Village of Bloomingdale Committee of the Whole met February 25.
Here is the agenda as provided by the committee:
I. Proof of Posting
II. Call to Order
III. Roll Call
IV. Audience Participation
According to §1-6-3 E. of the Bloomingdale Village Code, a period of time at the beginning of each Board Meeting shall be made available for public comments regarding items on the agenda or related to any other Village ordinances, policies or operations, (hereinafter referred to as “Audience Participation”).
V. Discussion Items
A) Finance and Administration
1) Discussion of proposed changes to Village Health Insurance Plan (continued from February 11th SCOW meeting)
B) Facilities Infrastructure
1) Discussion of Contract Award Recommendation for FY19 200hp Pump Replacement to a 60hp Pump at Pump Station #8
2) Discussion of Village Hall Improvement
C) Traffic and Streets
1) Discussion of Purchase of Failed Water Meters (total amount exceeding $20,000)
D) Planning, Zoning & Environmental Concerns
1) Discussion of Woodman’s Findings of Fact and Recommendation
2) Discussion of Village Zoning Map and Address Map Updates
VI. Information
Meeting Reminders:
Monday, March 11, 2019 – Standing Committee of the Whole and Village Board Meetings
Monday, March 25, 2019 – Standing Committee of the Whole and Village Board Meetings
Community Event Reminders:
Bloomingdale Chamber of Commerce - 2019 Best of Bloomingdale
Bloomingdale Golf Club, 181 Glen Ellyn Road
Thursday, March 7, 2019 from 5:30pm – 8:30pm
Administrative Staff Reports:
Village Administrator, P. Scalera
Assistant Administrator, B. E. Weber
Village Attorney, M. Castaldo, Jr.
Director of Public Works, J. Monkemeyer
Finance Director, G. L. Szott
Director of Public Safety, F. Giammarese
Community and Economic Development Director, S. Gascoigne
VII. Other Business
VIII. Adjournment