
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Westmont Environmental Improvement Commission met March 6.


Village of Westmont Environmental Improvement Commission met March 6.

Here is the agenda as provided by the Commission:

1. Call To Order

2. Roll Call

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Consent Agenda

a. February 6, 2017 regular meeting minutes

b. February 13, 2017 special meeting minutes

5. Reports

a. Climate Action Plan

b. Earth Month Guest Speakers ­ Arbor Day Contest and Tree Tagging

c. Community Recycling Containers Update

d. Holiday Lights Recycling

e. Richmond Education Gardens and Apiary Project & Fundraisers

6. Old Business

a. Volunteer Waivers

b. Committee Member Village Email Account Setup

c. DuPage Monarch Project Resolution

d. Conservation in Our Community Program ­ The Conservation Foundation

e. EIC Brand/Logo

f. Chamber of Commerce Banner

g. Wyland Foundation­ National Mayor’s Challenge For Conservation

h. Promotional Materials for Speaker Series

7. New Business

a. Arbor Day Contest Expenditures

b. Rain Barrel Contest

c. Conferences and Webinars

8. Misc. / Action Plans

9. Adjourn