
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Villa Park Budget Workshop met March 15.

Board room formal(1000)

Village of Villa Park Budget Workshop met March 15.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Village:

1. Call to Order - Budget Workshop.

President Bullwinkel called the meeting to order and Clerk Korynecky called the roll.

2. Budget Presentation and Discussion: 

a. Capital Projects Fund 

b. StormWater 

c. Water 

d. SeWer 

e. Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan

Manager Keehner said the public hearing on the budget is scheduled for April 10 at 7:15 p.m. with the first reading at the Formal at 7:30 p.m. Adoption of the new budget will be on April 24. He also said staff proposes to change the Village's current fiscal year that starts on May 1 to correspond with the calendar year. This will align employee benefit years with the tax year and will simplify communication. Further, capital projects and other big picture planning will be simplified working with a calendar year budget. The proposed transition schedule would be as follows:

* FY17/18 budget will be adopted as currently presented, May 1, 2017-April 30, 2018. 

* During next year's budget discussions, staff will present a 20 month spending plan.

- May 1, 2018-December 31, 2018 will be a short budget year. 

- January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019 will be our first calendar year.

Public Works Director Juskelis gave a PowerPoint presentation and overview of the Street improvement Fund, Capital Projects Fund (Projects, Equipment Replacement Fund, Building improvement Fund), Stormwater Buyout Fund, Water Supply Fund, Wastewater Fund, CIP Overview and CIP Unfunded Project. Director Juskelis also responded to questions from the board.

3. Public Participation. There were no participants.

4. Motion to adjourn. Motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Wagner and seconded by Trustee Bulthuis. Voice vote passed with all ayes. The meeting adjourned at 7:32 p.m.

Hosanna Korynecky Village Clerk