DuPage County Local Emergency Planning Committee met Feb. 20.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
1. Call To Order
2. Roll Call
3. Public Comment
4. Minutes Approval
A. Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) - LEPC Meeting - Tuesday November 21st, 2017
5. Action Items
A. Action Item -- Adjustment to Bylaws-Article III to be adjusted in the standing DuPage LEPC bylaws, under Full Membership.
B. Action Item -- Adjustment to Bylaws-Article IV to be adjusted in the standing DuPage LEPC bylaws, under The Chairperson.
C. Action Item -- Adjustment to Bylaws-Article V to be adjusted in the standing DuPage LEPC bylaws, item (d) quorum.
D. Action Item -- Adjustment to Bylaws-Article VI to be adjusted in the standing DuPage LEPC bylaws, within Section 5.
E. Action Item -- Adjustment to Bylaws-Article XI to be adjusted in the standing DuPage LEPC bylaws, within Section 3.
6. Informational Items
A. Informational -- Informational-Community Meeting outcome. Meeting was NOT held on February 1, 2018.
B. Informational -- The previously vacated Hospital Representative position has been filled.
The position has been filled by primary member Keith Hronek and alternate member Sam Boyle from Northwestern Medicine.
C. Informational -- The Annual Open Meetings Act Training needs to be completed for members and FOIA Training for OHSEM employees.
7. Old Business
8. New Business
9. Adjournment