Village of Westmont Environmental Improvement Commission met April 10.
Here is the minutes as provided by the Commission:
1. Call To Order at 5:58 pm
2. Roll Call
In attendance: Glenn Gabryel, Mary McAuliffe, Brittany Smith, and Tyler Tieche
Absent: Mary Gabryel, Glenn Gabryel, Kate Johnson, Erin Kennedy, Kim
Lombardozzi, and Bob Van Hyfte. Staff in attendance: None.
3. Discussion of Current Action Plans and Assignments
a. General discussion of CAP
b. Plan to present portion of CAP at EIC June 5th meeting and review with Steve
May, Village Manger and Village Operations Managers.
c. Create additional CAP section for topics covering multiple CAP sections
d. Include Appedix section with all EOC initiative, recycling collections, speaker
series, etc.
e. Brittany Smith to review Westmont Strategic Plan
f. Other projects/ideas to include in CAP
-LED lighting downtown
-Tesla at Cruise Nights
Action Item:
-Tyler Tieche to follow up with Bob Van Hyfte to write a section on his work to
pilot a recycling program at Red, White & Blue BBQ to include in the current
successes/action plan section for recycling
-Commissioners to review CAP master document to make sure all important
areas are covered
4. Next planned meeting
Monday, May 8
5. Adjourn 6:40