City of Wood Dale issued the following announcement on Nov. 20.
Since the establishment of the Quiet Zone in Wood Dale this past summer, train noise within the City has been reduced significantly.
With safety being top priority, it is important to remember that train crews do have the authority to continue to utilize horns when certain circumstances are presented. The engineer may sound a warning to alert animals, motor vehicle operators, pedestrians, or crews on other trains while passing. And passenger trains may sound horns upon arrival to a station to alert commuters standing too close on the platform.
With an average of 70-80 trains traveling through Wood Dale each day, the possibility of these situations is extremely high, and on a regular day can occur several times. Even if a Quiet Zone reduces 90% of train horns, there can still be up to seven or eight occasions in a day when a horn may be sounded. The City understands that these occasions can be frustrating when they occur during late night hours when safety circumstances such as animals on the tracks can become more frequent.
The formation of the Quiet Zone in Wood Dale has provided a major improvement in noise reduction for the Community, but will never silence all train horns. The City will continue to take strides to reduce additional noise impositions within Wood Dale wherever and whenever possible, in effort to improve the quality of life for all residents.
Original source can be found here.
Source: City of Wood Dale