
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, May 5, 2024

DuPage County Judicial and Public Safety Committee met September 19.


DuPage County Judicial and Public Safety Committee met September 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

1. Call to Order

8:15 am meeting was called to order by Chairman Grant Eckhoff at 8:15 am.

2. Roll Call

Present: Hart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Grant, Grasso, Healy (8:16 am), Khouri, Larsen, Noonan, Puchalski, Tornatore, Zay


Mr. Fichtner was also present.

3. Public Comment

4. Chairman's Remarks

Chairman Eckhoff brought the Robert Crown contract to light, mentioning his intention to discharge the JPS committee on this contract for the interim. Chairman Eckhoff would like to bring it straight to County Board for a two-month extension.

Several JPS committee members expressed concern about the program's flexibility and power to meet the needs of education professionals, even with Robert Crown's changing leadership.

Further information will be provided to the JPS committee regarding the 10 schools who have committed to the program already.

Member Healy arrived at 8:16 a.m.

5. Approval of Minutes:

A. Judicial/Public Safety Committee - Regular Meeting - Aug 15, 2017 8:15 am

Result: Accepted [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald Puchalski, District 1

Seconder: Sean T Noonan, District 2

Ayes: Hart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Grant, Grasso, Healy, Khouri, Larsen, Noonan, Puchalski, Tornatore, Zay

6. Budget Transfers

Budget Transfer items 6.A, 6.B, 6.C, 6.D, 6.E, 6.F, 6.G, 6.H, 6.I, 6.J, 6.K, and 6.L were combined and approved.

There was much discussion centering around the Sheriff's Office's overall budget, headcount, and mandatory vs non-mandatory costs.

Member Zay began the discussion with his query, voicing out loud whether the correctional pods could be combined to lower personnel costs, hence positively impacting overtime expenditures. When he was informed from Chief Kruse that the separation of prisoners is needed based on individual histories, further questions and concerns were voiced by various other JPS committee members.

Member Zay went on to question the necessary headcount of the Sheriff's Office. Mr. Fichtner was concerned that the Sheriff's budget is over the allotted monies. Member Grasso was concerned that in the face of decreased inmates, the personnel overtime expenses are increasing. Member Larson went on to request an official headcount for mandatory positions at the Sheriff's Office so that everyone's needs can be best met. Member DiCianni followed up by emphasizing the importance of public safety and stating the continued need for personnel and the Sheriff's need to be proactive in the face of rising felonies.

Member Healy voiced the possibility that a pod could potentially be closed if the Administrative Code for Corrections allows for it. He did request Chief Kruse look into that possibility. Member Grasso went on to suggest that potential for an independent audit to be conducted at the Sheriff's Office to objectively conclude the personnel needs and costs inherent in a full functioning County Sheriff's Department. Member Khouri backed that suggestion.

Chief Kruse stated that while he has a head count of 500+ employees, several workers may be out on leave or workman's comp; they do a dangerous job. The Sheriff's Office has been a good financial steward, and they are working to balance the expenses as best as they can.

Furthermore, Member Grant questioned then when the last independent study was done. Member Grasso stated that a lower number of inmates should result in a lower personnel headcount. Mr. Fichtner inquired about streamlining headcount through attrition. Member Larson reiterated his request for a staffing plan so they can see who is needed where and where additional cuts could be made. Member Noonan seconded this request, by asking for a breakdown of costs/headcount (including overtime expenses) by division. Member Zay restated that the Sheriff's Office needs a balanced budget and the County Board needs to consider alternate ways to make that happen.

Member DiCianni did add a kudos to the Sheriff's Department as well though, stating that the DuPage County Sheriff's Office has effective teams in place which has resulted in a safer community overall.

Chairman Eckhoff concluded that balancing a Sheriff's Office budget is a challenge for any county.

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Sam Tornatore, District 1

Seconder: Tonia Khouri, District 5

Ayes: Hart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Grant, Grasso, Healy, Khouri, Larsen, Noonan, Puchalski,

Tornatore, Zay

A. Budget Transfers -- Transfer of funds from account no 53817 (jurors/witness fees) to account no 52200 (operating supplies & materials) for the Jury Commission in the amount of $5,200.00 to cover the annual purchase of jury summons forms and envelopes.

B. Budget Transfers -- Transfer of funds from account no 4400-50011 (sheriff-special duty O/T) to account nos 4405-50010 (overtime), 4405-50011 (sheriff-special duty O/T), and 4415-50011 (sheriff-special duty O/T) for the Sheriff's Office Administration in the amount of $220,000.00 to cover invoices and negative balances.

