
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Bensenville School District 2 Board of Education met September 18

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Bensenville School District 2 Board of Education met Sept. 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

President, Bob Laudadio called the regular meeting of Bensenville Elementary School District 2 Board of Education, DuPage County to order at 7:00 p.m., at Educational Administration Center, 210 S. Church Road, Bensenville, Illinois.

Roll call verified that there was a quorum of the Board present.

A motion was made by Mr. Stoltman and seconded by Mr. Stitgen that the Board of Education approve the agenda as presented. Upon voice vote, all board members present voted aye. Motion carried.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Laudadio.

Public Hearing – 2019-2020 Annual School Budget

A. Open Public Hearing on the 2019-2020 Annual School Budget – Mr. Laudadio opened the public hearing at 7:01 p.m.

B. Presentation of 2019-2020 Annual School Budget – Mr. Novack presented a review.

C. Audience Participation – questions and clarification – Mr. Novack asked if there were any questions or if anything needed clarification. Hearing none.

D. Close Hearing and Return to Regular Board Meeting – Mr. Laudadio closed the public hearing at 7:02 p.m.

Hearing of Delegations ~ none

Administrative Reports

A. Enrollment Report – Dr. Stelter reported that there are 2226 students receiving services plus 53 B-3, 3 Itinerant and 56 Headstart, (2338 total). The enrollment trend is in align with 2018- 19 school year. Dr. Stelter also reported that due to the number of students in Tioga Kindergarten, Tioga has posted a position to hire a Kindergarten teacher or hire 3 aides, one for each classroom.

B. FOIA Report – Mr. Novack reported that there have been three FOIA’s.

1. Transportation contracts for special needs students K12 - TransportationResearch.com - Commercial

2. Employee contact information - SmartProcure - Commercial

3. Work opportunities - Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters - Union

C. Strategic Plan Update – Dr. Stelter reported that the Community Dinner has been postponed until Tues. 10/15. Three to four will be held this school year. Dr. Stelter reviewed some of the “Ideas” that are coming out of the Community Engagement Committee (ie: Transportation to parent events, mentorship for elementary to BMS, more work with


D. Greatness Factors – Dr. Stelter reported on the following:

• Full Service – Global Schools Project: Five BSD2 participants participated in May in the Global Schools Project, a week-long education and cultural immersion program in Monterrey, Mexico.

• Full Service – Welcome Center: The new BSD2 Welcome Center will open in mid- October in the community room at Tioga School. The center will operate 20 hours a week.

• Full Service – BMS STEM Activities on Early Release Tuesdays: The District is partnering with the Center for the Gifted and the Bensenville Community Public Library to provide after-school STEM programming for middle school students on early release Tuesdays.

• Full Service – BMS Sixth Grade Mural Project: In partnership with Urban Gateways, District 2 is inviting BMS sixth graders to participate in a collaborative mural project with Chicago artist Jeff Abbey Maldonado.

• Full Service – Child Development Workshop: The District partnered with Opportunities for All and EDUX Científicamente Humano to offer a child development parent workshop on September 13.

• Full Service – Project HELP Active Parenting Program: The District is partnering with Bensenville Community Public Library and Project HELP to offer a series of engaging and informative workshops based on Project HELP’s active parenting program.

• Full Service – Substance Abuse & Vaping Presentations: Project HELP will also provide substance abuse and vaping presentations in September for both parents and BMS students.

• BPAC: The District’s Bilingual Parent Advisory Council will hold its first of four meetings this school year on September 26.

• KiNVO: The District will launch the KiNVO attendance management system at Blackhawk later this fall.

• Remind: Over the next month, the District will be implementing the Remind text messaging system at all three schools.

• Belonging at Blackhawk: The “I Belong @blackhawk_ms” campaign continues to gain strength as students are entering raffles for prizes and wearing the shirts around school.

• Sixth Grade Transition Supports: To help sixth-grade students and their families with the transition to middle school, Blackhawk is holding an after-school mixer/dance for sixth graders on September 19, and “Cupcakes and Convo” with sixth-grade parents and teachers on September 25.

• Inclusionary Practices at Johnson: To better serve its increased population of Newcomer students and students with IEPs, Johnson implemented more inclusionary practices within its classrooms.

