
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, December 22, 2024

DuPage County Board met November 28

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DuPage County Board met November 28. 

Here is the agenda as provided by the board:

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Invocation

A. Rabbi Mendy Golstein - Chabad Jewish Center of Naperville

4. Roll Call

5. Chairman's Report

A. Illinois Bicentennial Flag Raising Proclamation

B. Donka, Inc. 30th Anniversary Proclamation

C. RTA Budget Presentation

6. Public Comment

7. Consent Items

A. Approval of Committee Minutes: 10/24 - Finance, Technology, 11/7 - Animal Care &

Control, Health & Human Services, Public Works

B. Payment of Claims -- 11/14/17 Paylist

C. Payment of Claims -- 11/17/17 Paylist

D. Payment of Claims -- 11/21/2017 Paylist

E. Consent Item -- Consent Agenda November 28, 2017

8. County Board - Zay

Committee Update

A. CB-R-0498-17 RESOLUTION -- Appointment of Donald R. Voelz to the West Chicago

Mosquito Abatement District

9. Finance - Fichtner

Committee Update

A. FI-R-0489-17 RESOLUTION -- Acceptance and Appropriation of the Illinois Home Weatherization Assistance Program (IHWAP) State Grant FY18, Inter-Governmental Agreement No. 18-251028, Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 1490, $332,157.00

B. FI-R-0490-17 RESOLUTION -- Additional Appropriation for the Subsidized Taxi Fund

FY17 Company 1000, Accounting Unit 1620 $4,300.00

C. FI-R-0493-17 RESOLUTION -- Acceptance and Appropriation of additional funding and extension of time for the DuPage Convalescent Center Foundation Recreation Therapy Grant PY16, Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 2120, $18,000.00

D. FI-R-0494-17 RESOLUTION -- Acceptance and Appropriation of the DuPage Care Center Foundation Coordinator Grant PY18, Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 2120, $25,629.00

E. FI-R-0495-17 RESOLUTION -- Additional Appropriation for the Sheriff's Basic Correctional Officer (BCO)Training Fund FY17 Company 1300, Accounting Unit 4460 $90,000

F. FI-R-0496-17 RESOLUTION -- Budget Transfers 11-28-17 Budget Transfers Various

Companies and Accounting Units

G. FI-R-0497-17 RESOLUTION -- Placing Names on Payroll

H. FI-O-0051-17 ORDINANCE -- An Ordinance authorizing and providing for an Installment Purchase Agreement for the purpose of financing the costs of certain capital related projects for the County of DuPage, Illinois, and authorizing and providing for the issue of not to exceed $7,500,000 General Obligation Debt Certificates, Series 2017

I. FI-O-0052-17 ORDINANCE -- Authorizing Refunding Bonds - authorizing and providing for the issue of not to exceed $8,000,000 Waterworks and Sewerage Project Net Revenue New Second Lien Refunding Bonds, in one or more Series

10. FY2018 Budget Resolutions and Ordinances

A. FI-R-0467-17 RESOLUTION -- Authorization to Transfer Funds to the G.O. Alternate Series 2010 Debt Service Fund for Fiscal Year 2018 and Abate the 2017 Bond and Interest Tax Levy for the Series 2010A and 2010B General Obligation Alternate Revenue Source Bonds

B. FI-R-0468-17 RESOLUTION -- Authorization to Transfer Funds to the 1993 Jail Refunding Bonds Debt Service Fund for Fiscal year 2018 and Abate the 2017 Bond and Interest Tax Levy for the Series 1993 General Obligation Refunding Alternate Revenue Source Jail Bonds

C. FI-R-0469-17 RESOLUTION -- Authorization to Transfer Funds to the 1993 Stormwater Refunding Bonds Debt Service Fund for Fiscal Year 2018 and Abate the 2017 Bond and Interest Tax Levy for the 1993 General Obligation Refunding Alternate Revenue Source Stormwater Bonds

D. FI-R-0470-17 RESOLUTION -- Authorization to Transfer Funds to the 2016 Stormwater Refunding Bonds Debt Service Fund for Fiscal Year 2018 and Abate the 2017 Bond and Interest Tax Levy for the Series 2016 General Obligation Refunding Alternate Revenue Source Stormwater Bonds

