
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

DuPage County Animal Care and Control Committee met April 3.

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DuPage County Animal Care and Control Committee met April 3.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

1. Call To Order

10:30 am meeting was called to order by Chairman Brian J Krajewski at 10:30 am.

2. Roll Call

Present: Anderson, Eckhoff, Krajewski, Noonan, Puchalski, Wiley (10:32 am)


3. Public Comment

No Public Comment

4. Chairman's Remarks

No Chairman Remarks

5. Minutes Approval

A. Animal Care and Control Committee - Regular Meeting - Mar 20, 2018 10:30 am

Result: Accepted [Unanimous]

Mover: Sean T Noonan, District 2

Seconder: Janice Anderson, District 5

Ayes: Anderson, Eckhoff, Krajewski, Noonan, Puchalski

Absent: Wiley

Member Wiley arrived at 10:32 am.

6. Procurement Requisitions

A. Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Datamars, Inc., to provide PetLink microchips, scanners, and chip registration for Animal Care & Control for the period May 1, 2018 through October 31, 2019 (18 months) with two options to renew, for a contract total not to exceed $13,750.00, per lowest responsible bid # 18-043- JM.

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Janice Anderson, District 5

Seconder: Sean T Noonan, District 2

Ayes: Anderson, Eckhoff, Krajewski, Noonan, Puchalski

Absent: Wiley

Member Wiley arrived at 10:32 am.

B. Recommendation for the approval of a purchase order to Dr. Von Waldau to provide mobile veterinary services using Animal Care & Control's new spay/neuter van for the period of June 1, 2018 to May 30 2019, for a contract total amount not to exceed $24,000.00. Other Professional Services not subject to competitive bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022(a). Vendor selected pursuant to DuPage County Code Section2-300.4-108 (1) (b).

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald Puchalski, District 1

Seconder: Janice Anderson, District 5

Ayes: Anderson, Eckhoff, Krajewski, Noonan, Puchalski

Absent: Wiley

Member Wiley arrived at 10:32 am.

7. Other Action Items

A. Authorization for Overnight Travel -- Animal Caretaker Travel to Travel to Attend Conference in Bloomington, IL from June 3, 2018 - June 6, 2018. Expenses to include registration, mileage, tolls, lodging, and per diem for the estimated maximum total of $821.70.

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Sean T Noonan, District 2

Seconder: Janice Anderson, District 5

Ayes: Anderson, Eckhoff, Krajewski, Noonan, Puchalski

Absent: Wiley

Member Wiley arrived at 10:32 am.

B. Authorization for Overnight Travel -- Senior Intake/Adoption & Client Services Coordinator Travel to Travel to Attend Conference in Bloomington, IL from June 3, 2018 - June 6, 2018. Expenses to include registration, mileage, tolls, lodging, and per diem for the estimated maximum total of $811.00.

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald Puchalski, District 1

Seconder: Sean T Noonan, District 2

Ayes: Anderson, Eckhoff, Krajewski, Noonan, Puchalski

Absent: Wiley

Member Wiley arrived at 10:32 am.

8. Administrative Update

Laura Flamion, Operations Manager, let the Committee know that there are two events in April they are invited to, the Volunteer Luncheon on 4/22 and DuPage Animal Friends (DAF) fundraiser at the Human Race on 4/28. She also spoke to new initiatives at the shelter that have been brought about by attendance of staff at a recent conference in Austin, TX. These include different marketing techniques for adoptable animals, protocols for bottle kittens and feral cats, and additional information on dog play groups. Coming up in the near future, one of the shelter volunteers will be holding two training sessions for staff and a group of other volunteers on dog play groups. Ms. Flamion also spoke to the new adoption initiative, Under Dog to Wonder Dog which gives additional resources to adopters of some of our harder to place dogs. We have already had one dog in the program adopted, She-Ra, who is currently thriving in her new home.

Ms. Flamion and Dr. Barbara Hanek, Administrator Veterinarian, let the committee know that they are working with OHSEM on a Coop plan for emergencies. Dr. Hanek met with government employees in Milton Township regarding their current program and found they have many certified responders. She also had a discussion with a representative from FEMA and learned that they offer training modules in animal emergency response. The shelter has decided to sponsor this training for staff and certified responders.

Dr. Hanek informed the Committee that because of her trip to the VMX Conference in February which enabled her to meet with multiple vendors and take advantage of conference specials, she was able to save approximately $55,000.00 for DAF's purchasing of equipment and materials for the new spay/neuter van. The exterior van design was finalized this week and delivery is scheduled for early-mid May.

Dr. Hanek also brought up a potential shelter name change from DuPage County Animal Care & Control to DuPage County Animal Services. The Committee was on board with the name change with member Puchalski saying that it sounds much more positive. Member Wiley wanted to be sure the Control aspect will still be highlighted as services provided to citizens. Dr. Hanek stated that they definitely would be and spoke to a larger communications initiative that is a priority for the shelter. The plan is to provide additional information to citizens and municipalities on what is offered. Also in the works is targeted communication education and services via the spay/neuter van to areas/locations that would benefit. A new database will be instrumental in achieving this goal by giving the shelter staff the ability to track animal bites, animals not spayed/neutered, etc. and proactively provide resources to those communities.

9. Old Business

No Old Business

10. New Business

No New Business

11. Adjournment

Chairman Krajewski adjourned the meeting at 10:47 am.
