City of Elmhurst Senior Citizens Commission met January 10.
Here is the minutes as provided by the commission:
1. Call to Order—Chairman Cathy Jordan called the meeting to order at 1:04 p.m.
2. Public Comments—There were no public comments.
3. MSC Kris moved that the minutes of the November 8, 2017 meeting be approved as presented.
Georgia moved that the minutes of the December 13, 2017 meeting be approved as corrected.
Amy was not in attendance.
4. Announcements / Correspondence—The Commissioners introduced themselves to the guests. Cathy
sent a letter to the city council in support of M.F.S. and D.S.C.C. The council passed the motion to fund
both organizations. Cathy and Georgia attending the city parking meeting and learned that the issue is
city wide not only a senior issue. They suggested valet parking as an option.
5. Michael Capizzano explained where Addison Township is—north of North Avenue—and gave an
overview of Ride DuPage. He is also a S.H.I.P. representative. Ride DuPage has 300 vehicles available.
All of them have vehicular transponders and a 96% on time record. There is no same day service; a
minimum of twenty-four hours notice (up to seven days) is needed. A companion can ride along free.
There is seven days a week/twenty-four-hour service available. Ride DuPage takes 7000 per month on
trips averaging 6.5 miles with curb to curb service. The driver cannot enter the home, so the rider must
meet him at the car which would come in the driveway. The call center hours to arrange for rides are 6
a.m.-6 p.m. and the time needed for pickup and the time for return pickup will be verified. There are no
limits on the number of rides a person can take. Ride DuPage was created to eliminate Pilot II. A
question was asked about whether different towns have rules within the Ride DuPage system, but
Michael said that most towns are in line with one another. He believes we would need an
intergovernmental agreement to get Ride DuPage to include Elmhurst south of North Avenue. Drivers
are paid by PACE and trained and monitored by PACE. The yearly cost to Addison Township is
6. DuPage Senior Citizens Council—written report provided. Ralph reported: November—Meals
served—671; Seniors Served—82; Well-being Checks—544; Home Maintenance and Yard Clean-up—
23. December—Meals served—710; Seniors Served—65; Well-being Checks—576; Home Maintenance
and Yard Clean-up—10. Elmhurst Totals January 1, 2017-December 31, 2017: Meals served—10,913;
Seniors Served—199; Well-being Checks—7,118; Home Maintenance and Yard Clean-up—51.
7. Metropolitan Family Services—written reports provided for November and December. November—
Residents with open case files—18, Walk-ins—9, Information and referral calls—18, Community
Education/Development/Outreach—88 with a total of 116 persons served. They finished the Caregiver
Series at the Library, responded to referrals from the Police and Fire Departments, 2 residents attending
the 60+ support group. December— Residents with open case files—18, Walk-ins—5, Information and
referral calls—9, Community Education/Development/Outreach—19 with a total of 51 persons served.
They responded to 3 referrals from the EPD and the 60+ support group is expanding.
8. Committee Reports:
a. Transportation—Speaker provided information pertaining to Ride DuPage.
b. Collaboration—no report.
c. Education—Cathy reported that the November Community Conversation was cancelled due to a
problem with the speaker.
d. Housing—Kris said perhaps a small open house at the M.F.S. office would be beneficial to inform
the city officials about its services, as well as its location right in city hall. Late spring and early fall
are being considered.
9. Other Business—Cathy said that there is the possibility of an intergovernmental agreement involving
the park district, school district, and the city for a swap of The Abbey. The question is where a senior
center would then be located.
10. Adjournment—There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m.
The Next Meeting will be 1:00 p.m.,
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
The Elmhurst Public Library