sorrentino, E. Wesley and Woods Nays: None Whereupon the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:51 p.m.
