
Dupage Policy Journal

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Butler School District 53 Board of Education met May 13


Butler School District 53 Board of Education met May 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Mr. Edmonds, Board President, called the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of Butler District 53 to order in the boardroom at 6:31 p.m.

Members Present: Chris Edmonds, President; Sally Beatty, Vice President; Ahmad Sulaiman, Secretary (arrived 6:36 PM); Laura Bieselin; Keith Carlson; Sanjay Rao

Members Absent: James Chow

In Attendance: Sandra Martin, Business Manager; Amy Read, Butler Junior High Principal; Chad Prosen, Brook Forest Elementary Principal; Andrea Prola, Director of Student Services, Bob Jakupi, Director of Buildings & Grounds

Approval of Agenda Moved by Dr. Beatty, seconded by Mr. Carlson, to approve the agenda as presented. 

VOICE VOTE: Motion carried.

Swearing in of Board Members Elected on April 2, 2019 Consolidated Election for the Butler 53 Board of Education The Oath of Office was given to Mr. Carlson who was unable to attend the April 25, 2019 special meeting.

Community Engagement 

Anne Huber, parent, commended the students and teachers who were recognized at the National Spanish Exam awards ceremony. A total of 5,000 students took the exam with 334 students receiving awards. She stated that Butler students who were competing with high school students received many awards and distinctions as a result of outstanding exam scores. She commended the excellent faculty.

Kathy Schooley, parent, expressed concern regarding the superintendent vacancy and asked what the chain of command is until Dr. O'Malley starts. Lindsey Bilshausen, parent, also expressed concern regarding the lack of transparent communication when issues can impact teachers and students.

Board Member Comments 

Mr. Edmonds informed the audience that a press release was read at the last meeting stating that Dr. Wennstrom has asked to use her vacation days to finish out her term. He said that she is still in communication weekly with the board. He said that Dr. Martin, who was the former superintendent and the current business manager, is covering where needed, as well as the principals who are highly qualified to manage their buildings. Mr. Carlson reiterated Mr. Edmonds statement regarding the request from Dr. Wennstrom.

Ms. Bieselin congratulated the students who performed in the National Spanish Exam.

PTO Update 

Kelly Greco, PTO President, thanked faculty and staff as they celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week. Staff was invited to a Special Cinco de Mayo luncheon on Tuesday, May 14th. She also announced the transition of the new PTO board members for the 2019-2020 school year.

Discussion/Presentations/Committee Reports 

Staff Appreciation Week 

Dr. Martin stated that all staff received a gift from the District in honor of Staff Appreciation Week. She thanked the staff for their tremendous work throughout the year.

Community Outreach Committee Report - Dr. Rao 

Dr. Rao said the goal of this committee is to highlight the accomplishments of District 53 and communicate to stakeholders. A highlight sheet for the year has been created and will be updated annually. The committee is developing a community-based calendar which will include subdivision/community meetings and stakeholder meetings. The next committee meeting will be sometime during the summer.

Education Committee Report - Ms. Bieselin 

The committee reviewed the progress of two consultants who were hired to work with teachers this year in ELA and math. The committee also reviewed the district's curriculum maps. They also reviewed the Student/Parent Handbook that contains the Code of Conduct.

Finance Committee Report - Mr. Carlson 

The finance committee reviewed the first draft of the FY20 budget as well as upcoming expenditures.

Infrastructure Committee Report - Mr. Chow 

The committee reviewed upcoming summer work and discussed a pilot to redesign a classroom at Butler Junior High with flexible seating and configuration to increase student engagement.

Policy Committee Report - Mr. Sulaiman 

The Board will be approving the major revision of the entire Policy Manual which will parallel the Illinois Association of School Board's policies. The Butler residency policy, 7.60, will remain as originally drafted by the school district's attorney, but will also include a few new elements of the IASB model policy. Formatting will be corrected prior to publishing on the website.


Enrollment - Dr. Martin informed the Board that enrollment for next school year is down 47 students. Brook Forest is down 24 student and Butler Junior High is down 23.

Extra Duty Assignments for FY20 - Dr. Martin reviewed the extra duty assignments that were approved between administration, Athletic Director, Assistant Principals and the OBEA. The Board will be asked to approved this later in the meeting.

