DuPage County Local Emergency Planning Committee met Aug. 15.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Public Comment
4. Minutes Approval
A. Minutes of May 16, 2017 2:30 PM
5. Action Items
A. Action Item -- Addition of Bylaws-Record Retention to be added to the standing DuPage LEPC bylaws, providing the statutes that must be followed in both record retention and the subsequent document destruction with the creation of a new article; to be Article XI - Records and Reports.
B. Action Item -- Addition of Bylaws-Logging Incidents to be added to the standing DuPage LEPC bylaws as Section 2 within Article XI - Records and Reports.
C. Action Item -- Addition of Bylaws-Logging Annual Report to be added to the standing DuPage LEPC bylaws as Section 3 within Article XI - Records and Reports.
D. Action Item -- Amend Bylaws-Secretary-Treasurer position/description within Article IV - Offices and Appointed Positions, to reflect the additional responsibilities.
E. Action Item -- Amend Bylaws-Information Coordinator position/description within Article IV - Offices and Appointed Positions, to reflect the additional responsibilities.
6. Informational Items
A. Informational -- Technological Advancements-CEMP It is recommended that the
LEPC's documents are housed within the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP), an online tool.
B. Informational -- Technological Advancements-Smartsheets: It is recommended that the Information Coordinator utilize Smartsheets (a web application) to log all received LEPC related phone calls from DuPage citizens, incident reports from the State, and coordinating emails from the State.
C. Informational -- DUCOMM Update - CAD
D. Informational -- OHSEM POC - Introduce Paul Sherrod
7. Old Business
8. New Business
9. Adjournment