
Dupage Policy Journal

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DuPage High School District 88 Board of Education Buildings & Grounds Committee met November 5

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DuPage High School District 88 Board of Education Buildings & Grounds Committee met Nov. 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Present: Donna Cain, Jay Irvin, Blanca Jessen, Tom Edmier, Dr. Helton, Ed Hoster, Mike Bolden, Dan Krause, Tom Manka, Ryan Domeracki, and Jim Smiley (Wight & Co.)

Meeting Called to order at 6:39 p.m. in the District 88 Conference Room.

1. Review of prior meeting minutes

Mr. Domeracki presented minutes of the October 1, 2019 meeting.

2. Master Facility Planning Process

Mr. Hoster handed out the Master Facility Plan for the years 2020-21 through 2024-25 for discussion with the committee. The goal is to not only establish a committee recommendation for summer 2020-21 projects to go to the full board at the December 16, 2019 meeting, but look beyond to multiple years. This would assist with preparing the bidding documents and securing competitive bidding earlier than the late spring each year. Mr. Hoster explained that the current rankings within the document are for the 2020-21 year. Discussion was held regarding other approaches to ranking the projects and it was decided to rank the projects – 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c, etc. The building principals will go back through the list and rank the projects. This revised ranking of the plan would be sent to the Board Building & Grounds Committee members to then review and indicate whether they “agreed” or “disagreed” and offer comments or other ranking if they prefer. The documents would be returned to Mr. Hoster at the upcoming November 18th Board Meeting. Mr. Hoster gave an overview of funding capabilities, including grant applications, remaining working cash bond proceeds ($3 million), and the possibility of using Operation and Maintenance Fund for projects.

3. Project Updates:

a. ChillerReplacement

Mr. Hoster updated the committee that the old chiller has been removed and the new chiller has been placed. A schedule from Oak Brook Mechanical was handed out that highlights milestones for the system and the work being completed by spring 2020 with start-up for the summer.

b. ExteriorFaçadeProject

Mr. Hoster updated the committee on the work that has been completed by Grove Masonry at Addison Trail HS between doors #3 & #5. The pay application will be brought to the November 18, 2019 Board of Education meeting for approval.

c. Culvert/Long Jump Replacement

Mr. Hoster updated committee on the status of the culvert project at Willowbrook. Midwest Track is looking to stripe the track surface this week. Waiting for the spring to plant the willow trees that could not be procured prior.

d. ExteriorDigitalSignReplacement

Mr. Hoster updated the committee that Omega Signs and the administration met to discuss colors and all the variables that impact the colors (sunlight, material, backlighting). It was suggested that we ask Omega to paint a sample of the selected color for review on the existing sign before it is disassembled.

4. District Office HVAC Project Bids

Mr. Hoster handed out the bid results which were opened on October 31, 2019. There were nine (9) vendors that provided a response. The lowest base bid and alternate 1 was from Mechanical Concepts of Illinois at $383,200. Mr. Smiley confirmed that they had reviewed the scope of work with Mechanical Solutions of Illinois and all was in order. This bid recommendation would be brought to the next board meeting November 18, 2019 for approval.

5. Other items and Building Reports

Dr. Krause gave an update about an Eagle Scout project where a student-built benches for the music department, with a unique “W” legs design.

Mr. Bolden – No Updates

Meeting adjourned at 7:56 p.m.
