
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, March 28, 2025

CITY OF WARRENVILLE: IL Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics IL


City of Warrenville issued the following announcement on May 28.

On Sunday, June 2, at 8:30 a.m., Warrenville police officers will run the Special Olympics Illinois Flame of Hope torch from the corner of IL RT 59 and Batavia Road (Warrenville Commons parking lot) to the Richard Volkmer-Kiwanis Gazebo (City Hall). Afterward, a very short presentation will take place as the torch is passed along to a Special Olympics Illinois (SOI) representative so it can make it's way to the next city. Each year, the Flame of Hope travels across the state, arriving at Bloomington/Normal in time for the opening ceremonies of the SOI Summer Games (Friday, June 7, Hancock Stadium).

All runners are welcome to join in this law enforcement escorted run, and are asked to be at the start point by no later than 8:00 a.m. Anyone wanting to wear an IL Law Enforcement Torch Run t-shirt for the event may purchase it at the Police Department during regular business hours, or may contact Sgt. Komar at mkomar@warrenville.il.us. Purchase of a t-shirt is not required to participate in this run, and all t-shirt proceeds ($20 each) go directly to SOI.

If you are not able to participate, please consider cheering on the runners alongside Batavia Road. All cheering will be greatly appreciated! Come be a part of this quick (but amazing) event in support of Special Olympic Illinois athletes!

"Let me win, But if I cannot win, Let me be brave in the attempt." - Special Olympics Oath

Original source can be found here.