
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Bloomingdale School District 13 Board of Education met May 20

Webp meeting909

Bloomingdale School District 13 Board of Education met May 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Pledge of Allegiance

President Cary Moreth called the regular meeting of the Board of Education in Bloomingdale Elementary School District 13 to order on Monday, May 20, 2019 in the District Office, 164 S. Euclid Avenue, Bloomingdale, Illinois at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call


Mr. Matt Boebel (7:40), Mr. Mike Cozzi (7:05), Mr. Terry McKeown, Ms. Tamara Peterson, Mr. David Schueler, Mrs. Linda Wojcicki, Mr. Cary Moreth, Ms. Justyna Szkaradek, Mr. Brandon Su



Others Present:

Dr. Jon Bartelt, John Reiniche, Claudia Fecho, Dr. Evonne Waugh, Greg Leyden, Joan Nelson, Amy Fonk, Sandy McGuckin, Kim Paleczny, Karen Petelle, Jossalyn Jarosz, Lillian Jarosz, Afthemia Jarosz, Keith Jarosz, Angel Frattinger, Walt Modszejaski, Pat Madszjaski, Nanci Greene, Sheila Zagotta, Stacy Johnston, Nicole Gabany, Stefan Larsson, Nicole Kastory, Lauren McDonald, Layne Winiarczyk, Jessica Martin, Bob Reagan, Kat Lents. Tina Kolzow, Patrick Haugens, Mark Dwyer, Larry Prentis, Lorie Prentis, Rick McCall, Justine Albig, Jenny Koziol, Sarah Binder, Rachel Sliwa, Carol Ehrhardt, Lexy Beckwith, Melody Vroman, Jennifer Eggert, Greg Leyden, Scott Metcalf, Board Attorney

Exemplar Presentation 

Ms. Peterson presented Exemplar Certificates to Jossalyn Jarosz as Student Exemplar, Mrs. Karen Petelle as the Staff Exemplar, Mrs. Lori Prentis and Mr. Larry Prentis as Community Exemplars for the month of May.

Public Hearing 

A motion was made by Mrs. Wojcicki and seconded by Mr. Schueler to open the Public Hearing regarding the use of a Legal School Holiday as a student attendance day by completing the waiver in the event an emergency day being used. Voice vote: all ayes

A motion was made by Ms. Peterson and seconded by Mr. McKeown to close the Public Hearing. Voice vote: all ayes

Consent Agenda 

A motion was made by Mrs. Wojcicki and seconded by Ms. Peterson to approve the items in the Consent Agenda which included Minutes from the Regular Meeting held 4-22-19, the Approval of Bills in the Education Fund in the amount of $675,071.63; the Operations and Maintenance Fund in the amount of $46,266.07; Debt Service in the amount of $2,364.30, Transportation Fund in the amount of $176,739.20; Payroll (4-25-19) in the amount of $439,434.70 and Payroll (5-10-19) $468,166.94, (F.D. 5-20-19-1); the Fund Balance Report as shown in (F.D. 5-20-19-2); the Balance Sheet as shown in (F.D. 5-20 19-3); the Revenue Report as shown in (F.D. 5-20-19-4); the Expenditure Report as shown in (F.D. 5-20-19-5); the Activity Report as shown in (F.D. 5-20-19-6); New Hires of Paul Paoletti, part-time Night Custodian at Westfield effective 5/15/19 for $11.00/hr., Polly Williams Crossing Guard at Dujardin effective 8/21/19 for $13.88/hr.; Resignations/Retirements of Carol Ortner Paraprofessional at Erickson effective 6/5/19, Tina Piemonte, Crossing Guard at Dujardin effective 6/5/19; Rehire of Summer Help, Rich Baldacci, District Wide effective 5/27/19 for $12.00/hr., Ted Gernand, District Wide effective 5/31/19 for $11.75/hr., Giuliano Catalano, District Wide effective 6/3/19.

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Wojcicki, Peterson, Boebel, Cozzi, McKeown, Schueler, Moreth

Nays: None

Motion Carried: 7-0

Superintendent's Report

School Improvement Plans Presentations: 

Standards Based Grading was presented by a group of District 13 teachers on how each school used collaboration and articulation to incorporate the program into their curriculum. The presentation was completed with each school and their representatives presenting on what their school improvement goals were for the year, how they accomplished those goals and forecasted what goals they may set for the coming year.

Board Reports and Requests

B.I.G. - Mr. Schueler reported on the Township Assessor alerting the attendees that due to a miscalculation, the freezing of property tax rates for people of 55 would not be reflected in the first property tax installment, the Village beautification plan for Lake Street, as well as the upcoming Public Hearings for Indian Lakes.

CCTS! - Mrs. Wojcicki reported that the Character COUNTS! breakfast recognition event on May 4 was a success. Mr. Patrick Haugens as well as Ms. Tiffany Denning were both recognized.

Education Foundation - Mr. Reiniche reported that two new members, Mr. Mike Sargent and Mr. Dan Frattinger, were sworn in at tonight's meeting. Kari Zehme will chair the Beer and Wine fundraiser scheduled for the Spring of 2020.

