
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

DuPage County Health and Human Services Committee met May 1.

Webp meeting 02

DuPage County Health and Human Services Committee met May 1.

Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:

1. Call To Order

2. Roll Call

3. Public Comment

4. Chairman's Report - Chair Larsen

5. Approval Of Minutes

Health & Human Services - Regular Meeting - Tuesday April 17th, 2018

6. Community Services - Mary Keating

CS Requests That Also Require Finance And/Or County Board Approval

Change Order -- HHS-P-0385B-17 - Amendment to Resolution HHS-P-0385A-17, issued to Healthy Air Heating and Air, Incorporated, to provide architectural weatherization labor and materials to the PY18 Weatherization Program, to increase the encumbrance in the amount of $190,154.00, resulting in an amended contract total amount of $313,025.00, an increase of 154.76% (Service Contract 2770-0001 SERV).

7. Dupage Care Center - Janelle Chadwick

A. DuPage Care Center Requests That Also Require Finance And/Or County Board Approval

1. HHS-P-0147-18 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Warehouse Direct, Inc., for hand soap, hand sanitizer, lotion, shampoo and body wash, for the DuPage Care Center, for the period May 28, 2018 through May 27, 2020, for a contract amount not to exceed $62,639.92, per lowest responsible bid #18- 055-GV.

2. HHS-P-0148-18 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Prescription Supply, Inc., for secondary pharmaceuticals for In-House Close Shop Pharmacy for the period May 21, 2018 through May 20, 2019, for a total contract not to exceed $170,000.00, per sole responsible bid #18-067-DT.

3. HHS-P-0149-18 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Sysco Chicago, Inc., for Primary Food Supplies and Chemicals for the DuPage Care Center Dining Services, JTK Administration Building and Judicial Office Facility Building Cafe's, for the period June 1, 2018 through May 31, 2019, for a contract total not to exceed $1,111,000.00, per sole qualified offeror per proposal #P18-045- GV.

B. DuPage Care Center Requests for Parent Committee Final Approval

1. 2018-124 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Northwestern Medicine - Central DuPage Hospital, for Pass Thru Medicare Part A Costs for Services Rendered to the DuPage Care Center residents, for the period June 1, 2018 through May 31, 2019, for a contract total not to exceed $12,500.00. Per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 (c) "Competitive Bidding"

2. 2018-125 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Medline Industries, Inc., to furnish and deliver various paper and plastic products, covering the period June 1, 2018 through May 31, 2019, for a contract total not to exceed $16,200.00, per lowest responsible bid #15-029-GV, third and final optional to renew.

3. 2018-126 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order EZ Way, Inc., for repair and maintenance of the EZ Way, patient lifters, for the period June 1, 2018 through May 31, 2019, for a contract amount not to exceed $16,800.00, per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 'Competitive Bids' (c) not suitable for competitive bidding.

8. Travel Requests - Overnight - Require County Board Approval

A. Authorization for Overnight Travel -- Community Development Administrator to attend the Illinois Home Weatherization Assistance Program (IHWAP) Policy and Procedure Workshop in Springfield, Illinois from May 15, 2018 through May 16, 2018. Expenses to include lodging, miscellaneous expenses (parking, mileage, etc.), and per diems for approximate total of $370.00. Weatherization grant funded 5000-1400

B. Authorization for Overnight Travel -- Community Development Assessor/Final Inspector to attend the Illinois Home Weatherization Assistance Program (IHWAP) Policy and Procedure Workshop in Springfield, Illinois from May 15, 2018 through May 16, 2018. Expenses to include lodging, miscellaneous expenses (parking, mileage, etc.), and per diems for approximate total of $315.18. Weatherization grant funded 5000-1400

C. Authorization for Overnight Travel -- Senior Community Development Specialist to attend the annual National Conference on Ending Homelessness in Washington, DC from July 22, 2018 through July 25, 2018. Expenses to include registration, transportation, lodging, and per diems for approximate total of $2,045.00. Funded by the HUD Continuum of Care Planning grant 5000-1510

D. Authorization for Overnight Travel -- Community Services Information and Referral Coordinator to attend the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) mandatory 2019 grant training in Springfield, Illinois from June 5, 2018 through June 7, 2018. Expenses to include lodging and per diem for approximate total of $300.00. CSBG grant funded.

E. Authorization for Overnight Travel -- Community Services Administrator to attend the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) mandatory 2019 grant training in Springfield, Illinois from June 5, 2018 through June 7, 2018. Expenses to include lodging, miscellaneous expenses (parking, mileage, etc., and per diem for approximate total of $525.00. CSBG grant funded.

F. Authorization for Overnight Travel -- Assistant Financial Services Administrator to attend the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) mandatory 2019 grant training in Springfield, Illinois from June 5, 2018 through June 7, 2018. Expenses to include lodging, and per diem for approximate total of $300.00. CSBG grant funded.

G. Authorization for Overnight Travel -- Community Services Administrator to take a certification exam for the Certified Community Action Professional (CCAP) in Springfield, Illinois from June 19, 2018 through June 20, 2018. Expenses to include lodging, miscellaneous expenses (parking, mileage, etc.), and per diems for approximate total of $375.00. CSBG grant funded.

9. Consent Items

A. Consent Item -- Decrease Contract 2772-0001 SERV issued to Appliance, Carpet, Parts LLC, D/B/A Custom Appliance & Custom Carpet Wholesalers, in the amount of $24,377.00, for the less than expected need to provide appliances for the PY18 Weatherization Program

B. Consent Item -- Decrease Contract 2771-0001 SERV issued to Healthy Air Heating and Air, Incorporated, in the amount of $165,777.00, for the less than expected need to provide mechanical (HVAC) weatherization labor and materials for the PY18 Weatherization Program

10. Residency Waivers - Janelle Chadwick

11. Community Services Update - Mary Keating

12. Dupage Care Center Update - Janelle Chadwick

13. Old Business

14. New Business

15. Informational Items

Grant Proposal Notifications -- GPN #021-18 - Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Energy Assistance State Supplemental Grant #19-254028 - Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity - Community Services - $2,856,548.00

16. Adjournment
