
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, March 31, 2025

Du Page County Health and Human Services met Feb. 7.

Du Page County Health and Human Services met Feb. 7.

Here is the agenda as provided by the County:

1. Call to order

2. Roll call

3. Public comment 

4. Chairman's report - Chair Larsen 

5. Approval of minutes Health & Human Services - Regular Meeting - Tuesday January 17th, 2017

6. Community Services - Mary Keating 

CS Requests That Also Require Finance And/Or County Board Approval

FI-R-0152-17 RESOLUTION -- Revision to Personnel Budget - Aging Case Coordination Unit Fund PY17 5000-1720 - For additional staff to fulfill the State mandate to provide services on weekends.

7. Community Development Commission - Mary Keating

CDC Requests That Also Require Finance And/Or County Board Approval

A. HHS-R-0153-17 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for approval by the DuPage County Board of the suspension of HOME Program loan payments from Joseph Corp., and Coulter Court Renewal, Inc., until June 30, 2017, and execution of the attached related loan modification documents.

B. HHS-R-0154-17 RESOLUTION -- Recommendation for approval of a Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery Agreement Modification between DuPage County and the Village of Addison, Project Number CDB-DR-13 Addison Buyout Project, revising the scope of work to reduce the number of buy-outs from three to one residential property and reduce the CDBG-DR grant from $218,875.00 To $169,537.50.

8. Budget transfers

A. Community Services - Mary Keating

Budget Transfers -- Community Services - To set up the budget for the Illinois Association of Community Action Agencies (IACAA) Grant to be used to fund the summer internship pilot program- $9000.00

B. Convalescent Center - Jennifer Ulmer

1. Budget Transfers -- DuPage Convalescent Center - To cover dental/medical/lab supplies and rental of machinery for the Clinical Support Department for final FY16 - $2,954.00

2. Budget Transfers -- DuPage Convalescent Center - To cover small value, operating supplies, food and beverages, linens, medical services, and instruction and schooling for Dining Services for final FY16- $12,238.00

3. Budget Transfers -- DuPage Convalescent Center - To cover equipment small value and food and beverages for the Recreation & Activities Department for final FY16 - $3,567.00

4. Budget Transfers -- DuPage Convalescent Center - To cover food, beverages, linens, and cleaning supplies for the 421 building cafeteria for final FY16 - $10,067.00.

5. Budget Transfers -- DuPage Convalescent Center - To cover drugs and vaccines, other professional services, wired communications, and mileage expenses, for the Inpatient Pharmacy for final FY16 - $43,870.00.

6. Budget Transfers -- DuPage Convalescent Center - To cover food, beverages, dues, and memberships for the Volunteer Services for final FY16 - $7,918.00

7. Budget Transfers -- DuPage Convalescent Center - To cover drugs and vaccine supplies for the outpatient pharmacy for final FY16

8. Budget Transfers -- DuPage Convalescent Center - To cover promotional services and alliance rehab therapy for the Wellness Center for final FY16 - $2,562.00

9. Budget Transfers -- DuPage Convalescent Center - To cover engineering and architectural services, and repairs for the Maintenance & Capital budget for final FY16- $12,143.00

10. Budget Transfers -- DuPage Convalescent Center - To cover equipment, small value, food and beverages, and Supplemental Staffing for final FY16 $273,278.00

11. Budget Transfers -- DuPage Convalescent Center - To cover supplemental staffing for the Subacute Unit 1 East for final FY16- $295,594.00

12. Budget Transfers -- DuPage Convalescent Center - Year End Budget Adjustments for final FY16 - $1,159,916.00

9. Travel requests - In State - Parent Committee final approval 

A. Authorization to Travel -- Community Services Administrator to attend the Illinois Association of Community Action Agencies (IACAA) mandatory Internship Grantee Meeting in Springfield, Illinois - February 15, 2017 through February 16, 2017. The IACAA will cover the hotel and mileage, the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) will pay the per diem for approximate total of $75.00.

B. Authorization to Travel -- Community Services Manager to attend the Illinois Association of Community Action Agencies (IACAA) mandatory Internship Grantee Meeting in Springfield, Illinois - February 15, 2017 through February 16, 2017. The IACAA will cover the hotel and mileage, the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) will pay the per diem for approximate total of $75.00.

C. Authorization to Travel -- Community Services Manager to attend the Illinois Association of Community Action Agencies (IACAA) mandatory Internship Grantee Meeting in Springfield, Illinois - February 15, 2017 through February 16, 2017. The IACAA will cover the hotel and mileage, the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) will pay the per diem for approximate total of $75.00.

D. Authorization to Travel -- Community Services Case Manager Coordinator to attend the Illinois Association of Community Action Agencies (IACAA) mandatory Internship Grantee Meeting in Springfield, Illinois - February 15, 2017 through February 16, 2017. The IACAA will cover the hotel and mileage, the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) will pay the per diem for approximate total of $75.00.

10. Residency waivers - Jennifer Ulmer 

11. Community Services Update - Mary Keating 

12. Convalescent Center Update - Jennifer Ulmer 

13. Old business

14. New business

15. Informational items 

16. Adjournment
