City of West Chicago Environmental Commission met June 19.
Here is the minutes provided by the commission:
1. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Establishment of a Quorum.
Chairman Beebe called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Roll call found Commissioners Dan Beebe, John Symowicz, Joe Cavataio, Bethany Brown, and Kim MacPherson present. Commissioners Bob Blaus and Kris Zimmermann were absent.
Also in attendance was Assistant Director of Public Works, Tim Wilcox.
2. Approval of Minutes.
A. Environmental Commission Minutes of May 7, 2019. Commissioner Symowicz made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Cavataio to approve the meeting minutes of May 7, 2019.
Voting Yea: Commissioners Beebe, Brown, Cavataio, and Symowicz. Voting Nay: 0. Commissioner MacPherson abstained.
3. Public Participation/Presentations.
4. Items For Consent
5. Review and discuss Commission Priority List.
A. Review current priority list
Waste and Recycling Contract
Chairman Beebe and other Commissioners provided an overview of this and the other topics on the priority list as part of an introduction to Commissioner MacPherson, the newest member to the Environmental Commission.
Blooming Fest
Commissioners who were at the event indicated it went very well although many people started to leave prior to the rain storm. It was noted some of the food vendors backed out and there was no one making pancakes like past events. Sales were good at the Garden Club plant sale tent even though the event was Environmental Commission Meeting suspended early due to weather. Chairman Beebe said at one point it looked like a river of water running down Galena Street where the Garden Club tent was located.
There was a suggestion to have matching t-shirts made for Environmental Commission members to wear at Blooming Fest and other events they participate in.
Commissioners Brown and Zimmermann walked the event grounds and talked to other groups to promote the Adopt a Highway Program which resulted in a list of four or five groups that said they had some interest in participating in the program.
Adopt a Highway
Commissioner Brown said it looked like the east bound Adopt a Highway sign was missing from the section of Roosevelt Road adopted by Ball Horticultural Company. Mr. Wilcox said he would check with Street Division staff and have it replaced if missing.
Chairman Beebe said he still plans to identify businesses and other organizations within West Chicago to contact about participating in the program and adopting a section of roadway near their organization.
Paper Shredding and Rain Barrel Pick up Event
There was 3.81 tons of paper collected and shredded at the June 1st event this year, with 130 participants. There was also 14 rain barrels sold this year. Not all were picked up at the event.
There was a recommendation that next time only one shredding truck should run at one time due to the loud noise they create.
B. Discuss new additions to priority list
6. Other Business
Commissioner Symowicz announced he will be moving from West Chicago this summer and so will be resigning from the Environmental Commission.
Commissioner Cavataio said he counted eleven monarch caterpillars in his garden recently. More discussion on the topic followed including how to protecting protect the caterpillars from predators.
There was some discussion about the Sonny Acres property and how the business could possibly continue after the site is developed. The future of Prosek's Greenhouse was also discussed.
7. Adjournment
At 7:57 P.M. Commissioner Brown made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Symowicz seconded the motion. Motion was unanimously approved by voice vote.