
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

DuPage County Animal Care and Control Committee met February 6.

DuPage County Animal Care and Control Committee met Feb. 6.

Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:

1. Call To Order

10:30 AM meeting was called to order by Chairman Brian J Krajewski at 10:30 AM.

2. Roll Call

PRESENT: Anderson, Eckhoff, Krajewski, Noonan, Wiley

ABSENT: Puchalski


No Public Comment

4. Chairman's Remarks

Chairman Krajewski let the Members know that there was a very good article in the Chicago Tribune last week regarding the new spay/neuter van. Link:


5. Minutes Approval

A. Animal Care and Control Committee - Regular Meeting - Jan 16, 2018 10:30 AM


MOVER: Kevin Wiley, District 6

SECONDER: Sean T Noonan, District 2

AYES: Anderson, Eckhoff, Krajewski, Noonan, Wiley

ABSENT: Puchalski

6. Other Action Items

A. Change Order -- Amendment to P.O. 2227-0001-SERV issued to AVID Identification Systems for the purchase & delivery of microchips, scanners, and registration for DuPage County Animal Care & Control, to increase the encumbrance by $1,300.00 resulting in an amended contract total not to exceed $12,320.00, an increase of 11.80%.


MOVER: Kevin Wiley, District 6

SECONDER: Sean T Noonan, District 2

AYES: Anderson, Eckhoff, Krajewski, Noonan, Wiley

ABSENT: Puchalski

B. Change Order -- ACC-P-0139C-16 Amendment to Resolution ACC-P-0139B-16 (P.O. 1867-0001) issued to Henry Schein Animal Health for the purchase & delivery of veterinary pharmaceutical and medical supplies, to increase the encumbrance $13,000.00 for Animal Care and Control resulting in an amended contract total not to exceed $87,500.00, an increase of 17.45%.


MOVER: Kevin Wiley, District 6

SECONDER: Janice Anderson, District 5

AYES: Anderson, Eckhoff, Krajewski, Noonan, Wiley

ABSENT: Puchalski

C. Consent Item -- Lombard Animal Hospital - Decrease and Close Contract 1628-0001-SERV


MOVER: Sean T Noonan, District 2

SECONDER: Janice Anderson, District 5

AYES: Anderson, Eckhoff, Krajewski, Noonan, Wiley

ABSENT: Puchalski

7. Administrative Update

Laura Flamion, Operations Manager, informed the Committee that the shelter is aiming for April 22nd for the annual Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon. Once a date and venue are finalized, she will share the details with the Members. Also in April, the DuPage Animal Friends (DAF) Foundation will be participating in this year's DuPage Human Race. Leading up to the event, DAF is raising $10,000.00 to help outfit the new spay/neuter van and purchase other equipment. Ms. Flamion mentioned that the staff have created signs in support for SB2280 (Louie's Law) and are asking volunteers to take pictures of their pets with the sign and submit on the shelter's Facebook page. Link: https://www.facebook.com/dupagecacc/. She also heard a segment yesterday on WBEZ regarding the Good Samaritan Law that DuPage and Will Counties have been working on. Ms. Flamion updated the Committee on the new database project stating that it is moving forward with another product demo already scheduled.

8. Old Business

Member Eckhoff asked about a dangerous dog investigation in his district. Chairman Krajewski asked Brian Gorka, Assistant States Attorney, to provide Member Eckhoff with the case details. Member Noonan enquired about the origin of most animal-related citations/tickets issued. Ms. Flamion stated that the vast majority of tickets are issued by the DuPage County Animal Control Officers (ACO), not the Sherriff’s Department. Chairman Krajewski requested the exact numbers from Mr. Gorka. The fee structure of tickets was brought up as part of this conversation. Ms. Flamion stated that staff are reviewing the current fees and hope to have the proposed changes by the end of March. One of the fees staff is specifically looking at is the dangerous dog declaration citation. Chairman Krajewski asked Amanda Talsma, Administrative Assistant and Committee Secretary, to get the number of dangerous and vicious dog declarations in 2017.

9. New Business

No New Business

10. Adjournment

Chairman Krajewski adjourned the meeting at 10:42 AM.
