City of Oakbrook Terrace City Council met Aug. 28.
Here is the agenda provided by the Council:
I. Call to order
II. Roll call
III. Pledge of allegiance
IV. Additions or deletions to the agenda
V. Approval of minutes - changes or corrections
1. Regular meeting minutes of August 14, 2018.
VI. Public participation
VII. Action items/consent agenda
1. Payment of City Bills: August 28, 2018, in the amount of $234,907.29.
2. Treasurer's Report July 2018.
3. Personnel & Payroll Report July 2018,
VIII. Items removed from the consent agenda
IX. Recess to the committee of the whole
X. Mayor Ragucci
XI. Committee of the whole considerations
1. Letter of recommendation - Stan’s Donuts – 17W623 Butterfield Road.
2. Letter of recommendation - Ascension of Our Lord Catholic Church - 15314 Summit Avenue.
3. Approving a transfer of $1,165,000 from the general fund to the water fund for the 2010 water bond pay-off.
4. An ordinance enacting and adopting a supplement to the code of ordinances for The City of Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois (Supplement No. 29).
5. An ordinance enacting and adopting a Supplement to the code of ordinances for The City Of Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois (Supplement No. 30).
XII. Council member comments
XIII. City Attorney Ramello
XIV. City Clerk Shadley
XV. City Administrator Marrero
XVI. Reconvene the City Council meeting
XVII. Recess to Executive session
XVIII. Executive session
1. Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of employee's of the public body.
XIX. Reconvene the City Council meeting
XX. New business