
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, March 10, 2025

Conroy opponent calls for the resignation of Madigan following complaint against staffer

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Rep. Deb Conroy’s (D-Villa Park) opponent in District 46 has called for House Speaker Mike Madigan to step down after those within his own Democratic Party demanded his resignation. 

Dr. Jay Kinzler made the comments after news of Madigan’s inaction after sexual harassment claims against Kevin Quinn made headlines. A former employee of the Democratic Party and Madigan’s campaign, Alaina Hampton, claimed Quinn sent her several harassing text messages even after she asked him to stop. Despite Hampton filing a complaint with Alderman Marty Quinn in February 2017, Kevin Quinn was not fired. 

In April, Hampton left her job, and in November sent a private letter to Madigan outlining her complaint and concerns over the inaction. It was only after she took her case to the media that Kevin Quinn lost his job. 

Dr. Jay Kinzler

“Madigan should step down as Speaker of the House and as head of the Illinois Democratic Party for abusing his power and covering up for those close to him who engaged in unwanted and inappropriate sexual misconduct,” Kinzler said in an email to the DuPage Policy Journal

“My opponent Rep. Conroy should also be demanding his resignation, now that she knows the leader she voted for has allowed this abuse of women."

Rep. Scott Drury (D-Highwood) has said that Madigan needs to resign over the issue. Democratic gubernatorial candidate Chris Kennedy and State Sen. Daniel Biss of Evanston, who is also running for governor, have both also stated Madigan should go. 

“Democrat State Representative Scott Drury has demanded Madigan resigns and has specifically called out Deb Conroy by name for her inaction," Kinzler said. "I, too, call on Rep. Conroy, current legislators, and legislative leaders to do the right thing and demand Madigan resign, and pledge not to vote for him as Speaker in the future.” 

Hampton has also filed a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.