
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, February 24, 2025

Village of Hinsdale Board of Trustees met April 4.

Village of Hinsdale Board of Trustees met April 4.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Approval of Minutes

a) Special Meeting of March 22, 2017 

b) Closed Session of November 1, 2016

c) Closed Session of February 21, 2017 

d) Closed Session of March 22, 2017

4. Citizens' Petitions (Pertaining to items appearing on this agenda)*

5. Village President's Report

a) Appointments to Boards and Commissions 

b) Closed Session– 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (1)/(2)/(3)/(5)/(8)/(11)/(21)

6. First Reading- Introduction

Items included for First Reading - Introduction may be disposed of in any one of the following ways: (1) moved to Consent Agenda for the subsequent meeting of the Board of Trustees; (2) moved to Second Reading/Non-Consent Agenda for consideration at a future meeting of the Board of Trustees; or (3) referred to Committee of the Whole or appropriate Board or Commission. (Note that zoning matters will not be included on any Consent Agenda; all zoning matters will be afforded a First and a Second Reading. Zoning matters indicated below by **.)

Administration & Community Affairs (Chair Hughes) 

a) Approve a street closure on Chicago Avenue and Burlington Drive from Washington Street to Garfield Street on Sunday, August 20, 2017, and Sunday, October 1, 2017, for a Fuelfed coffee and classics car event 

b) Approve FY2017-2018 Pay Scales 

Zoning & Public Safety (Chair Stifflear) 

c) Approve the purchase of one new Emergency Medical Ambulance from North Central Emergency Vehicles located at 12249 S. Rhea Drive, Plainfield, and whose manufacturing plant is at 1170 Production Dr. Van Wert, Ohio, in an amount not to exceed $212,556 Page 2 

d) Approve an Ordinance Amending Section 6-106(B)(7), of the Hinsdale Zoning code to allow Tutoring and Educational Curriculum Development as a Special Use in the O-2 Limited Office District (O-2)**; 

e) Approve an Ordinance Approving a concurrent Special Use Permit for Tutoring and Educational Curriculum Development by TinkRWorks LLC in the O-2 Limited Office District at 21 W. Second Street** 

f) Approve an Ordinance Approving a concurrent Special Use Permit for Tutoring and Educational Curriculum Development by Stec Educational Group LLC in the O-2 Limited Office District at 534 Chestnut Street** 

g) Approve annual request from Casa Margarita for outdoor seating 

h) Approve an Ordinance approving an Exterior Appearance Plan for new windows and roof solar panels on building at 17 W. Maple Street** 

7. Consent Agenda 

All items listed below have previously had a First Reading of the Board or are considered Routine*** and will be moved forward by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Village Board or citizen so request, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda. 

Administration & Community Affairs (Chair Hughes) 

a) Approval and payment of the accounts payable for the period of March 8, 2017 through March 21, 2017, in the aggregate amount of $753,098.68 as set forth on the list provided by the Village Treasurer, of which a permanent copy is on file with the Village Clerk*** 

b) Approval and payment of the accounts payable for the period of March 22, 2017 through April 4, 2017, in the aggregate amount of $308,223.28 as set forth on the list provided by the Village Treasurer, of which a permanent copy is on file with the Village Clerk*** Environment & Public Services (Chair LaPlaca) 

c) Award the contract construction of the 2017 Watermain Project to J. Condon Sewer Service in an amount not to exceed $345,679 (First Reading – March 22, 2017) 

d) Approve the Public Services staffing reorganization plan (First Reading – March 22, 2017) 

e) Approve Year 2 of Bid #1602 to Alpha Maintenance Services in an amount not to exceed $61,657*** 

f) Approve Bid No. 1625 to Al Warren Oil at the rate of OPIS + $.0225 for purchase of gasoline and diesel*** 

g) To award Trees R Us, Inc. the elm inoculation contact for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 in the bid comparison amount of $10.45 per inch not to exceed the proposed budgeted amount of $137,181*** 

