
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

West Chicago City Council met May 21.

West Chicago City Council met May 21.

Here is the agenda provided by the Council:

1.Call to Order

2.Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag


4.Roll Call and Establishment of a Quorum

5.Public Participation

The opportunity to speak to the City Council is provided for those who have a question or comment on an agenda item or a City of West Chicago issue. The City Council appreciates hearing from our residents and your thoughts and questions are valued. The City Council strives to make the best decisions for the City and public input is very helpful.

Respect for the duties of the City Council and for the democratic process will be adhered to - in this regard, civility and a sense of decorum will be strictly followed. All speakers must address their comments to the Mayor. Comments that are personally condescending will not be permitted. Speakers shall be courteous and should not make statements that are personally disrespectful to members of the City Council or City staff.

Please use the podium in the center aisle as the proceedings are videotaped. Please announce your name and address (if acceptable) before commencing - all public comments are limited to three (3) minutes and each citizen will be permitted to speak only once. It is the City Council's policy not to engage in dialogue during Public Comment. Any questions raised will be addressed by City staff or an elected official outside of the City Council meeting.

6. City Council Meeting Minutes of May 7, 2018

7. Corporate Disbursement Report

- May 21, 2018 ($1,314,012.47)

8. Consent Agenda

•Development Committee:

A.Ordinance No. 18-0-0022 - An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of West Chicago - Appendix A, Articles 4 and 10 of the Zoning Code Relating to Used Automobile Sales.

B.Ordinance No. 18-0-0023 - An Ordinance Granting a Special Use for a Used Automobile Dealership and Certain Landscape Related Variances at 601 W. Roosevelt Road.

C.Ordinance No. 18-0-0024 - An Ordinance Approving a Special Use for a Car Wash and a Final PUD Amendment at 193 W. North Avenue.

D.Ordinance No. 18-0-0025 - An Ordinance Approving a Special Use for Contractors Equipment Sales and Leasing with an Ancillary Outside Storage Yard and Final PUD at 1555 Atlantic Drive.

E.Ordinance No. 18-0-0026 - An Ordinance Grating a Special Use for a Salvage and Recycling Facility and a Variance at 651 W. Washington Street.

F.Resolution No. 18-R-0034 - A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Adopt the 2018 Official Zoning Map for the City of West Chicago.

G.Resolution No. 18-R-0035 - A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Enter Into a Certain Easement Encroachment Agreement - 563 Hickory Lane.

H.Resolution No. 18-R-0036 - A Resolution Approving the Cornerstone Resubdivision - 1555 Atlantic Drive.

I.Resolution No. 18-R-0038 - A Resolution Approving the Crusher's Plat of Consolidation - 651 W. Washington Street.

J.Resolution No. 18-R-0040 - A Resolution Approving the Central Main Street Redevelopment Plan Update, and Acknowledging the Goals of Maximizing Open Space and Respecting the Potential Visual Impact to the Adjacent Residential Properties.

•Infrastructure Committee:

K. Resolution No. 18-R-0032 - A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Contract Agreement with Schroeder & Schroeder Inc. for Services Related to the 2018 Sidewalk, Curb, and Gutter Maintenance Program (for an amount not to exceed $121,838.75).

L. Resolution No. 18-R-0033 - A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with the County of DuPage, Illinois, for the Implementation of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program in the West Branch DuPage River and Fox River Watersheds.

M. Approve the Purchase of HMA Asphalt Materials from Plote Construction Inc. (for an amount not to exceed $46,000.00).

N. Approve the Purchase of Four 2018 Ford Utility AWD Police Interceptor Vehicle from Currie Motors Fleet (for an amount not to exceed $131,800.00).

•Public Affairs Committee:

O. Resolution No. 18-R-0028 - A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Contract Agreement with Signarama West Chicago (JRC Enterprises, LLC) for Professional Services Related to the Fabrication and Installation of Entrance Signs for City Hall, Police Station, Water Treatment Plant, and the Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant.

9. Reports by Committees

10. Unfinished Business

11. New Business

12. Correspondence and Announcements

Upcoming Meetings:

May 24, 2018 Finance Committee (cancelled)

May 29, 2018 Public Affairs Committee

May 29, 2018 Historical Preservation Commission

13. Mayor's Comments

14. Executive Session

A. Land Acquisition - 5 ILCS 120/2 (C) (5) (6)

B. Litigation -5 ILCS 120/2 (C) (11)

C. Personnel Matters - 5 ILCS 120/2 (C) (1)

D. Review of Official Record - 5 ILCS 120/2 (C) (21)

15. Items to be Referred for Final Action from Executive Session.

16. Adjournment
