
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, March 28, 2025

DuPage County Technology Committee met January 9.

Webp meetingroom04

DuPage County Technology Committee met Jan. 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

1. Call To Order

9:00 AM meeting was called to order by Chairman Kevin Wiley at 9:00 AM.

2. Roll Call

PRESENT: Anderson, Berlin, Chaplin, Elliott, Fichtner, Grogan, Henry, Kachiroubas, Krajewski, Wiley, Zaruba

ABSENT: Bucholz

Conor McCarthy was present as a representative for Member Robert Berlin, State's Attorney.

Iwan Dimidik was present as a representative for Member John Zaruba, County Sheriff.

3. Chairman's Remarks

Chairman Wiley noted that the Election Commission will give a presentation at the next Technology Committee meeting. He also noted that the Plante Moran RFP was awarded and the kick-off meeting will be held soon.

4. Public Comment

5. Approval Of Minutes

A. Technology Committee - Regular Meeting - Dec 12, 2017 9:00 AM


MOVER: Brian J Krajewski, District 3

SECONDER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

AYES: Anderson, Berlin, Chaplin, Elliott, Fichtner, Grogan, Henry, Kachiroubas, Krajewski, Wiley, Zaruba

ABSENT: Bucholz

6. Action Items

A. TE-P-0026-18 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Imaging Systems, Inc., d/b/a Integrated Document Technologies (IDT) for the annual Hyland Software Assurance maintenance for imaging systems for various departments, for the period of January 1, 2018 through January 31, 2019, for Information Technology, for a contract total amount of $41,567.10, per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 “Competitive Bids” (c) not suitable for competitive bids – Sole Source. IDT is the OnBase approved provider for their products.


MOVER: Tim Elliott, District 4

SECONDER: Chris Kachiroubas, Circuit Court Clerk

AYES: Anderson, Berlin, Chaplin, Elliott, Fichtner, Grogan, Henry, Kachiroubas, Krajewski, Wiley, Zaruba

ABSENT: Bucholz

B. Change Order -- TE-P-0212B-17 - Amendment to Resolution TE-P-0212-17 (County Contract 2642-0001-SERV), issued to CDW Government, Inc. for Azure Cloud Services for ArcGIS and SQL Servers, for Information Technology - GIS Division, to increase the contract amount by $4,223.96 order to cover the amount accrued during a change in our subscription usage dates, resulting in an amended contract total of $151,653.00, an increase of 2.87%.


MOVER: Brian J Krajewski, District 3

SECONDER: Gwen Henry, Ex-Officio - Treasurer

AYES: Anderson, Berlin, Chaplin, Elliott, Fichtner, Grogan, Henry, Kachiroubas, Krajewski, Wiley, Zaruba

ABSENT: Bucholz

C. 2018-43 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Carahsoft Technology Corp. for high-definition streaming services for the Agenda Meeting Management System for Information Technology. This contract covers the period of February 13, 2018 through October 31, 2018, for a contract total amount of $6,933.60, per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 'Competitive Bids' (d) IT/Telecom purchases under $35,000.00.


MOVER: Brian J Krajewski, District 3

SECONDER: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

AYES: Anderson, Berlin, Chaplin, Elliott, Fichtner, Grogan, Henry, Kachiroubas, Krajewski, Wiley, Zaruba

ABSENT: Bucholz

7. Informational Items

Member Grogan moved, seconded by Member Krajewski, to place on file item 7A. All ayes. Motion carried.

A. HHS-P-0020-18 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Bowman Systems L.L.C. a Mediware Company, for the annual renewal of the ServicePoint contract and licenses and for Bowman Systems L.L.C. a Mediware Company, to provide onsite training, for the period November 1, 2017 through October 31, 2018, for Community Services, for a contract total not to exceed $44,703.33, per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 “Competitive Bids” (c) not suitable for competitive bids-Sole Source. (Provision and use of a Homeless Management Information System and training). Grant funded


MOVER: Robert Grogan, County Auditor

SECONDER: Brian J Krajewski, District 3

AYES: Anderson, Berlin, Chaplin, Elliott, Fichtner, Grogan, Henry, Kachiroubas, Krajewski, Wiley, Zaruba

ABSENT: Bucholz

8. Old Business


9. New Business

Member Chaplin asked the committee if they feel DuPage County should take a position on the net neutrality issue. Chairman Wiley responded that that topic might be more appropriate for the Legislative Committee to discuss. Member Fichtner added that the legislation was already passed so there is no need for the County to weigh in on it.

Member Henry commended the IT department for processing real estate payments quickly and efficiently. In turn, Member Wiley commended Treasurer Henry and her staff as well.

10. Adjournment

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned
