
Dupage Policy Journal

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Village of Westmont Environmental Improvement Commission met May 3.

Village of Westmont Environmental Improvement Commission met May 3.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Commission:

1. Call To Order

Kim Lombardozzi called the meeting to order at 6:07 pm.

2. Roll Call

In attendance: Glenn Gabryel, Mary Gabryel, Kate Johnson, Kim Lombardozzi, Mary

McAuliffe, Brittany Smith, and Tyler Tieche (arrived 6:50).

Absent: Erin Kennedy and Bob Van Hyfte

Staff in attendance: Jon Yeater (Liaison).

3. Pledge of Allegiance

Led by Kim Lombardozzi

4. Consent Agenda

Kim Lombardozzi addressed the commission on this agenda item:

a. March 6, 2016 regular meeting minutes

b. March 13, 2017 special meeting minutes

c. Report NAEP / IAET (National / Illinois Association of Environmental Professionals) webinar presentation “Environmental Practice in Flus: Transitioning to the Trump


Motion was made by Kate Johnson to approve the consent agenda. The motion

was second by Brittany Smith and unanimously approved by voice vote

(excluding Tyler Tieche not in attendance at the time of the vote).

5. Reports

a. Climate Action Plan

- Brittany Smith provided an update. Please refer to March 13th meeting minutes for


- Next meeting April 10, at 6 pm at the Westmont Library.

- Goal is to provide a draft report to the EIC in June and target fall to present the CAP to the Village Board

b. Earth Month Guest Speakers – Arbor Day Contest and Tree Tagging

- Speaker Series

3/8 Birds and Butterflies 18 attendees

3/14 Converting Lawns to Edible Forest 20 attendees

3/27 Natural Lawn Care Basics 45 attendees

Upcoming Presentations:

4/12 Sustainable Homes Indoor Gardens

5/3 Where have Monarchs Gone?

5/18 Solving your yard problems.

- Arbor Day Contest

29 individuals have signed up for the contest.

Looking for assistance on Saturday April 29th 10:30-1pm.

- Arbor Day Tree Tagging

A local resident, Amylee Hogan Simonovich and Maercker Ecology Club have signed

up to tag trees. Mary Gabryel is coordinating.

c. Community Recycling Containers Update

- Jon Yeater reported minimal garbage

d. Richmond Education Gardens and Apiary Project and Fundraisers

-Ground breaking on Earth Day, April 22nd 10 - noon

-Looking for volunteers to act as ambassadors

-Beehives have sponsored

-Purchase brick pavers programs in place and needs to be promoted

e. Recycling – Red, White and Blue BBQ May 26-28

- Bob Van Hyfte is looking for volunteers for oversee the recycling containers at this


f. Rain Barrel Decorating Contest

-Jon Yeater contacted Larry Frossberg, Westmont Chamber of Commerce, and

expressed interest in exploring this program for spring 2018.

6. Old Business

a. Du Page Monarch Resolution

- The resolution was approved at the March 16th Village Board Meeting.

- The resolution was slightly modified from the version recommended by the

commission at the March 3rd meeting. Action items were removed and sent to Steve

May, the village manager in a separate memo.

Steve May is setting up a committee to identify areas in town that would benefit. The

committee would include the Park District, Schools, EIC and other interested village


b. Conservation in Our Community Program – The Conservation Foundation

- Jon Yeater provided the Conservation Foundation contacts for the potential interest in

the Conservation at Work program.

c. EIC Brand/Logo

- No sample was presented at the meeting.

Action Item:

- Jon Yeater will inquire what is required for approval of a logo.

- Erin Kennedy to provide sample logo

d. Chamber of Commerce Banner

- No action item at this time.

e. Promotional Materials for Speaker Series

- Plan to distribute native seed packet we received from the DuPage Forest Preserve at

the speaker events.

7. New Business

a. Westmont Drain Stenciling – May 13

- This is being coordinated by Westmont First. Sign up is available on line.

b. DuPage River Sweep – May 20

- This event is being sponsored by The Conservation Foundation. Jon Yeater is

coordinating the Westmont volunteer group. Sign up is available on line.

c. Tree Seedling Giveaway – April 28

- Residents can sign up on line to get free tree seedling giveaway. The seedling pick

up is at the library from 2-6 pm.

- Glenn and Mary Gabryel volunteered to assist Jon Yeater.

d. Future Guest Speakers

- Need to obtain speakers for September-November before the June 16th deadline,

Action Items:

- Jon Yeater to contact Com Ed for a speaker to address Saving Energy and Money

- Commissioners are asked to bring speaker ideas to the May 1st meeting

e. Conservation Foundation Tree and Plant Sale – September

- A list of plants will not be available until mid-July

- It was suggested to move the plant sale to October.

f. Conservation Foundation Fundraiser

- The fundraiser is Thursday April 27 fundraiser

8. Misc. / Action Plan

a.Mary McAuliffe completed her introductory beekeeping course and will be working with

Jon Yeater to monitor and maintain the bee hives at The Richmond Education Garden

and Apiary.

b. The question was raised if the EIC has a mission statement. Mary Gabryel reported

a mission statement was confirmed by the commission in Spring of 2014 and will

distribute a copy.

9. Adjourn

Motion to adjourn was made by Mary McAuliffe and second by Kate Johnson

and unanimously approved by voice vote. Meeting adjourned at 7:29 pm.