E. FI-R-0471-17 RESOLUTION -- Abatement of the 2017 Tax Levy for General Obligation (Alternate Revenue Source) Drainage Refunding Bonds, Series 2011 in the amount of $566,900

F. FI-R-0472-17 RESOLUTION -- Abatement of the 2017 Tax Levy for General Obligation (Alternate Revenue Source) Drainage Refunding Bonds, Series 2015B in the amount of $1,459,000

G. FI-R-0473-17 RESOLUTION -- Authorization to Transfer Funds from the General Fund

to the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund for Fiscal Year 2018

H. FI-R-0474-17 RESOLUTION -- Authorization to Transfer Funds from the General Fund

to the Social Security Fund for Fiscal Year 2018

I. FI-R-0475-17 RESOLUTION -- Authorization to Transfer Funds from the General Fund

to the Tort Liability Fund for Fiscal Year 2018

J. FI-R-0476-17 RESOLUTION -- Authorization to Transfer Funds from the General Fund

to the DuPage Care Center Fund for Fiscal Year 2018

K. FI-R-0477-17 RESOLUTION -- Authorization to Transfer Funds from the Court

Automation Fund to the General Fund for Fiscal Year 2018

L. FI-R-0478-17 RESOLUTION -- Authorization to Transfer Funds from the General Fund

to the Stormwater Management Fund for Fiscal Year 2018

M. FI-R-0479-17 RESOLUTION -- Authorization to Transfer Funds from the General Fund

to the County Infrastructure Fund for the Fiscal Year 2018

N. FI-R-0480-17 RESOLUTION -- Authorization to Transfer Funds from the County

Infrastructure Fund to the General Fund for Fiscal Year 2018

O. FI-O-0044-17 ORDINANCE -- Annual Appropriation Ordinance for the County of DuPage, State of Illinois, for the Fiscal Period Beginning December 1, 2017 and Ending November 30, 2018

P. FI-O-0045-17 ORDINANCE -- 2017 Tax Levies for Fiscal Year 2018

Q. FI-O-0046-17 ORDINANCE -- County of DuPage Century Hill Lighting Fund 2017 Tax

Levy for Fiscal Year 2018

R. FI-R-0481-17 RESOLUTION -- Approval of Fiscal Year 2018 Headcount

S. FI-R-0486-17 RESOLUTION -- Setting and Approval of the Certified Personnel Total

for the DuPage County Sheriff's Office for Fiscal Year 2018

T. FI-R-0482-17 RESOLUTION -- Compensation Structure; Wage Adjustment Guidelines

U. FI-O-0047-17 ORDINANCE -- County Board of DuPage County Annual Appropriation for Board of Health Operations, Board of Health Municipal Retirement, Board of Health Social Security and Infrastructure Fund of the County of DuPage, State of Illinois, for the Fiscal Period Beginning December 1, 2017 and Ending November 30, 2018

V. FI-O-0048-17 ORDINANCE -- County Board of DuPage 2017 Tax Levies for the Board of Health Operation, Board of Health Municipal Retirement, and Board of Health Social Security for Fiscal Year 2018

W. FI-O-0049-17 ORDINANCE -- County Board of DuPage County Annual Appropriation Ordinance for Emergency Telephone System Board of the County of DuPage, State of Illinois, for the Fiscal Period Beginning December 1, 2017 and Ending November 30, 2018

X. Approval of the FY2018 Financial Plan

The FY2018 Financial Plan is available at www.dupageco.org

11. Animal Care & Control - Krajewski

Committee Update

A. Change Order -- ACC-P-0139B-16 Amendment to Resolution ACC-P-0139A-16 (P.O 1867-0001) issued to Henry Schein Animal Health for the purchase & delivery of veterinary pharmaceutical and medical supplies, to increase the encumbrance $17,500.00 and extend the contract through March 15, 2018 for Animal Care and Control resulting in an amended contract total not to exceed $74,500.00, an increase of 30.7%.