• SEL Structures at Tioga: Tioga’s social-emotional learning structures are in full swing, with every teacher scheduling weekly SEL blocks that incorporate peace circles, mindfulness activities, and the Second Step SEL curriculum for Grades K-5.

• Pre-Kindergarten Screenings: Are in the process of being completed.

• Project CARE: Project CARE kicked off its year with many of the program’s longtime mentors returning to classrooms last week, and is on track to enroll more than 300 mentors in the program this year, as CARE Facilitators have been busy recruiting new mentors to the program.

E. 2019 Summer School Report – Mrs. Mrowice reported on Summer School highlights:

F. Residency Status Report – Mr. Novack reported that over 150 investigations have been done, there are 10 more that he would like to have completed. 12 have been found as non-residents.

G. School Signage – 2nd Review – Dr. Stelter presented the board with the school signage options. The Board would like to have the administration get quotes on sign 1a, 1b, 3 and the letters above the school.

H. Community Engagement Report – Dr. Stelter reported on the Community dinner planned and other items as noted in the Strategic plan update.

I. Science Classroom Visit – Dr. Stelter reviewed the science classroom visit handout. The pictures included a favorite feature “The long teaching wall” The administration will meet with Degen & Rosato Construction pertaining to the rehabbing of the science classrooms and look at teaching wall, furniture on wheels, sinks, counters, electrical service. The plan is to go to bid in December and do asbestos abatement during winter or spring break.

J. Fenton Senior Profile – Dr. Stelter reviewed the 2019 Fenton Senior Profile report with the Board members. Senior students meet with their counselor to complete the exit conference questionnaire. The survey is designed to provide information on the students plans upon graduation. It also provides some statistics in relation to their post-secondary planning. Students who plan to pursue a post-secondary education next year on a full or part-time basis is 87.1%. A total of 1526 college applications were submitted and resulted in a 56% acceptance rate. Statistics from the Senior Exit Conference are based on self- reported information from students in a survey taken in April and May of 2019. FAFSA statistics are provided from a partnership with the Illinois Student Assistance Commission.

C. Strategic Plan Update – Dr. Dugan reviewed the District Vision, Mission and Beliefs, reiterating “The child is at the heart of all decisions; The curriculum is rigorous, relevant and innovative and Instructional practices ignite a child’s natural curiosity. She then introduced Dara Kappel, District Instructional Technology Coach who presented the “I Survived” Stem Read Experience. Board members were invited to participate in the presentation.

Consent Items

A. Approval of Minutes

1. Regular Board of Education Meeting – August 21, 2019

Recommendation: The Board of Education approves the above listed minutes as presented and attached.

B. Approval of Financial Reports

1. Bills August 2019

a. Accounts Payable b. Imprest Checks

c. Advanced Checks

2. Treasurer’s Cash Report as of August, 2019

3. Investment Summary as of August 31, 2019

4. Tax Distribution Report as of August 31, 2019

5. Activity Fund Report August, 2019

6. Financial Statements as of August 31, 2019

Recommendation: The Board of Education approves the above listed financial reports as presented and attached.

C: Personnel

I. Resignation of Employment – Classified Staff

Recommendation: That the Board of Education accepts the resignation of the following classified staff immediately:

1. Theresa Perry, Lunch Aide, Johnson School, effective August 20, 2019.

2. Susan Newton, Part-time Bus Driver for the District, effective August 30, 2019.

3. Maria Cortez, Clerical Assistant, Johnson School, effective September 6, 2019.

II. Ratification of Employment – Classified Staff

Recommendation: That the Board of Education ratifies the employment of the following classified staff for the 2019-2020 school year:

1. Yanet Hernandez, Special Education Aide, Johnson School, effective August 29, 2019. 2. Anjelica Mendez, Breakfast/Lunch Supervisor for Tioga School, effective September 16, 2019.

3. Justyna Ryzewska, Special Education Aide, Johnson School, effective August 28, 2019. 4. Clarissa Sanchez, 43-week Clerical Assistant, Johnson School, effective September 18, 2019.

5. Janet Sears, Special Education Aide, Tioga School, effective September 3, 2019. 6. Jacqueline Steger-Cook, Bus Driver for the District, effective September 3, 2019. 7. Yessenia Velazquez, Tioga School, effective September 3, 2019.

III. Ratification of Employment – Certified Staff for 2019-20

Recommendation: That the Board of Education ratifies the employment of Diane Bendik, EL Specialist, Tioga School, effective September 12, 2019.

