
Dupage Policy Journal

Thursday, January 30, 2025

DuPage County Environmental Committee met November 7.

Webp meeting240

DuPage County Environmental Committee met November 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

1. Call To Order

8:45 am meeting was called to order by Chair Amy L Grant at 8:47 am.

2. Roll Call

Present: Grant, Krajewski (8:45 Am - 9:11 Am), Noonan (8:45 am - 9:15 am), Wiley, Healy (8:45 am - 9:15 am)

Absent: Fichtner

Member Krajewski exited the Environmental Committee Meeting at 9:11 am to meet with Animal Control Staff. The Environmental Committee had a quorum until 9:15 am, both Members Noonan and Healy had other County meetings to attend to.

3. Chairman's Remarks


4. Public Comment


5. Approval Of Minutes

A. Environmental Committee - Regular Meeting - Oct 3, 2017 8:45 am

Result: Accepted [Unanimous]

Mover: James Healy, District 5

Seconder: Kevin Wiley, District 6

Ayes: Grant, Krajewski, Noonan, Wiley, Healy

6. Schedule Of Claims

A. Payment of Claims -- Schedule of Claims

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: James Healy, District 5

Seconder: Brian J Krajewski, Vice Chairman

Ayes: Grant, Krajewski, Noonan, Wiley, Healy

7. Action Items

A. EN-P-0428-17 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to SCARCE, for environmental education services, for the Department of Building & Zoning, for the period 12/1/17 - 11/30/18 for contract total amount of $136,500. Other Professional Service not subject to competitive bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022(a). Vendor selected pursuant to DuPage County Code Section 2-300.4-108 (1) (b). Member Krajewski inquired if the committee members actually voted on the decision memo that is included in the packet or does the States Attorney make that decision.

Lisa Smith, DuPage County Assistant States Attorney informed the committee, that based on our recommendation, the committee agreed that Scarce is a professional service and every six months this item must be brought before the committee informed Ms. Hinz based on the procurement rules.

Member Krajewski informed that listed within Exhibit B, that Exhibit C which summarizes the activities that Scarce will perform which includes all written or electronic teaching guides, Power Point presentations, agendas, etc. is missing.

Ms. Hinz informed that she will email Exhibit C and will ensure make every attempt to make sure the missing item is included in the packet with prior to this item going to County Board.

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: James Healy, District 5

Seconder: Sean T Noonan, District 2

Ayes: Grant, Krajewski, Noonan, Wiley, Healy

8. Discussion

1. 2018 Proposed Financial Plan

Ms. Hinz, DuPage County's Environmental Specialist II, informed the committee that in the 2018 proposed budget, we were seeking $45,000 dollars to help fund the latex paint program, however, $25,000 dollars was allotted for this program.

Nick Kottmeyer, the Director of Public Works, informed the committee that we should still be able to provide the same level of quality of service with the funding provided.

Ms. Hinz also informed the committee that Illinois Environmental Protection Agency also assist with the removal of latex paint and other hazardous household items, which leads us into the next topic of discussion in regards to the Naperville Household Hazardous Facility and its funding through the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.

The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency provides the City of Naperville with $500,000 to operate the Naperville Household Hazardous Facility. Beginning July 2018, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency will reduce that funding to half, $250,000 explained Ms. Hinz. The City of Naperville has six months to configure how they would operate on the newly proposed budget, stated Ms Hinz. More importantly, while the City of Naperville is working on the proposed plan to operate with half the funding, the City would appreciate knowing if the contribution of $100,000 from DuPage County would continue, explained Ms. Hinz.

Member Krajewski inquired what the other Counties have committed to contributing, and Ms. Hinz informed that the City of Aurora will continue with $20,000, Will County will remain at $25,000, Kane County will provide $10,000 and the City of Naperville contribute $106,000 plus the facility.

Member Wiley stated that we cannot offer a solid commitment at this time, things are constantly changing. We are paying the same amount of money for half the services, stated Member Wiley. Essentially, tough decisions must be made with a reduced budget, we may need to make changes operationally, we may be able to bridge the gap for some time, however that bridge is not an open ended commitment, added Mr. Wiley. We may need to tap into other resources to facilitate the programs that we offer, and that is not to say that we will not offer that bridge of assistance, added Mr. Wiley.

Discussion ensued.

The members agreed that the funding will be sustained through the end of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency contract date and further discussion regarding the County's funding contribution in the future will be had.

9. Staff Reports

A. DuPage Recycling Center - Carol Stream

Ms. Hinz informed the committee that we have been notified by Waste Management that they will be closing the DuPage Recycling Center (550 N. Center Ave., Carol Stream) in December. The public drop-off will be closed December 8th and operations will discontinue on or around December 15th, added Ms. Hinz.

Ms. Hinz reported that since the drop-off was open to all residents for the recycling of materials (newspapers, cardboard, cans, bottles etc.), there may be an impact in your community. Ms. Hinz noted that this site typically served multi-family tenants, unincorporated residents and small businesses that either do not have access or do not purchase recycling services.

B. Department of Transportation Update Waste Disposal Contract

Due to time constraints, the Department of Transportation's item regarding the Waste Disposal Contract (9B) was removed from the agenda.

10. Presentations

A. Educational Partners - Scarce DuPage County Projects

Kay McKeen provided a power point presentation to the committee members. The power point will be attached hereto and made part of these minutes.

During the Scarce Power Point Presentation, there was not a quorum, no further addition discussion of County business during this time.

B. Scarce November 2017 Power Point

11. Old Business


12. New Business


13. Adjournment

9:19 am