12. Economic Development - Khouri

Committee Update

A. ED-R-0487-17 RESOLUTION -- Service Agreement between the County of DuPage and

Choose DuPage

13. Health & Human Services - Larsen

Committee Update

A. HHS-R-0491-17 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for approval of a Neighborhood Stabilization Program Agreement Modification for a fourth time extension request until March 1, 2018 between DuPage County and Habitat for Humanity, Project NSP08-02a.

B. HHS-R-0492-17 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation to approve the transfer of liens CD93-12, CD05-20G, and CD06-24H from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), in the amount of $188,738.00, to the DuPage Health Department as part of the acquisition of 22W666 Hackberry, Glen Ellyn and 408 Braemar, Naperville to maintain the use of each property as a group home for persons with disabilities.

14. Judicial/Public Safety - Eckhoff

Committee Update

A. JPS-P-0453-17 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to A. Traub & Associates, Chantelle A. Porter, Attorney at Law, to provide Professional Services of a Conflict Attorney for the 18th Judicial Circuit Court. This contract covers the period of December 1, 2017 through November 30, 2018 for a contract total amount not to exceed $45,000.00. Other Professional Service not subject to competitive bidding per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022(a). Vendor selected pursuant to DuPage County Code Section 2- 300.4-108 (1) (b).

B. JPS-P-0454-17 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Integrated Solutions Consulting, to provide CEMP Maintenance, Licensing, and Technical Upgrades, covering the period of December 1, 2017 through November 30, 2018 for the Office of Homeland Security Emergency Management for a contract total amount not to exceed $33,000.00. Per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 Competitive Bids (d) IT/Telecom purchases under $35,000

C. JPS-P-0455-17 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Verizon Wireless, for cellular and wireless services, for the period December 1, 2017 through November 30, 2018, for Probation & Court Services, for a contract total not to exceed $34,600.00; per State of Illinois Master Contract #CMS793372P.

D. Authorization to Travel -- Authorization to Travel - OHSEM Coordinator to travel to Anniston, AL on March 11th-March 15th 2018 to attend the Center for Disease Control's (CDC) training in Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) operations. All costs are being covered by the CDC.

15. Public Works - Healy

Committee Update

A. Change Order -- FM-P-0066A-17 AMENDMENT to Resolution FM-P-0066-17, issued to Team Pipe & Supply Co d/b/a Royal Pipe & Supply Co., to furnish and deliver plumbing supplies, for Facilities Management, to increase the contract in the amount of $15,000.00, resulting in an amended contract amount not to exceed $50,000.00, an increase of 42.86%

16. Technology - Wiley

Committee Update

A. TE-P-0456-17 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to CDWG, Inc., for the purchase of small value technology hardware, software, cables and accessories for Information Technology. This contract covers the period of December 1, 2017 through November 30, 2018, for a contract total amount of $40,000.00. Contract pursuant to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act National IPA and National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) and/or TIPS cooperative purchasing agreement pricing, in compliance with 30 ILCS 525/2 "Governmental Joint Purchasing Act".

B. TE-P-0457-17 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to PCM Sales, Inc., for the purchase of small value technology hardware, software, cables and accessories for Information Technology. This contract covers the period of December 1, 2017 through November 30, 2018, for a contract total amount of $30,000.00. Per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 "Competitive Bids" (d) IT/Telecom Purchases under $35,000.00.

C. TE-P-0458-17 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Verizon Wireless to provide wireless services including basic cellular voice, smartphones, wireless data and push-to-talk for Information Technology. This contract covers the period of December 1, 2017, through November 30, 2018, for a contract total of $180,000.00. Contract let pursuant to the Governmental Joint Purchasing Act (State of Illinois)

D. TE-P-0459-17 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company for maintenance and support for VMWare software, Insight Control software, and hardware support for Data Center switches and tape library, for Information Technology. This contract covers the period of December 1, 2017 through November 30, 2018, for a contract total amount of $75,919.08, per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 "Competitive Bids" (c) not suitable for competitive bids - Sole Source. (Hardware support for data center switches and tape library)

E. TE-P-0460-17 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to SWC Technology Partners, Inc., for the annual software maintenance for FireEye Email Threat Protection, for Information Technology, for a total contract amount of $43,500.00, pursuant to the Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of DuPage and the Government Services Administration (GSA).