IV. Leave of Absences – FMLA

Recommendation: No Board action is required for these requests.

V. Approval of Long-Term Substitute

Recommendation: That the Board of Education ratifies the employment of the following long-term substitute:

1. Monico Yadao, long-term substitute for a teacher at Blackhawk Middle School, effective approximately September 19, 2019.

VI. Extra-duty Stipends

Recommendation: That the Board of Education approves the attached list of extra-duty stipends for the 2019-20 school year.

D. Review of Compensation Report - School Code requires that each school board report to the State Board of Education, on or before October 1 of each year, the base salary and benefits (vacation days, sick days, bonuses, annuities, and retirement enhancements) of the district superintendent and all administrators and teachers employed by the school district.

Recommendation: That the Board of Education acknowledge review of the compensation report is presented and direct the administration to post on website.

E. Approval of Advance Check List revision - Some vendors are pre-authorized for immediate payment instead of being held for approval at the next Board meeting. The reasons are typically that payment is due at the time of service (US Postal Service) or is due in less than 30 days (most utilities) or that late fees will be assessed before the next Board meeting (most credit and charge cards).

Besides the pre-authorized vendors, others can be added for one-time payments under $1,000 (or $5,000 with Superintendent’s approval).

Administration requests the addition of new vendor Kaleidoscope Associates, a contract provider for a social worker. This vendor is removed: New Directions (contract provider for speech services).

Recommendation: That the Board of Education approved the attached Advance Check list.

F. Shared Service Report - The District works with other districts and governmental bodies to collectively purchase certain goods and services. The District also looks at outsourcing from time to time. These efforts to improve fiscal efficiency must be reported in these ways:

(1) included in the District’s Annual Financial Report;

(2) presented and approved by the Board; and

(3) posted on the District’s website.

Recommendation: That the Board of Education approve the Shared Service Report.

G. Designate Asbestos Reporting Contact Person - Blackhawk Middle School is the only District 2 building old enough to include asbestos-containing materials.

The District has the required plan for managing Blackhawk’s asbestos-containing materials. The Chief Financial Officer supervises the implementation of Blackhawk’s asbestos management plan.

The District follows industry best practices and Illinois law to manage Blackhawk’s asbestos- containing materials:

• The school is inspected every six months by a licensed inspector.

• The inspector has provided the District with a log of all asbestos-containing materials. At Blackhawk, those materials are mostly solid items with small proportions of asbestos: floor tiles and the mastic (glue) beneath them; some countertops and sinks; some pipe insulation in boiler rooms.

• The District maintain all these materials in good condition. Maintenance-in-place is the industry standard. Removal is rarely recommended except when necessary for construction or maintenance.

• Airborne asbestos is never acceptable.

• Removal of asbestos-containing materials is performed only by specialized contractors working according to a plan from a licensed project designer.

The District is required by law to designate a person to monitor the District’s asbestos management plan. The Chief Financial Officer will continue to serve as that person. designated person in accordance with Illinois law.

At 8:00 p.m. a motion was made by Mrs. Krajecki and seconded by Mr. Stitgen that the Board of Education approve the above listed consent agenda items as presented.

Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Krajecki, Stitgen, Constante, Laudadio, McCullough, Stoltman 

Nay: none

Absent: Vitellaro

Motion Carried.

Conference/Action Items

A. Approval of the 2019-2020 Budget Resolution & Adoption – Mr. Novack reported that The Board held a public hearing about the budget at the beginning of the meeting. Mr. Novack also reported that a public review of the tentative budget began on Monday, August 19. The required notice was published on Saturday, August 17. A summary of the budget was presented here. The full budget document is linked here.

• Surplus is projected to be $1.25 million, or about 3% of this year’s revenue.

• Revenues

o Are projected to increase about $900,000 from the prior year, or about 2.5%. o Half of this increase is from the Full-Service Community Grant.

o See page 4 for comments on particular revenue items.

• Expenses

o Are projected to increase about 4.5% or $1.6 million, before allowing for contingencies.

o See page 5 for comments on particular expense items.

• Ending fund balances will be positive in 7 of the 8 funds.

o In the Retirement/Social Security Fund, the ending balance will be zero.

o This is by design, so the District can utilize assets held in the Working Cash fund. That fund exists for lending to other funds as needed. o See page 6 for fund-by-fund analysis.