h) To award Trees R Us, Inc. the tree pruning contract for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 in the extended price comparison amount of $35,293.88 not to exceed the proposed budgeted amount of $65,740*** Zoning & Public Safety (Chair Stifflear) 

i) Approve an Ordinance Amending Section 9-1-7 of the Village Code of Hinsdale Related to Building Permit Extensions (First Reading – March 22, 2017) 

j) Approve an Ordinance Amending Title 6 (“Motor Vehicles and Traffic”) of the Village Code of Hinsdale in Relation to Size, Weight and Load Limitations for Motor Vehicles First Reading – March 22, 2017) Page 3

k) Approve a permit for a temporary use at 336 E. Ogden Avenue for the period of April 1, 2017 to October 31, 2017, subject to conditions to be set forth by the Building Commissioner** (First Reading – March 22, 2017) 

l) Approve the purchase of one new 2017 Ford Explorer from Curry Motors in Frankfort, Illinois, in the amount of $27,603*** 

8. Second Readings/ Non- Consent Agenda- adoption

 These items require action of the Board. Typically, items appearing for Second Reading have been referred for further discussion/clarification or are zoning cases that require two readings. In limited instances, items may be included on the Non-Consent Agenda that have not had the benefit of a First Reading due to emergency nature or time sensitivity.**** 

Administration & Community Affairs (Chair Hughes) 

a) Approve the FY 2017-18 Annual Performance Budget (First Reading – March 22, 2017) 

Zoning & Public Safety (Chair Stifflear) 

b) Approve a Referral to Plan Commission for Review and Consideration of a Text Amendment to Section 5-105(C), to allow Educational Services with a Special Use permit in the B-2 Central Business District (but not on the first floor of any structure in the B-2) and B-3 General Business District** (First Reading – March 22, 2017) 

c) Approve a Referral to Plan Commission for Review and Consideration of a Text Amendment to Section 9-104 of the Hinsdale Zoning Code as it relates to Regulation of the Location of Secondary Access Drives to Commercial Properties** (First Reading – March 22, 2017) 

d) Approve an Ordinance for a Second Major Adjustment to a Site Plan and Exterior Appearance Plan for the Addition of New Telecommunication Associated Equipment at 339 W. 57th Street** (First Reading – March 22, 2017) 

9. Discussion Items

a) Update on proposed I-294 Tollway expansion 

10.Department and Staff Reports

a) Treasurer’s Report 

b) Economic Development 

c) Community Development 

d) Parks & Recreation 

11.Reports from Advisory Boards and Commissions

12.Other Business

13.New Businee

14.Citizen Petitions (Pertaining to any Village issue)* 

15. Trustee Comments

16.Closed Session– 5 ILCS 120/2(c) (1)/(2)/(3)/(5)/(8)/(11)/(21) 

17. Adjournment

Prior to asking for a motion to adjourn the meeting, the Village President will confirm whether a Committee of the Whole meeting will be convened.

*The opportunity to speak to the Village Board pursuant to the Citizens’ Petitions portions of a Village Board meeting agenda is provided for those who wish to comment on an agenda item or Village of Hinsdale issue. The Village Board appreciates hearing from our residents and your thoughts and questions are valued. The Village Board strives to make the best decisions for the Village and public input is very helpful. Please use the podium as the proceedings are videotaped. Please announce your name and address before commenting. 

***Routine items appearing on the Consent Agenda may include those items that have previously had a First Reading, the Accounts Payable and previously-budgeted items that fall within budgetary limitations and have a total dollar amount of less than $500,000. 

****Items included on the Non-Consent Agenda due to “emergency nature or time sensitivity” are intended to be critical business items rather than policy or procedural changes. Examples might include a bid that must be awarded prior to a significant price increase or documentation required by another government agency to complete essential infrastructure work.