17. Transportation - Puchalski

Committee Update

A. DT-R-0488-17 RESOLUTION -- Agreement between the County of DuPage and Cantera 30 Theatre, L.P., Traffic Signal Responsibilities at Diehl Road and the Theaters/Golf Sport Entrance (No County cost)

B. DT-P-0445-17 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Multi- Service Technology Solutions, Inc., d/b/a Red Wing Business Advantage Account to furnish safety shoes and work boots, as needed for the Division of Transportation, Public Works, Facilities Management, Stormwater and the Convalescent Center, for the period December 1, 2017 through November 30, 2018, for a contract total not to exceed $53,000.00 (Division of Transportation $21,000.00, Public Works $15,000.00, Facilities Management $10,000.00, Stormwater $4,500.00, Convalescent Center $2,500.00); Per most qualified offer on Proposal 17-177-JM

C. DT-P-0450-17 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to WSP USA Inc., for Professional Engineering Services for the Central Tri-State (I-294) Corridor Travel Demand Assessment, Section 17-TDAP0-00-EG, for a contract total not to exceed $357,029.00; Professional Services (Architects, Engineers and Land Surveyors) vetted through a qualification based selection process in compliance with the Illinois Local Government Professional Services Selection Act, 50 ILCS 510/et. seq. (50% to be reimbursed by Cook County)

D. Action Item -- DT-R-0169A-17 – Amendment to Resolution DT-R-0169-17, issued to Meade, Inc., for the 2017 LED Traffic Signal Upgrade (South) Program, Section 17- TSUPG-02-GM, to decrease the funding in the amount of $471.97, resulting in a final County cost of $264,155.89, a decrease of 0.18%

E. Action Item -- DT-R-0170A-17 – Amendment to Resolution DT-R-0170-17, issued to Meade, Inc., for the 2017 LED Traffic Signal Upgrade (North) Program, Section 17- TSUPG-01-GM, to decrease the funding in the amount of $4,951.95, resulting in a final County cost of $441,935.08, a decrease of 1.11%

F. Authorization for Overnight Travel -- Heavy Equipment Crew Leader to travel to Effingham, Illinois to attend the Illinois Public Service Institute Focus on Service Excellence (3 of 3). Expenses to include registration, transportation, lodging and meals, for an estimated County cost of $1,623.32

G. Authorization for Overnight Travel -- Heavy Equipment Crew Leader to travel to Effingham, Illinois to attend the Illinois Public Service Institute Focus on Service Excellence (2 of 3). Expenses to include registration, transportation, lodging and meals, for an estimated County cost of $1,623.32

H. Authorization for Overnight Travel -- Heavy Equipment Crew Leader to travel to Effingham, Illinois to attend the Illinois Public Service Institute Focus on Service Excellence (1 of 3). Expenses to include registration, transportation, lodging and meals, for an estimated County cost of $1,623.32

I. Authorization for Overnight Travel -- Vehicle Maintenance Crew Leader to travel to  Effingham, Illinois to attend the Illinois Public Service Institute Focus on Service Excellence (2 of 3). Expenses to include registration, transportation, lodging and meals, for an estimated County cost of $1,623.32

J. Authorization for Overnight Travel -- Vehicle Maintenance Crew Leader to travel to Effingham, Illinois to attend the Illinois Public Service Institute Focus on Service Excellence (1 of 3). Expenses to include registration, transportation, lodging and meals, for an estimated County cost of $1,623.32

K. Authorization for Overnight Travel -- Highway Maintenance Supervisor to travel to Effingham, Illinois to attend the Illinois Public Service Institute Focus on Service Excellence (2 of 3). Expenses to include registration, transportation, lodging and meals, for an estimated County cost of $1,623.32

18. Executive Session

A. Pursuant to Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (11) - Pending Litigation

B. Pursuant to Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (2) - Collective Negotiating Matters

19. Discussion

A. Discussion -- PA99-0646 Pension Obligation Projections Required by the Local

Government Wage Increase Transparency Act

20. Unfinished Business

21. New Business

22. Meeting Adjourned

A. This Meeting is adjourned to Tuesday, December 12, 2017 at 10:00 a.m.




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