
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Villa Park Committee of the Whole met March 13.


Village of Villa Park Committee of the Whole met Monday, March 13.

Village of Villa Park Committee of the Whole met March 13.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Committee:

1. Call to Order - Roll Call. President Bullwinkel called the meeting to order and Clerk Korynecky called the roll.

2. Pledge of Allegiance. President Bullwinkelled the Pledge of Allegiance and Trustee Wagner said the prayer.

3. Amendments of the Agenda.

4. Consider a Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Authorizing the Acceptance of a Proposal from Call One of Chicago, Illinois for a Shoretel Voice Over internet Protocol Phone System for Approximately 128 Phone Sites through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative with Lines and Usage Charges Not to Exceed $129,643 in the First Year. 

The current phone system utilized by Village staff is aging and varies between sites. Village staff is seeking to upgrade the current seven-site phone system to a networked Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone system that will consist of approximately 128 phone and data connections in the amount of $88,796. Village staff recommends that Call One, of Chicago, IL, be granted a contract for this service, as the company is a preferred vendor registered with the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference and has offered a discount on current line and use charges. Call One's anticipated line and usage charges are $40,847 for the first year. The Call One discount will result in an estimated annual savings to the Village of $28,660, and as a result of the savings the cost of the VoIP system will be recouped in approximately three years. Funds for the VoIP system and usage charges have been budgeted within the 2017-18 fiscal year. Some discussion ensued. IT Manager Brian Sawyer provided an overview of the new phone system and responded to questions from the board. Resident Cheryl Tucker asked for clarification on phone replacement. Consensus of the board was to advance this item to the formal.

5. Discussion Only: FY 2017/2018 Proposed Budget Operations. Prior to the February 27, 2017 Board Meeting, members of the Board were provided with copies of a draft of the FY 2017/2018 budget. The Village will begin review of the proposed FY18 (May 1, 2017 through April 30, 2018) budget with a discussion of the main operations of the Village. This is the first budget workshop, with subsequent workshops planned on March 15 to complete discussion of operations and the capital improvement plan. We anticipate a budget public hearing and first reading of the budget ordinance on April 10, with adoption on April 24, for a May 1, 2017 fiscal year start. Finance Director Wachtel gave a PowerPoint presentation and responded to questions from the board.

6. Consider a Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Authorizing the Proposed Swimming Pool Season Pass Rates and Daily Admission Fees for the 2017 Pool Season. 

Pool pass rates must be finalized by a resolution and approved by the Village of Villa Park, Board of Trustees. In an effort to increase the likelihood of achieving self-sustaining aquatic facilities, the Village raised the season pass rates by 10% in 2013-2015, and 5% in 2016. No increase is being requested for calendar year 2017 staff requests the rates and fees remain the same as the 2016 rates and fees.

Early Bird Discounted Rate May 1 - June 6, 2017 / Regular Season Rate 

Resident Age 3-59 $53.00 $72.00 

Non-Resident Age 3-59 n/a" $99.00 

Resident Senior Age 60+ $48.00 $64.00 

Non-Resident Senior Age 60+ n/a* $92.00

("Non-residents will not have the option to purchase pool passes at the reduced early bird rate.) 

The daily admission fees are recommended to be $7.00 for residents ages 3 and older and $9.00 for nonresidents ages 3 and older. The evening discount fee will be $5.00 for residents and $7.00 for non-residents beginning at 5:00pm. These fees are comparable with neighboring communities with similar aquatic facilities. Some discussion ensued. Parks and Recreation Director Gola responded to questions from the board. Consensus of the board was to advance this item to the formal.

7. Consider a Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Authorizing Change Order Number 3 (Final) to the Contract Between the Village of Villa Park and Chicagoland Paving Contractors Inc., for the 2016 Street improvement Project for a Deduction in the Amount of $200,657.15. 

The Village has a contract with Chicagoland Paving Contractors Inc., of Lake Zurich, Illinois, for the 2016 Street Improvement Project. The proposed final Change Order #3 consists of the final balancing of contract quantities as measured in the field. The net amount of proposed final Change Order #3 is a deduction of $200,657. 15, for an adjusted final contract amount of $1,459,948.52. Some discussion ensued. Public Works Director Juskelis responded to questions from the board. Consensus of the board was to advance this item to the formal.

8. Consider an Ordinance of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Amending the Fees and Establishing a Special Event Permit. 

Presently applications for various events are processed in different Village departments through different applications. During the Village Board meeting held on February 27", the Village Board supported the use of a new special event application packet which combines all applications for various requests/events into one coordinated packet. This new packet amends the daily liquor license fee to $75, amends the raffle fee to $10 and lists other applicable fees, provides improved coordination, tracking, planning, and gives departments the time necessary to assure a successful event that promotes a positive reflection on the Village of Villa Park. Some discussion ensued. Resident Cheryl Tucker asked for clarification on the fees. Economic Development Director Fiola responded to questions from the board. Consensus of the board was to advance this item to the formal.

9. Consider an Ordinance of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Authorizing the Sale by Public Auction of Vehicles Owned by the Village of Villa Park. 

As noted in previous Weekly correspondence, Staff intends to proceed to purchase a used ADA accessible bus from NEDSRA for use by the Parks and Recreation Department to transport program participants. The current 12 passenger van (Vehicle #245) utilized by Parks and Recreation is not ADA accessible and as a result of the purchase of the NEDSRA bus the grey van is not needed. Vehicle #135 is a surplus police vehicle in disrepair and is being replaced by a new police vehicle. Staff requests approval of the Village Board to sell both vehicles on the Obenauf Auction internet Site. Proceeds from the sale of the vehicles will be placed into the Equipment Replacement Fund and used to purchase additional equipment.

Vehicle Type Year Make Model Last 6 of VIN Vehicle #135 2009 Ford Crown Vic 11542O Vehicle i245 2002 Ford ECOnoline 350 A996.19

Consensus of the board was to advance this item to the formal.

10. Consider an Ordinance of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Approving and Placing the 2017 Zoning District Map on Record. 

The 2017 Zoning Map includes changes resulting from recent annexations, rezonings and other miscellaneous items. Following approval, the map will be added to the Village website. Some discussion ensued. Community Development Director Grill responded to questions from the board. Motion by Trustee Aiello to table item 10 and seconded by Trustee Taglia. Roll call vote tallied two (2) ayes made by Trustees Aiello and Taglia and five (5) nays made by Trustees Bulthuis, Kase, Cuzzone, Wagner and President Bullwinkel. Motion denied. Consensus of the board was to advance this item to the formal.

11. Convene to Formal Agenda.

Respectfully submitted,

Hosanna Korynecky, Village Clerk