FOIA Requests - None.

Brook Forest Building Report - Dr. Prosen thanked the staff and PTO for a great teacher appreciation week. He announced the end of year activities which includes a reading incentive program to encourage students to read 500 Regular Meeting Minutes: 5/13/2019 minutes a month. If students succeed, Dr. Prosen may be treated to a “pie in the face.” He also announced the a host of special events scheduled for the remainder of the school year.

Butler Junior High Building Report - Ms. Read said the junior high is working on the master schedule for next year. They will be piloting a 2-minute passing period with the 6th and 7th graders after 8th grade graduation. They are considering eliminating the passing bells. Student elective preference sheets will go out next week. She also explained her process for hiring the open faculty positions and the curriculum work slated for the summer. She also announced the end of year activities for the junior high. Graduation is set for Wednesday, May 29th.

Consent Agenda

• Minutes of the April 8, 2019 Regular Meeting

• Minutes of the April 8, 2019 Closed Meeting 

• Minutes of the April 25, 2019 Special Meeting 

• Minutes of the April 25, 2019 Closed Meeting 

• Approve FMLA leave for Katie Sweeney, 5th Grade Teacher, Brook Forest Elementary, anticipated date of September 6, 2019 

• Approve Intergovernmental Agreement between Butler School District 53, Oak Brook, DuPage County, Illinois and the Trustees of Schools Township 39N, Range 12E Cook County, Illinois, beginning July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020 for continued access to the DCR financial system and consulting services. 

• Approve Intergovernmental Agreement between Butler School District 53, Oak Brook, Illinois and DuPage County Regional Office of Education beginning July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020 for student placement in any of the Dupage Regional Office of Education programs: Regional Safe Schools, ALOP/Launch, and Rebound. 

• Approve contract with Heartland Business Systems for monitoring, escalation, help desk, support, planning for technology systems at a monthly fee of $855/month beginning July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020, plus a bank of consulting work at $6,000 without a termination date.

• Approve contract with Heartland Business Systems for the replacement of current core switching at a cost of $17,570.00. 

• Approve renewal of licensing for access points, switches, and mobile device management with Heartland Business Systems at a cost of $14,959.98. 

• Approve a quote with Dell for the purchase of 23 teacher laptop computers at a total cost of $33,989.86.--TABLED 

• Approve contract with Firefly Computers for the purchase of 100 Chromebooks for 3rd and 7th grade students at a total cost of $25,049.00. 

• Approve quote with Apple Inc. for the purchase of 127 iPads for Kindergarten to 2nd graders and BJH electives for a total cost of $37,373.00. 

• Financial reports. 

Moved by Ms. Bieselin, seconded by Dr. Rao, to approve the consent agenda as amended. The board tabled the approval of the Dell teacher laptop computers until the June, 2019 regular meeting. 


Ayes: Dr. Beatty, Ms. Bieselin, Mr. Carlson, Dr. Rao, Mr. Sulaiman, Mr. Edmonds 

Nays: None 

Absent: Mr. Chow 

Motion carried.

Action Items 

Policy Manual Customization Moved by Mr. Sulaiman, seconded by Dr. Rao to approve second reading and adoption of the new customized Board of Education policy manual as recommended by the Policy Committee.


Ayes: Dr. Beatty, Ms. Bieselin, Mr. Carlson, Dr. Rao, Mr. Sulaiman, Mr. Edmonds 

Nays: None 

Absent: Mr. Chow 

Motion carried.

Science Textbook Purchase 

Moved by Ms. Bieselin, seconded by Mr. Carlson to approve the purchase of Science textbooks from Pearson Education in the amount of $27,454.48. 


Ayes: Dr. Beatty, Ms. Bieselin, Mr. Carlson, Dr. Rao, Mr. Sulaiman, Mr. Edmonds 

Nays: None 

Absent: Mr. Chow 

Motion carried.

Social Studies Textbook Purchase 

Moved by Ms. Bieselin, seconded by Mr. Carlson, to approve the purchase of Social Studies textbooks from McGraw-Hill Education in the amount of $13,074.90. Board Discussion - The price of the textbooks was lowered by $4,391.39 by the publisher after they waived the cost of hardcover textbooks.

