
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

DuPage County Home Advisory Group met August 1

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DuPage County Home Advisory Group met August 1.

Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

11:30 AM meeting was called to order by Chairman Tim Elliott at 11:31 AM.

2. Roll Call

Tornatore made the motion, seconded by Grill, for Wiley to participate via phone while on

Military Duty. On a voice vote, the motion passed.

Present: Anderson (11:33 AM), Bastian, Broder, Chaplin, Chrisse, Elliott, Grill, Krucek, Tornatore,

Wiley (Remote)

Absent: Berley, Chassee, Grasso

Staff Present: Mary Keating, Community Services Director; Jennifer Chan, Community

Development Administrator; Christopher Ragona, Community Development Manager; Julie

Hamlin, Sr. Community Development Specialist; Barb Temborius, Community Development

Specialist; Therese Witkus, Community Development Specialist; Christopher Donovan,

Community Development Specialist; Dorin Fera, Community Development Specialist; Tom

Schwertman, Community Development Specialist; Nicole Rashan, Principal Account Clerk

and Anthony Mistretta, Community Development Intern.

State’s Attorney - Patrick Collins.

Others Present: Phil Moeller - Carefree Development, Liberty Village, and Anne O’Dell,

Executive Director, H.O.M.E. DuPage.

3. Public Comment

There was no public comment.

4. Approval of Minutes

A. Home Advisory Group - Regular Meeting - Jul 11, 2017 11:30 AM

There was no discussion.

On a voice vote, the Minutes were approved.

Result: Accepted [Unanimous]

Mover: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

Seconder: Kelley Chrisse, Assistant Community Dev. Dir.

Ayes: Bastian, Broder, Chaplin, Chrisse, Elliott, Grill, Krucek, Tornatore

Absent: Anderson, Berley, Chassee, Grasso, Wiley

5. Action Items

A. Action Item -- Recommendation to approve a Second Agreement Modification with

H.O.M.E DuPage Inc., Project HM15-01, extending the project completion date to March

31, 2018.

Chan informed the Committee that Anne O'Dell, Executive Director for H.O.M.E.

DuPage, was here and available to answer any questions. Chan gave a brief synopsis and

said the program was on track with the average of 1.4 new homebuyers per month.

There was no discussion.

On a voice vote, the motion passed.

Result: Accepted [Unanimous]

Mover: Sam Tornatore, District 1

Seconder: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

Ayes: Anderson, Bastian, Broder, Chaplin, Chrisse, Elliott, Grill, Krucek, Tornatore,


Absent: Berley, Chassee, Grasso

B. Action Item -- Recommendation to approve a Second Agreement Modification with

H.O.M.E. DuPage Inc, Project Number CD15-23a, extending the project completion date

to March 31, 2018.

Chan said that this was the companion piece to HM15-01 providing closing cost

assistance to first-time homebuyers.

There were no questions or discussion.

On a voice vote, the motion passed.

Result: Accepted [Unanimous]

Mover: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

Seconder: Patrick Grill, Vice Chair

Ayes: Anderson, Bastian, Broder, Chaplin, Chrisse, Elliott, Grill, Krucek, Tornatore,


Absent: Berley, Chassee, Grasso

C. Action Item -- Recommendation to approve a request from Liberty Village to restructure

the HOME program loan for Project Number HM96-01, Yorkhust Park in Elmhurst,


Chan stated that Liberty Village has requested loan restructure assistance. Liberty

Village is located in Elmhurst. It opened in 1999. DuPage County provided $1.5 million

in HOME funds with a balloon payment due on August 1, 2025 of $1.3 million. Liberty

Village is working on refinancing its first loan with Illinois Housing Development

Authority (IHDA). IHDA is willing to move forward with the loan restructure contingent

on DuPage County modifying its loan to be coterminous with IHDA’s. This action will

maintain the affordable housing for an additional 15 years (2040). Liberty Village plans

to reinvest the proceeds into building improvements and increase the reserve balance for

long-term maintenance. There will be a positive debt coverage ratio. The County’s final

balloon payment will be reduced; however the repayment terms will be extended.

Phil Moeller, with Liberty Village was in attendance and available to answer any of the

Committee’s questions.

There were no questions or discussion.

On a voice vote, the motion passed.

Result: Accepted [Unanimous]

Mover: Sam Tornatore, District 1

Seconder: Elizabeth Chaplin, District 2

Ayes: Anderson, Bastian, Broder, Chaplin, Chrisse, Elliott, Grill, Krucek, Tornatore,


Absent: Berley, Chassee, Grasso

6. Other Business

There was no other business.

7. Adjournment

Chaplin made the motion, seconded by Grill, to adjourn at 11:39 a.m.

On a voice vote, the motion passed.

8. Next Meeting Date - September 5, 2017
