
Dupage Policy Journal

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Warrenville Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals met July 26.

Webp meeting 10

Warrenville Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals met July 26.

Here is the agenda provided by the Commission:

A. Call To Order

B. Roll Call

C. Public Hearing

1. Kleinman Property, 3S525 Route 59, 29W741 Ivan Albright Street / M/I Homes of Chicago LLC (“Everton”) (continued from 4/5/18) (Staff Report) (Backup Info)

Located east of IL Route 59, south of Ivan Albright Street, northwest of Illinois Prairie Path

Project No. 2018-0087

Request for the following approvals, which collectively would allow development of an approximately 32.8-acre property with a mixed-use project consisting of 89 townhouse units, a 259-unit apartment complex, and an approximately four-acre commercial site, together with associated stormwater management facilities, private open space, and new private and public streets:

a. Preliminary Plat of Subdivision

b. Rezoning existing Lot 77 and east portion of existing Lot 78 from R-2-Medium Density Single Family to R-6 Multi-Family zoning district, the west portion of existing Lot 78 from R-2-Medium Density Single Family to B-2 Community Retail zoning district, and the majority of existing Lot 79 from B-2 Community Retail to R-6 Multi-Family zoning district

c. Special Use Permit approval of Preliminary Planned Unit Development (PUD) plans in the B-2 Community Retail and R-6 Multi-Family zoning districts per Table 3A of Warrenville Zoning Ordinance #1018 and

d. Planned Unit Development Exceptions/Variations and/or special approvals from the following provisions of Warrenville Zoning Ordinance #1018, which would:

(i) Reduce the minimum 4,356-square foot lot size required under Table 4A

(ii) Reduce 30-foot front/corner side yard, 25-foot side yard, and 30-foot rear yard building setbacks required under Table 4A

(iii) Reduce 30-foot perimeter setback for buildings required in Section 8.D.6

(iv) Reduce minimum number of off-street parking spaces required per Table 5D

(v) Increase 35-foot maximum building height established in Table 4A and

(vi) Any other PUD exception/variation necessary to allow for the implementation of the proposed Preliminary PUD plans

D. Approval Of Minutes

1. Regular Meeting of July 19, 2018

E.Citizens’ Comments

F. Chairman’s Report

G. Community And Economic Development Director’s Report

H. Senior Planner’s Report

I. Mayor’s Report

J. Adjourn
