Village of Addison Finance & Policy Committee met June 3.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call to order, roll call
2. Consideration to approve the minutes of the May 20, 2019 Finance & Policy Committee meeting
3. Audience input regarding agenda items before the committee
4. Discussion of accounts payable
5. Consideration for approval to purchase a Crash Data Retrieval Hardware Kit in the amount of $16,070.00 from Crash Data Group Inc. of Temecula, CA; funding from account #100.1510-4299. Memorandum attached (page 7)
6. Consideration of an Ordinance prohibiting Sweepstakes Machines in the Village of Addison. Memorandum attached (page 10)
7. Consideration of an Ordinance amending certain provisions of Section 11-93.1 of Chapter 11, Article VI of the Addison Village Code regarding the presumption of a vehicle owner’s liability. Memorandum attached (page 13)
8. Consideration of an Ordinance amending Chapter 13 of the Village of Addison Code regarding the minimum age to sell, purchase, or possess smoking materials. Memorandum attached (page 16)
9. Consideration of a Resolution regarding the continuation of Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center Service for the Glendale Heights Police Department. Memorandum attached (page 23)
10. Consideration to approve a payment to Carlson Brothers in the amount of $319,512.68 for the Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center building construction costs; funding from account #9941- 4601. Memorandum attached (page 28)
11. Consideration to accept the proposal for digester cleaning at the A.J. LaRocca Facility from Synagro Central LLC of Baltimore, MD in the not-to-exceed amount of $105,000.00; funding from account #500.5032-4587. Memorandum attached (page 34)
12. Consideration to accept the proposal from Meade Inc. of McCook, IL for the installation of lighted street signs in the amount of $29,689.00; funding from account # 100.2520-4206. Memorandum attached (page 39)
13. Consideration to accept the proposal for the purchase and installation of a Caterpillar C9 Diesel Powered Engine for the Diversey Avenue Pump Station from NuCore Electric of Streamwood, IL in the amount of $122,500.00; funding from account #500.5031-4551. Memorandum attached (page 43)
14. Consideration for approval to purchase one (1) 2019 Ford F-250 pick-up from Currie Motors Commercial Center of Forest Park, IL in the total amount of $33,736.00; funding from account #640.9964-4346. Memorandum attached (page 53)
15. Consideration of a Resolution commending the June Employee of the Month. Resolution attached (page 63)
16. Audience participation
17. Executive Session if needed
18. Other business, at the discretion of the Chairman
19. Adjournment