City of West Chicago Historical Preservation Commission met March 28.
Here is the agenda as provided by the Commission:
1. Cali to order, Roll Cali and Establishment of a Quorum....
2. Certificate of Appropriateness Review
a. C.O.A. 17:03-146-148 W. Washington St-H&HSpecialty LLC: ,(Sarah Harms)-tuckpointing and masonry repair
b. C.O.A. 17-05-146-148 W. Washington St.-Kindred Coffee Roasters (Sarah Harms). signs
3. Preliminary Review.
4. Historic District/Landmark Update.
a.Architectural assessment update for 119.W. Washington St..
5. Approval of Minutes
a. February 9, 2017.......
b. February 28, 2017
6. Other Business.