City of Darien Municipal Services Committee met Monday, June 24.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order & Roll Call
2. Establishment of Quorum
3. New Business
a. Resolution - Authorizing the Mayor to accept a proposal from Suburban Laboratories Inc. for the 2019/20 Bacteriological and Chemical/Radiological/LT2 Water Sampling Program in an amount not to exceed $6,380.00.
b. Ordinance - Stormwater Management and Floodplain – Approval of an amendment to Section 6B-1 of the City Code.
c. Resolution – Approval rejecting the sealed bid from Allstate Tower Inc., for the preparation and painting of the communication tower located at 1041 Frontage Road.
d. Ordinance – Approval waiving the competitive bid process-2/3 City Council approval required.
e. Resolution – Approval accepting a quote from Tower Works to prepare, provide material and paint the existing Antenna Tower at 1041 South Frontage Road in an amount not to exceed $53,240.
f. Minutes – May 28, 2019 Municipal Services Committee
4. Director’s Report
5. Next scheduled meeting – July 22, 2019
6. Adjournment