AT&T Contracts 

ISDN Prime (ISDN PRI) Service 

Completelink 2.0 

Business Block of Time - 630-R05-2222 

Business Block of Time - 630-RO5-0970 

Moved by Mr. Carlson, seconded by Ms. Bieselin to approve AT&T contracts telephone service as described in their contracts as recommended by the Business Manager and the Director of Buildings and Grounds. 


Ayes: Dr. Beatty, Ms. Bieselin, Mr. Carlson, Dr. Rao, Mr. Sulaiman, Mr. Edmonds 

Nays: None 

Absent: Mr. Chow 

Motion carried.

Community Engagement/Board Member Comments 

Ms. Bieselin stated that the Education Committee has not announced its next meeting; however, if a June meeting is scheduled, text messages and email alerts will be sent out.

Calendar of Events/Announcements 

Future Board of Education Meeting and Committee Dates:

• Infrastructure Committee Meeting

Tuesday, September 3, 2019, 7:00 AM 

• Education Committee Meeting TBD

• Community Outreach Committee Meeting TBD

• Finance Committee Meeting TBD

• Policy Committee Meeting TBD

• BOE Regular Meeting Monday, June 10, 2019

Other Important Dates:

• School Improvement Day Friday, May 24, 2019 HALF-DAY STUDENT DISMISSAL

• Memorial Day – NO SCHOOL Monday, May 27, 2019

• 9th Grade Graduation Wednesday, May 29, 2019, 5:00 PM

• Last Day of School  Thursday, June 6, 2019

Closed Session 

Closed Session according to 5 ILCSI20/2(c) 1 for "The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity;" and 11 “Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting.” 

Moved by Ms. Bieselin, seconded by Mr. Sulaiman, to move into closed session at 7:21 PM. 


Ayes: Dr. Beatty, Ms. Bieselin, Mr. Carlson, Dr. Rao, Mr. Sulaiman, Mr. Edmonds 

Nays: None

Absent: Mr. Chow 

Motion carried.

Returned to Open Session at 9:10 PM.

Action Items 

FY20 Salary Increases for Educational Support Personnel & Administrators Moved by Ms. Bieselin, seconded by Dr. Beatty to approve FY20 salary increases for Educational Support Personnel & Administrators as discussed in closed session, 


Ayes: Dr. Beatty, Ms. Bieselin, Mr. Carlson, Dr. Rao, Mr. Sulaiman, Mr. Edmonds 

Nays: None 

Absent: Mr. Chow

Extra Duty Positions for 2019-2000 

Moved by Dr. Beatty, seconded by Dr. Rao to approve the following Extra Duty Positions as recommended for Butler Junior High due to the changes in the SDEAA calendar: 


Ayes: Dr. Beatty, Ms. Bieselin, Mr. Carlson, Dr. Rao, Mr. Sulaiman, Mr. Edmonds 

Nays: None 

Absent: Mr. Chow

Regular Meeting Minutes: 5/13/2019

Approval of Administrative Assistant Resignation Agreement 

The Board agreed to table the resignation agreement with Administrative Assistant Vickie Galvin.

Addendum to Contract with Healy Bender Architects 

Moved by Mr. Sulaiman, seconded by Mr. Carlson to approve the addendum to the contract with Healy Bender Architects, pending attorney review and approval. 


Ayes: Dr. Beatty, Ms. Bieselin, Mr. Carlson, Dr. Rao, Mr. Sulaiman, Mr. Edmonds 

Nays: None 

Absent: Mr. Chow

E-Learning Days--Announcement of Hearing The Board agreed to hold a public hearing on the subject of E-Learning days in lieu of snow days for the upcoming school year. The hearing will be held at 6:30 on June 10, 2019, at the start of the monthly Board of Education meeting. Current legislation requires a hearing in order to entertain such days in FY20.

Adjournment Motion by Ms. Bieselin, seconded by Mr. Sulaiman to adjourn the regular meeting at 9:14 PM. 

VOICE VOTE: Motion carried.
