City of Aurora Planning Commission met April 3.
Here is the minutes provided by the commission:
Chairman Pilmer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
The following Commission members were present: Chairman Pilmer, Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Cameron, Mr. Chambers, Mr. Divine, Mrs. Duncan, Mr. Elsbree, Mr. Gonzales, Mrs. Head, Mr. Hull, Mrs. Owusu-Safo, Mr. Reynolds and Ms. Tidwell.
The following staff members were present: Mr. Sieben, Mr. Broadwell, Mrs. Vacek and Mrs. Jackson.
Others Present: Michelle Noe Long (Long Supply Inc.).
19-0235 Approval of the Minutes for the Planning Commission meeting on March 20, 2019.
A motion was made by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mrs. Anderson, that the minutes be approved and filed. The motion carried.
Chairman Pilmer said if you are here for an item that does not appear on the agenda and you wish to speak to the Commission, we can give you 3 minutes to do so.
No one came forward.
19-0184 A Resolution Resolution Approving the Final Plat for Triggs Addition, Lots 6-8, Block 2, Located at 361 Cleveland Avenue (Long Supply Inc. - 19-0184 / AU21/3-19.009-Fsd/V - SB - Ward 4)
Mr. Broadwell said this is the Final Plat for the business at 361 Cleveland Avenue. This is in addition to the Authorized Variance that the Zoning Board just saw. This is for the properties. The lot is zoned M-2. It is.68 acres and maintains a warehouse building that’s approximately 10,300 square feet. The Petitioner, Long Supply, is requesting approval of this for the consolidation of the lots. They intend to use the consolidated lot as a means to enable the continued use and expansion of the existing business on the subject property. There is also a newly dedicated 15 foot wide city easement on the property.
Mr. Sieben said just a little clarification for the Commission, the reason these tend to come forward where you see a consolidation of lots is because the business is going to expand over a lot line. There are certain provisions in the building code where there are certain restrictions with that, so in order just to make everything clean and because they are the sole owner of those three lots, they are just consolidating, so they will get one tax bill, one PIN and there will be no issues with the building code.
I am Michelle Noe Long. I am the Vice President of Long Supply. As we said in the previous meeting, we are expanding our building. We are growing it. We just need to consolidate it so that I only have to pay bill. So we are asking for you guys to allow us to consolidate so we can continue to grow and expand. As I said, we are adding a loading dock to take pressure off of Cleveland there right by Pratt and it being across from it, we are trying to move everything into our building and get everything that we can there. That’s why we are asking for the plat consolidation.
Mr. Broadwell said staff would recommend approval of the Final Plat for Triggs Addition, Lots 6-8, Block 2, located at 361 Cleveland Avenue.
AYES: Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Cameron, Mr. Chambers, Mr. Divine, Mrs. Duncan, Mr. Elsbree, Mr. Gonzales, Mrs. Head, Mr. Hull, Mrs. Owusu-Safo, Mr. Reynolds, Ms. Tidwell
NAYS: None
Mr. Broadwell said this will next be heard at the Planning and Development Committee on Thursday, April 11, 2019, at 4:00 p.m. on the fifth floor of this building.
A motion was made by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Hull, that this agenda item be Forwarded to the Planning & Development Committee, on the agenda for 4/11/2019. The motion carried.
19-0202 A Resolution Approving the Final Plat for Cervantes Subdivision located at 594 5th Avenue (City of Aurora - 19-0202 / AU27/2-19.039-Fsd - TV - Ward 3)
Mrs. Vacek said the subject property is currently owned by the City of Aurora with B-2 zoning. The property includes a small parking lot on the east portion of the property with a 1,728 square foot single story building. Then on the kind of west portion of the property on the other side or adjacent to the building is a larger parking lot. The city is requesting approval of a Final Plat for a 2 lot subdivision. Lot 1 would consist of the building and the smaller parking lot on the east side and then Lot 2 would consist of the larger parking lot adjacent to the west side of the building. The subdivision is really so that the city can sell off a portion of the property with the building and the small parking lot for some commercial uses. If you have any questions for me, I would more than happy to answer them.
Chairman Pilmer said if there are no questions, could we have a recommendation?
Mrs. Vacek said staff would recommend approval of the Resolution approving the Final Plat for the property located at 594 5th Avenue.
SECONEDE BY: Mrs. Owusu-Safo
AYES: Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Cameron, Mr. Chambers, Mr. Divine, Mrs. Duncan, Mr. Elsbree, Mr. Gonzales, Mrs. Head, Mr. Hull, Mrs. Owusu-Safo, Mr. Reynolds, Ms. Tidwell
NAYS: None
Mrs. Vacek said this will next be heard at the Planning and Development Committee on Thursday, April 11, 2019, at 4:00 p.m. on the fifth floor of this building.
A motion was made by Mr. Chambers, seconded by Mrs. Owusu-Safo, that this agenda item be Forwarded to the Planning & Development Committee, on the agenda for 4/11/2019. The motion carried.
A) Amendments
B) Grant and Award Research
C) Comprehensive Plan
Mr. Sieben said the next meeting will be the regular second April meeting on April 17th for the Planning Commission. We do anticipate both May meetings are also occurring, which would be May 8th and 22nd. Those should continue on as scheduled.
Ms. Tidwell said I have a question Ed. Is there an update on the status of the standards that we had requested for the video gaming licenses?
Mr. Sieben said yes. As you know, currently it requires a Special Use permit to be granted a video gaming license within a half mile of an existing one. We are in the process of working with the Law Department to remove that Special Use requirement from the Zoning Ordinance, actually it is not in the Zoning Ordinance, it is in the City Code, which we process it through it through Zoning, to make that more of an administrative determination by the Liquor Commissioner because it is liquor related. That should be coming forward here in the next month or two, but that is the goal. Hopefully you would not be seeing any additional Special Uses for video gaming within a half mile of another one.
Ms. Tidwell said so what I understand is that when that process is completed we won’t hear those any more.
Mr. Sieben said correct. Our Law Department did agree with the concerns of the Commission.
A motion was made by Mr. Elsbree, seconded by Mr. Chambers, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by voice vote. Chairman Pilmer adjourned the meeting at 7:15 p.m.