City of Naperville Liquor Commission will meet on November 9.
Here is the agenda as provided by the commission:
A. Call to Order:
B. Roll Call:
C. Public Forum:
E. Old Business:
1. 17-768B Receive staff report and vote on the Pedal Pub’s request for a liquor
E. New Business:
1. 17-840 Receive Staff’s report regarding Red Arrow Tap Room’s request for a
liquor license.
F. Reports:
1. 17-835 Approve the minutes of the October 5, 2017 meeting.
1. Restaurant Association Report - Jeffries
2. BASSET- Employee Training Statistics - Riggs
3. Tobacco Enforcement Review - Riggs
4. Liquor Report - Riggs
5. Liquor Concept Committee Update - Trotz
G. Executive Session:
H. Adjournment: