
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

West Chicago City Council met April 2.

Webp meeting41

West Chicago City Council met April 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

1. Call to Order. Mayor Ruben Pineda called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Alderman Birch-Ferguson led all in the pledge of allegiance.

3. Invocation. The City Clerk gave the invocation.

4. Roll Call and Establishment of a Quorum.

Roll Call found Aldermen Lori J. Chassee, James E. Beifuss, Jr., Heather Brown, Jayme Sheahan, Michael D. Ferguson, Alton Hallett, Sandy Dimas, Melissa Birch-Ferguson, Matthew E. Garling, George L. Garcia, Rebecca Stout, Bonnie A. Gagliardi, and Noreen Ligino-Kubinski present. Alderman Kurt Meissner was absent. The Mayor announced a quorum.

City Clerk Nancy M. Smith was also present.

Also in attendance were City Attorney Patrick K. Bond, City Administrator Michael L. Guttman, Chief of Police Mike Uplegger, and Community Development Director Tom Dabareiner.

5. Public Participation. No one spoke during Public Participation.

6. City Council Meeting Minutes – March 19, 2018. Alderman Hallett made a motion, seconded by Alderman Ferguson, to approve the minutes of March 19, 2018, with no changes. Voting Aye: Aldermen Chassee, Beifuss, Brown, Sheahan, Ferguson, Hallett, Dimas, Birch-Ferguson, Garcia, Stout, Gagliardi, and Ligino-Kubinski.. Voting Nay: 0. Alderman Garling abstained. Motion carried.

7. Corporate Disbursement Report. Alderman Dimas made a motion, seconded by Alderman Garling, to approve the April 2, 2018, Corporate Disbursement Report in the amount of $466,034.07. Voting Aye: Aldermen Chassee, Beifuss, Brown, Sheahan, Ferguson, Hallett, Dimas, Birch-Ferguson, Garling, Garcia, Stout, Gagliardi, and Ligino- Kubinski.. Voting Nay: 0. Motion carried.

8. Consent Agenda – Consideration of an Omnibus Vote.

* Finance Committee: Alderman Dimas read and explained the following items:

A. Resolution 18-R-0009 – A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Revised Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Winfield – Creation of the West Chicago/Winfield Wastewater Authority

B. Resolution 18-R-0010 – A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of West Chicago, DuPage Airport Authority, West Chicago Library District, West Chicago Fire Protection District, West Chicago Elementary District 33, Community High School District 94 and Discovery Drive Investors, LLC in Regard to a Property Abatement Relative to the Development of the Discovery Drive Investors Property

C. Resolution 18-R-0011 – A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of West Chicago, DuPage Airport Authority, West Chicago Library District, West Chicago Fire Protection District, West Chicago Elementary District 33, Community High School District 94 and Discovery Drive Investors, LLC in Regard to a Property Abatement Relative to the Development of the Norix Property

D. Resolution 18-R-0012 – A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Economic Incentive Agreement By and Between the City of West Chicago and Discovery Drive Investors, LLC

E. Resolution 18-R-0013 – A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Economic Incentive Agreement By and Between the City of West Chicago, Norix Group Inc. and Norix Global Holdings, LLC

Alderman Dimas made a motion, seconded by Alderman Chassee, to approve the above items. Voting Aye: Aldermen Chassee, Beifuss, Brown, Sheahan, Ferguson, Hallett, Dimas, Birch-Ferguson, Garling, Garcia, Stout, Gagliardi, and Ligino-Kubinski.. Voting Nay: 0. Motion carried.

* Public Affairs Committee: Alderman Chassee read and explained the following items:

F. Approve – The ABD Cycling Training Races Scheduled Every Wednesday from April 11, 2018, through September 12, 2018

G. Approved – The ABD Cycling Master’s Memorial Weekend Races Scheduled May 26-28, 2018

Alderman Chassee made a motion, seconded by Alderman Brown, to approve the above items. Voting Aye: Aldermen Chassee, Beifuss, Brown, Sheahan, Ferguson, Hallett, Dimas, Birch-Ferguson, Garling, Garcia, Stout, Gagliardi, and Ligino-Kubinski.. Voting Nay: 0. Motion carried.

9. Reports by Committees. None

10. Unfinished Business. None

11. New Business. None

12. Correspondence and Announcements.

Upcoming Meetings

- April 3, 2018 Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals (cancelled)

- April 5, 2018 Infrastructure Committee

- April 9, 2018 Development Committee

City Administrator Guttman said the Council approved a number of economic incentives. This is good news. The Finance Committee took the position that this is what it is. Two will be in the DuPage Business Center and one outside. This is an exciting time.

13. Mayor’s Comments. The Mayor said on Election Day, the people decided against video gaming in West Chicago. He said it was very exciting to see it on the ballot. The matter first went to the Public Affairs Committee. It ended in the Public Affairs Committee. The Mayor thanked everyone who worked on it and to the public for coming out and saying what they wanted. The Mayor said he was a little disappointed to hear that some people felt the City would not honor the 70% election result.

The Mayor referenced City Administrator Guttman’s news about the new businesses. It is staff’s job and his job to bring in new businesses and keep others in West Chicago. The Mayor said it is the first time in 10 years that the Airport is running out of property. He also said the General Mills property will have a positive end, and the City will be proud of it.

The Mayor said he hoped the Council understood that he is very transparent. He does not meet behind the scenes. He has never called anyone to vote a certain way. The four committees run their agendas. He said West Chicago has a great City Council and he did not want anyone to think any business is conducted behind the scenes. The Mayor said if anyone needs anything from him, they can call him. People will get his opinion, but he will not try to sway anyone.

14. Executive Session. There was no executive session.

15. Items to be Referred for Final Action from Executive Session. Not applicable.

16. Adjournment. At 7:12 pm, Alderman Chassee made a motion, seconded by Alderman Stout, to adjourn. Motion was carried by voice vote.