LEND - Dr. Bartelt reported on the approval of a new dues structure realigned by Mr. Reiniche. The FY20 budget was approved and the meeting dates for next year were decided.

NDSEC - Mrs. Wojcicki reported on the approval of policy revisions and the new officers for the Governing Board for next year

School Reports - Dujardin's PTO provided breakfast during Teacher Appreciation Week for the staff, students had lunch with Bloomingdale Police Officers, Mrs. Gabany went to Dujardin to meet with the 5th grade class. The 5th grade class attended a Boomers baseball game. Erickson had their Eagles Nest meeting, talent show and planted flowers Westfield had their Innovation Night, Think Tank, 8th grade graduation is May 29, Girls Track won their conference and Boys Track came in 2nd place, the play Shrek Jr. was a great success, the gth grade trip to Chicago and 7th grade trip to Springfield are this week.

Freedom of Information Act Request: 

There were none.


Resolution Expressing Official Intent Regarding Certain Capital Expenditures to be Reimbursed from Proceeds of an Obligation to be issued by the District (F.D. 5/20/19-7) A motion was made by Mr. Boebel and seconded by Mrs. Wojcicki to approve the Resolution Expressing Official Intent Regarding Certain Capital Expenditures to be Reimbursed from Proceeds of an Obligation to be issued by the District, as presented.

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Boebel, Wojcicki, Cozzi, McKeown, Peterson, Schueler, Moreth

Nays: None

Motion Carried: 7-0

Amendments to the School Handbooks (F.D. 5/20/19-8) A motion was made by Mr. Schueler and seconded by Mr. Cozzi to approve the amendments to the School Handbooks, as presented.

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Schueler, Cozzi, Boebel, McKeown, Peterson, Wojcicki, Moreth

Nays: None

Motion Carried: 7-0

Amendments to Technology Guidelines, Copyright, and Acceptable Use Policies (F.D. 5/20/19-9) A motion was made by Ms. Peterson and seconded by Mr. Boebel to approve the amendments to the Technology Guidelines Copyright, as presented.

Roll Call Vote 

Ayes: Peterson, Boebel, Cozzi, McKeown, Schueler, Wojcicki, Moreth

Nays: None

Motion Carried: 7-0

Resolution for Establishing Depository of School Funds (F.D. 5/20/19-10) A motion was made by Ms. Peterson and seconded by Mr. McKeown to approve the establishment of depository of school funds as outlined in the attached resolution, and authorize its officers to sign the resolution,

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Peterson, McKeown, Boebel, Cozzi, Schueler, Wojcicki, Moreth

Nays: None

Motion Carried: 7-0

Treasurer's Bonds (F.D. 5/20/19-11) A motion was made by Mr. Boebel and seconded by Mrs. Wojcicki to approve the naming of John Reiniche as school treasurer and authorize the Board President and Secretary to sign the required affirmation form for the DuPage ROE.

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Boebel, Wojcicki, Cozzi, McKeown, Peterson, Schueler, Moreth

Nays: None

Motion Carried: 7-0

Approval of the Disbursement of Merit Based Pay (F.D. 5/20/19-12) A motion was made by Mrs. Wojcicki and seconded by Ms. Peterson to approve the lump sum of 2% to each administrator for the successful completion of goals during the 2018 2019 school year, as presented.

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Wojcicki, Peterson, Boebel, Cozzi, McKeown, Schueler, Moreth

Nays: None

Motion Carried: 7-0

IASB Membership Renewal (F.D. 5/20/19-13) A motion was made by Mrs. Wojcicki and seconded by Mr. Boebel to approve the renewal of its membership in the Illinois Association of School Boards for the coming year.

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Wojcicki, Boebel, Cozzi, McKeown, Peterson, Schueler, Moreth

Nays: None

Motion Carried: 7-0

Legal Holidays Used as a Student Attendance Day (F.D. 5/20/19-14) A motion was made by Mr. Schueler and seconded by Mr. Boebel to approve the waiver application for the use of a legal school holiday as student attendance days, as presented.

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Schueler, Boebel, Cozzi, McKeown, Peterson, Wojcicki, Moreth

Nays: None

Motion Carried: 7-0 


First Reading of Amendments to Board Policy Dr. Bartelt reviewed with the Board the policies that are to be amended and will be brought as action items at the June 24 regular meeting of the Board of Education for approval.

Budget Preparation Dr. Bartelt and Mr. Reiniche discussed how the expenditure curves and revenue curves are about to intersect for the school budget. The last couple of years the District was able to have a balanced budget due to the fact that reserves would be used. Soon the District will no longer have the ability to reach for those reserves in order to balance the budget.

Topics for Future Agendas None at this time

Closed Session A motion was made by Mrs. Wojcicki and seconded by Ms. Peterson at 8:55 p.m.to enter into closed session.

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Wojcicki, Peterson, Boebel, Cozzi, McKeown, Schueler, Moreth

Nays: None

The Board returned to regular session at 9:56 p.m.


A motion was made by Ms. Peterson and seconded by Mr. Schueler to adjourn the meeting, Voice vote: all ayes

The meeting was adjourned at 9:57 p.m.
