Candidates on the ballot
Daniel Hanuska
Hanuska was born on Feb. 2, 1984. The candidate's listed address is 6543 S. Quincy St., Willowbrook, Ill. 60527.
Hanuska has voted in two primary elections, casting votes in two republican primaries.
Michael Mistele
Mistele was born on July 27, 1949. The candidate's listed address is 6340 Americana Drive, Apt. 1211, Willowbrook, Ill. 60527.
Mistele has voted in nine primary elections, casting votes in nine republican primaries.
Terrence F. Kelly
Kelly was born on Nov. 23, 1946. The candidate's listed address is 601 Lake Hinsdale Drive, Apt. 207, Willowbrook, Ill. 60527.
Kelly has voted in two primary elections, casting votes in one republican primary. Records indicating what other primaries the candidate voted in are unavailable.
Umberto S. Davi
Davi was born on May 16, 1950. The candidate's listed address is 445 Stonegate Court, Willowbrook, Ill. 60527.
Davi has voted in eight primary elections, casting votes in eight republican primaries.