
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, February 24, 2025

Village of Hinsdale Board of Trustees met May 2.

Village of Hinsdale Board of Trustees met May 2.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

1. Call To Order

2. Village President’s Report

3. First Readings - Introduction

Items included for First Reading - Introduction may be disposed of in any one of the following ways: (1) moved to Consent Agenda for the subsequent meeting of the Board of Trustees; (2) moved to Second Reading/Non-Consent Agenda for consideration at a future meeting of the Board of Trustees; or (3) referred to Committee of the Whole or appropriate Board or Commission. (Note that zoning matters will not be included on any Consent Agenda; all zoning matters will be afforded a First and a Second Reading. Zoning matters indicated below by **.)

Administration & Community Affairs (Chair Hughes) a) Approval of Blanket Purchase Orders for FY2017-18

Environment & Public Services (Chair Byrnes) b) Award a Contract for Engineering Review Services to James J. Benes and Associates Inc. in an amount not to exceed $40,000 c) Approve a Resolution approving the 2017 Resurfacing Construction Observation Contract Change Order Number 1 in the Amount not to Exceed $252,167 to HR Green Inc.

Zoning & Public Safety (Chair Stifflear) d) Approve a Referral to Plan Commission for Review and Consideration of a Major Adjustment to Exterior Appearance and Site Plan for a Hinsdale Middle School Parking Deck at 100 S. Garfield Avenue e) Approve a Temporary Use Permit for Office Trailers at RML Specialty Hospital, 5601 S. County Line Road

4. Consent Agenda

All items listed below have previously had a First Reading of the Board or are considered Routine*** and will be moved forward by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Village Board or citizen so request, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda.

Administration & Community Affairs (Chair Hughes) a) Approval and payment of the accounts payable for the period of April 19, 2017 through May 2, 2017, in the aggregate amount of $409,832.28 as set forth on the list provided by the Village Treasurer, of which a permanent copy is on file with the Village Clerk*** b) Approve an Amendment to the Village Personnel Policy to Allow Employees to Use Up to 32 Hours of Accrued Sick Time to Care for Specified Family Members (First Reading – April 18, 2017) c) Accept the Proposal from Sikich, LLP to Provide Auditing Services for Fiscal Years Ending April 30, 2017, April 30, 2018 and April 30, 2019 (First Reading – April 18, 2017)

5. Second Readings / Non-Consent Agenda - Adoption

These items require action of the Board. Typically, items appearing for Second Reading have been referred for further discussion/clarification or are zoning cases that require two readings. In limited instances, items may be included on the Non-Consent Agenda that have not had the benefit of a First Reading due to emergency nature or time sensitivity.****

Administration & Community Affairs (Chair Hughes) a) Approve an Ordinance Authorizing the Issue of not to exceed $10,000,000 General Obligation Bonds (Sales Tax Alternate Revenue Source) for the purpose of paying the costs of certain public infrastructure projects in and for the Village****

6. Discussion Items

a) Chamber of Commerce request for in-kind services b) Update on proposed I-294 Tollway expansion c) DAS Ordinance Text Amendment d) Accelerated Roadway Resurfacing Program and Advancement of Master Infrastructure Plan (MIP)

7. Department And Staff Reports

a) Treasurer’s Report

b) Economic Development

1) Economic Development Commission – Update from Chairman

c) Parks & Recreation d) Community Development e) Police

8. Reports From Advisory Boards And Commissions

9. Other Business

10. New Business

11. Citizens’ Petitions (Pertaining To Any Village Issue)*

12. Trustee Comments

13. Closed Session– 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (1)/(2)/(3)/(5)/(8)/(11)/(21)

14. Adjournment