
Dupage Policy Journal

Thursday, March 6, 2025

City of Batavia Committee of the Whole met March 28.

City of Batavia Committee of the Whole met March 28.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Chair Brown called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.

1. Roll Call

Members Present: Chair Brown; Ald. Russotto, Chanzit, Stark, Wolff, Salvati, O’Brien, Callahan, Meitzler, Mueller, Botterman, Cerone and McFadden

Members Absent: Ald. Atac

Also Present: Mayor Schielke; Chris Aiston, Economic Development Consultant; Laura Newman, City Administrator; Gary Holm, Director of Public Works; Jeff Albertson, Building Commissioner; and Jennifer Austin- Smith, Recording Secretary

2. Items to be Removed/Added/Changed 

There were no items to be removed, added or changed.

3. Matters From the Public (For Items NOT on Agenda) 

There were no matters from the public for items not on the agenda.

4. Consent Agenda

(The Consent Agenda is made up of items recommended by city staff that requires recommendation to the full City Council by the COW. This agenda is placed as a separate item on the COW agenda. The items on the Consent Agenda are usually minor items, already budgeted, standard non-policy activities or outgrowths of earlier meetings and are voted on as a “package” in the interest of saving time on non- controversial issues. However, any council member may, by simple request, have an item removed and placed on the “regular” agenda.)

Motion: To approve the Consent Agenda as presented 

Maker: Stark 

Second: Wolff 

Voice Vote: 13 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent Motion carried.

5. Resolution 17-45-R: Authorizing Execution of Contract to Purchase Vacant Land at Wilson Street and Spuhler Drive (Scott Buening 3/16/17) 

Stark read the memo regarding Resolution 17-45-R. Part of the zoning process is notification of the surrounding neighbors. O’Brien stated that he feels that the proposed development is pretty dense and he would like more information on it. The Committee discussed the density. There are no projections on property taxes at this time. Kevin Stowe addressed the Committee and stated that he submitted the contract to staff. The concept is for six high-density single-family lots. The houses would be 1400-1500 square feet. They are aiming at a market that is not available in Batavia at a lower price-point. The proposed development is less dense than what the current zoning would allow. He asked if there were any additional questions. There were none.

Motion: To recommend approval of Resolution 17-45-R: Authorizing Execution of Contract to Purchase Vacant Land at Wilson Street and Spuhler Drive 

Maker: Wolff 

Second: Chanzit 

Voice Vote: 13 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent Motion carried.

6. Ordinance 17-26: An Ordinance authorizing and providing for the issue of not to exceed $30,000,000 Sewage Revenue Bonds (IEPA) of the City for the purpose of paying the costs of the necessary improvements to the sewage system of the City, prescribing all the details of said bonds, and providing for the collection, segregation and distribution of the revenues of said system for the payment of said bonds (Peggy Colby 3/24/17) GS 

Holm stated that the City has taken action to take loans from the State. He explained that as part of the State process we have to take certain steps and this is one of them that we now have to pass a bond ordinance. This must be on regular agenda and not on the consent agenda. This is the step to get a low interest loan from the State.

Motion: To recommend to Council approval of Ordinance 17-26 as presented 

Maker: O’Brien 

Second: Salvati

Discussion was held on the motion. Chair Brown noted that this is the first phase in a multi- million dollar project. Holm stated that this is about half of the cost of the total project. O’Brien noted that this is being mandated by the State. Holm stated that this project is dictated by improvements mandated by regulations. The ultimate project would include some expansion. Callahan commended the City for their improvements towards the prevention of pollution. Wolff commented that this loan is at a substantially reduced rate than what we would pay in other markets. Mayor Schielke stated that Batavia now has one of the better plants and he hopes that it is on the agenda of the Council to keep it that way. It is something that betters the City for the future.

Roll Call Vote: Aye: O’Brien, Callahan, Meitzler, Mueller, Botterman, Cerone, McFadden, Russotto, Stark, Chanzit, Wolff, Salvati, Brown 

Nay: None 13-0 Vote, 1 Absent, Motion carried.

Chair Brown noted that this item would go on the next City Council agenda.

7. Resolution 17-44-R: Award Grant Under Downtown Improvement Grant Program within Downtown Historic District (Circle K) (Chris Aiston 3/28/17) GS 

McFadden discussed the memo regarding Resolution 17-44-R. Aiston reported that this is a request for a Downtown Improvement Grant, which is a matching grant from applicant HM1 Corporation. This grant this is to allow meeting required improvements pursuant to Circle K compliance in the building. Aiston noted that the memo lists the estimated changes: electrical, plumbing, flooring and a cold vault. There would be an estimated two million dollars of extra sales. Staff thinks that the request of $20,000 for the grant is quite reasonable seeing how much of his own money the applicant is spending, which is $800,000 for the Dunkin Donuts and $350,000 for the Circle K improvements. Brown stated that it is commendable the amount of investment into this community the applicant, Harry Mehta, is doing. Harry Mehta thanked the Committee for their support. He shared that the paving and landscaping is the only thing that needs to be completed for the Dunkin Donuts and should be completed in April. The completion of the Circle K franchise should be completed in May or June of this year.

Motion: To recommend approval of Resolution 17-44-R: Award Grant Under Downtown Improvement Grant Program within Downtown Historic District (Circle K) 

Maker: McFadden 

Second: Salvati 

Voice Vote: 13 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent Motion carried.

8. Project Status 

Newman reported on the following:

• The fire department performed training at the Larsen Becker building. The contractor is expected to do demolition work as early as tomorrow.

• The link to the community survey is on the homepage and the Facebook page. Emails have been sent out as well.

• The new Communication Coordinator will begin on April 3rd

• The Martinez alley will be the best place for the receptacle and compactor to do the most amount of garbage and the least amount of space during construction.

Newman asked if the Committee wanted to discuss the teacup pig potential ordinance sooner than a month from now. Chair Brown stated to leave at one month as established since there is no meeting next week. Stark commented that the pig should be leashed while in the downtown area just as dogs are required to be leashed. She concluded that until we decide on the ordinance the pig should be leashed.

Newman announced that all of the Art Stop would be designated as a no time limit parking lot.

Newman reported that the Wilson Street gas station application for a demolition permit for building and canopy has been received.

9. Other

Salvati commended the staff for making the procedure for the bidding process more consistent.

Callahan noted that Yorkville and Oswego are considering consolidating their IT departments. He explained the cost savings could be significant and asked if the City considered it. Newman stated that they have not considered it. In light of what is going on in the State level, we would like to collaborate with our neighbors to band together and get a better purchasing price. For example, Geneva, TriCom and Batavia are doing wage studies this year and we will band together with the hope that we will get a reduced cost for the study.

O’Brien asked about the retreat feedback and what it cost the City. Newman stated that everyone took assessments and the reports from those assessments were discussed in the beginning of the retreat. The latter part of the retreat focused on how we run our meetings and strategic planning for the future. Newman stated that she has been disappointed with the follow-up with the consultant. The consolidated report and recommendations have not been received. The consultant’s contract was for $14,000 and she asked for fifty percent of that in the beginning. Newman has not received an invoice for the second half of the contract. Newman noted that the second half of the contract would not be paid until the City receives the rest of the work required. Newman will continue to follow-up with the consultant and ensure that we get the value of the items that we paid for. She concluded that there are ways we could benefit from what we have already been provided.

Chair Brown stated that he sent out an email with topics that could be discussed during a slow meeting night. He stated that if there are other ideas or comments to let the City Administrator know.

10. Adjournment 

There being no other business to discuss, Brown asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 pm; Made by O’Brien; Seconded by Wolff. Motion carried.
