
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Villa Park Committee of the Whole met Feb. 27.


Village of Villa Park Committee of the Whole met Feb. 27.

Here is the agenda as provided by the Committee:

1. Call to Order – Roll Call

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Amendments of the Agenda

4. Discussion of the Special Events Application Packet

Presently the applications for various events are processed in different Village departments through different applications. Staff proposes to use a new special event application packet which combines all applications for various requests/events into one coordinated packet. This new format reduces confusion, lists applicable fees, and provides improved coordination, tracking, and planning. It also gives departments the time necessary to assure a successful event that promotes a positive reflection on the Village of Villa Park. 

5. Consider a Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Approving a Master Tax-Exempt Lease/Purchase Agreement with American Capital Financial Services, Inc. 

On July 25, 2016, the Village Board approved the purchase of a Peterbilt Model 348 truck with a net cost of $168,595.69. 

On January 9, 2017, the Village Board approved the purchase of two Physio-Control LifePak heart monitors/defibrillators in the amount of $58,215.03. Both purchases were planned to be financed through a 5 year capital lease, which is to be considered for approval with the attached resolution. 

Staff requested proposals from six banks and lending institutions, with three submitting proposals. The lowest cost to borrow was provided by American Capital Financing Services. The Village will borrow $216,810.72, with total nominal payments of $227,647.85 over five years, which is an interest rate of 2.327%. Another bank provided a lower interest rate, but the overall cost to borrow was higher due to the repayment schedule and other factors.

6. Convene to Formal Agenda

February 27, 2017 FORMAL AGENDA

1. Village President’s Report

2. Public Comments on Agenda Items

3. Amendments of the Agenda

4. Consent Agenda:

a. Bill Listing dated February 27, 2017 in the amount of $1,538,131.75

b. Minutes from the Village COW Meeting for February 13, 2017.

c. Minutes from the Village Formal Board Meeting for February 13, 2017.

d. Consider a Resolution of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Approving a Master Tax-Exempt Lease/Purchase Agreement with American Capital Financial Services Inc.

On July 25, 2016, the Village Board approved the purchase of a Peterbilt Model 348 truck with a net cost of $168,595.69. On January 9, 2017, the Village Board approved the purchase of two Physio-Control LifePak heart monitors/defibrillators in the amount of $58,215.03. Both purchases were planned to be financed through a 5 year capital lease, which is to be considered for approval with the attached resolution. 

Staff requested proposals from six banks and lending institutions, with three submitting proposals. The lowest cost to borrow was provided by American Capital Financing Services. The Village will borrow $216,810.72, with total nominal payments of $227,647.85 over five years, which is an interest rate of 2.327%. Another bank provided a lower interest rate, but the overall cost to borrow was higher due to the repayment schedule and other factors. 

5. First and Final Reading of an Ordinance of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Approving the Rezoning of the Property Located at 257-277 East North Avenue to the C-3 Service Business District

Petitioner is seeking a rezoning of the 2.76 acre parcel along the south side of North Avenue between Ardmore Avenue and Villa Avenue from the R-1 Single-Family Residential District to the C-3 Service Business District. At the public hearing on February 9, 2017, the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval. 

6. First and Final Reading of an Ordinance of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Granting a Variation to Allow the Construction of a Two-Story Addition in the Required Front Yard Setback at 408 North Yale Avenue (Michelle Dix, Petitioner) Petitioner is seeking a variance to the required front yard setback to add a two-story addition to the home located at 408 North Yale Avenue approximately 7-feet into the required front yard setback. At the public hearing on February 9, 2017, no one spoke in opposition to the request and the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval. 

7. First and Final Reading of an Ordinance of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Amending Ordinance 3951 to Grant an Amended Special Use for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) by Approving a Sign Amendment for the Property at 250-306 West North Avenue (Kenneth M. Price, Petitioner) 

Petitioner is seeking an amendment to the PUD at North Park Plaza for final approval of a sign amendment for the Wendy’s Restaurant to be located on Outlot C of the shopping center. At the public hearing on February 9, 2017, the Planning and Zoning Commission discussed this proposal and unanimously recommended approval of this amendment. 8. Final Reading of an Ordinance of the Village of Villa Park, DuPage County, Illinois, Regulating Small Cell Wireless Telecommunication Facilities

In 2007 the Village adopted regulations recommended by the Illinois Municipal League (IML) in response to the State Cable and Video Competition Law for the use of the Village’s rightof-ways by telecommunications retailers and utility companies. Those regulations were reasonable and up to date based on the uses of the right-of-way at that time. 

The Village recently received a single application for a small cell wireless telecommunications facility to be located on an existing ComEd utility pole. This new technology is not sufficiently addressed in the existing regulations to protect the Village’s interest in its right-of-ways, and as other municipalities have recently done, additional regulations are recommended with a supplemental permit. The ordinance in question adds regulations to the existing right-of-way regulations that are based on the standards of ordinances of various suburban communities and a recent model ordinance from the IML.

9. Public Comments on Non- Agenda Items

10. Village Clerk’s Report

11. Village Trustee’s Report

12. Village Manager’s Report

13. Village Attorney’s Report

14. Adjournment