• Contingencies of about $700,000 are included in Expenses. See page 5.

The District is required to adopt its annual budget before October 1.

At 8:01 p.m. a motion was made by Mr. Stitgen and seconded by Mr. Constante that the Board of Education adopt the budget as presented.

Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Stitgen, Constante, Krajecki, Laudadio, McCullough, Stoltman 

Nay: none

Absent: Vitellaro

Motion Carried.

B. Certify Revenues by Source – Mr. Novack reported that the District files an estimate of revenues by source with the County Clerk’s office, certified by the board’s chief fiscal officer.

Through the process of budget development, these sources are considered the best estimate of revenue to be received during the 2019-2020 year.

At 8:02 a motion was made by Mrs. Krajecki and seconded by Mr. Stitgen that the Board of Education certify that the anticipated revenues by source for 2019-2020 shall be the revenues by source shown for each fund in the District's budget for 2019-2020.

Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Krajecki, Stitgen, Constante, Laudadio, McCullough, Stoltman 

Nay: none

Absent: Vitellaro

Motion Carried.

c. Approval of Construction Manager Contract – Mr. Novack reported that Degen & Rosato Rosemont, LLC served as construction manager for the 2016-2017 project to construct the Early Learning Center at Tioga School. A construction manager provides the time and expertise so that a building owner can act as its own general contractor.

Administration recommends renewing the contract with D-R for additional projects. Terms and compensation are still under discussion but neither party has proposed significant changes from the prior contract. The compensation rate is 10% of construction costs.

Construction projects to be included are the proposed science room renovations for Blackhawk Middle School and the proposed bus repair barn at the EAC.

Smaller but still-complex projects will be included in this contract as needed. Two examples are obtaining construction estimates for new school signs and repairing collapsed pavement around storm structures at Johnson School (to be completed September 14).

This contract is recommended to obtain D-R’s ability to respond immediately with its expertise in assessing construction needs and in negotiating with contractors.

The District does not have a full-time building and grounds superintendent. The Chief Financial Officer manages many of these smaller projects but lacks the expertise and industry connections of a construction manager.

A motion was made by Mr. Stoltman and seconded by Mr. Stitgen that the Board of Education authorize administration to renew the contract with Degen & Rosato Rosemont, LLC as described above.

Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Stoltman, Stitgen, Constante, Krajecki, Laudadio, McCullough, 

Nay: none

Absent: Vitellaro

Motion Carried.

D. Review Policy 7:180 (Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment) – Mr. Novack reported that the District’s anti-bullying policy, 7-180, is linked here. The contents mostly match highly-detailed requirements set forth in School Code.

The term “Bullying” is defined in School Code. This definition is narrower than the common public usage. Under the statute, bullying means (1) pervasive or severe conduct, with (2) a harm that is physical in nature, affects mental health, or creates a substantial interference in academic performance or school participation.

The District must review the policy and reevaluate it every two years. This report, once completed, will be posted on the District’s website.

Mr. Novack presented the factors for review.

Data is drawn mostly from the District’s student behavior database. At two schools, “bullying” in the broadest sense is frequently recorded, but very few of those incidents constituted bullying as defined in the policy.

Mr. Novack reported that the policy is very extensive. No changes are recommended.

Mr. Novack reported that the principals will review (1) the investigation steps to be sure we are in compliance; and (2) the definition of bullying to seek consistent application among schools.

Recommendation: No action is recommended. The report with necessary changes will be posted on the District’s website.

New Business

• Dr. Stelter reported on the Portrait of a Graduate workshop will be held Tues.10/1, Tues. 10/22 and Mon. 11/1 at Fenton HS. Alex, Jim and Bob will be on the committee. The evening will begin at 5:30 p.m. with dinner, and the workshop will begin at 6:00 p.m.

• Dr. Stelter reported that the NSBA National School Board Association Conference will be held on April 4-6, 2020 in Chicago.

Closed session - none


At 8:13 p.m. a motion was made by Mr. Stitgen and seconded by Mr. Constante that the Board of Education adjourn the meeting.

Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Stitgen, Constante, Krajecki, Laudadio, McCullough, Stoltman 

Nay: none

Absent: Vitellaro

Motion Carried.

No further business appearing Mr. Laudadio adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m.