C. Budget Transfers -- Transfer of funds from account nos 50040 (part time help) and 53090 (other professional services) to account nos 50000 (reg salaries), 51010 (employer share I.M.R.F.) and 51040 (employee med & hosp insurance) for DST Transport/Youth Home in the amount of $40,733.00 to cover salaries & benefits for the remainder of the year.

D. Budget Transfers -- Transfer of funds from account no 53040 (interpreter services) to account nos 52100 (IT equip-small value), 53090 (other prof services), 53610 (instruction & schooling), and 53806 (software licenses) for the Circuit Court in the amount of $17,840.00 to cover repair costs and to adjust current costs and contracts that were not provided in the line item at budget time.

E. Budget Transfers -- Transfer of funds from account nos 52100 (data processing equip-sm value), 52200 (operating supplies), and 53610 (instruction & schooling) to account nos 53090 (other professional services) and 53830 (other contractual expenses) for BCO training in the amount of $22,820.00 to cover an invoices and negative balances.

F. Budget Transfers -- Transfer of funds from account nos 53090 (other professional services) and 53520 (extradition/investigative trvl) to account nos 52200 (operating supplies), 52220 (wearing apparel), 52230 (linens & bedding), 53040 (interpreter services), and 53520 (extradition/investigative trvl) for the LEB in the amount of $32,000.00 to cover negative balances.

G. Budget Transfers -- Transfer of funds from account nos 52000 (furn/mach/equp-small value), 52210 (food & beverages), 52220 (wearing apparel), 52280 (auto/mach/equip parts), 52320 (medical/dental/lab supplies) and 53800 (printing) to account no 53090 (other professional services) for the Admin/LEB in the amount of $19,500.00 to cover negative balances.

H. Budget Transfers -- Transfer of funds from account nos 4400-51060 (cell phone stipend) and 4415-52200 (operating supplies) to account nos 4405-51060 (cell phone stipend) and 4415-51060 (cell phone stipend) for Sheriff's Office Admin in the amount of $35,000.00 to cover negative balances.

I. Budget Transfers -- Transfer of funds from account nos 52200 (operating supplies) and 53370 (repair & MTCE other equip) to account nos 51080 (wearing apparel rmb), 53380 (repair & MTCE auto equip), 53500 (mileage expense), and 53610 (instruction & schooling) for LEB in the amount of $37,650.00 to cover negative balances.

J. Budget Transfers -- Transfer of funds from account no 54100 (IT equip) to account no 52100 (data processing equip-sm value) for Capital Funds in the amount of $4,000.00 to cover future purchases and invoices.

K. Budget Transfers -- Transfer of funds from account no 54120 (automotive equipment) to account no 54110 (equipment and machinery) for General Funds-Capital in the amount of $29,150.00 to cover invoices for Public Safety Direct for new vans.

L. Budget Transfers -- Transfer of funds from account nos 52000 (furn/mach/equip-sm value) and 52200 (operating supplies) to account no 50010 (overtime) for Court Security in the amount of $9,000.00 to cover negative balances.

7. Action Items

A. JPS-P-0380-17 Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Sentinel Offender Services LLC, to provide GPS device or electronic monitoring services to juveniles and indigent adult offenders and their victims, for the period September 21, 2017 through September 20, 2018, for a contract total amount not to exceed $43,635.60. Contract pursuant to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act - National Association of State Procurement Officers (NASPO)

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Gary Grasso, District 3

Seconder: Sean T Noonan, District 2

Ayes: Hart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Grant, Grasso, Healy, Khouri, Larsen, Noonan, Puchalski, Tornatore, Zay

8. Informational Items

A. Informational -- Public Defender's Office Monthly Statistical Report-July 2017

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Robert L Larsen, Vice Chair

Seconder: Peter Dicianni, District 2

Ayes: Hart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Grant, Grasso, Healy, Khouri, Larsen, Noonan,

Puchalski, Tornatore, Zay

9. Old Business Member Grasso took this opportunity to thank everyone for their thoughts regarding the Sheriff's budget and stated the importance of open discussion.

10. New Business None

11. Adjournment

A. Motion to Adjourn

Without objection, the meeting was adjourned at 9:12 a.m.

Result: Approved [Unanimous]

Mover: Donald Puchalski, District 1

Seconder: Peter Dicianni, District 2

Ayes: Hart, DiCianni, Eckhoff, Grant, Grasso, Healy, Khouri, Larsen, Noonan, Puchalski, Tornatore, Zay
