
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, February 7, 2025

Downers Grove Township Board appoints township supervisor

Webp meetingroom04

Downers Grove Township Board met Tuesday, Dec. 13.

Downers Grove Township Board is located at 4340 Prince St., Downers Grove.

Here are the minutes as provided by Downers Grove:


A meeting of the Town Board of Downers Grove Township was held December 13, 2016 at the Downers Grove Township, 4340 Prince Street, Downers Grove, Illinois.

1. Call to Order: Trustee Abbate called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m., and everyone present stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

2. Roll Call: Town Clerk Hois called the roll. Board members in attendance were Trustee Abbate, Trustee Boltz, Trustee Cuthbert, and Trustee Grimsby. Supervisor Wurster did not attend. Attorney Alongi was present. Highway Commissioner Anderson joined the meeting shortly after roll call. Trustee Cuthbert made a motion to appoint Trustee Abbate to act as meeting Chair, seconded by Trustee Boltz, four board members voted aye, and motion carried.

3. Public Comment:

a) Karol Sole said the Township did not have to do this special meeting, and inquired about the process of seeking candidates to replace Supervisor Wurster.

b) Billy Hois said he has attended the last several Township meetings and reminded the Board that spending public funds for political purposes is prohibited under the Illinois Constitution. He said the Trustees on the Board have a duty to uphold the Constitution and comply with the law, and that they are here to serve the electors.

4. Correspondence: Clerk Hois said the Township had received a 2016 Operations

Report from Clarendon - Blackhawk Mosquito Abatement District, and offered to make a copy of it for the board of trustees and elected officials for their review.

5. Approval of Prior Meeting’s Minutes, November 17, 2016: Trustee Grimsby made a motion to amend the minutes of November 17, 2016 Board meeting to add all the comments made by Laura Reigle as verified on videotape, which she read, motion was then seconded by Trustee Cuthbert. Clerk Hois objected. Roll call vote was taken on the motion to amend: Trustee Abbate nay, Trustee Boltz aye, Trustee Cuthbert aye, Trustee Grimsby aye. Trustee Boltz made a motion to approve the November 17, 2016 minutes as amended, seconded by Trustee Grimsby, roll call vote Trustee Abbate nay, Trustee Boltz aye, Trustee Cuthbert aye, Trustee Grimsby aye, motion carried to approve the minutes as amended.

6. Approval of Invoices: The Board of Trustees reviewed the invoices prior to the meeting:

General Town Fund 12/13 $ 28,427.33 General Road Fund 12/09 $ 40,661.11 General Assistance 11/01to 11/30 $ 3,408.13 Trustee Boltz made the motion to approve the invoices, seconded by Trustee Grimsby, all voted aye and the motion carried.

7. Approve PACE Contract for Year 2017: After discussion, the trustees determined that the $5,000.00 check received from the 501(c)(3) gets credited to the PACE account, as stated on page 3 of proposed contract. Joan Nichols verifies names of individuals utilizing PACE services. Trustee Cuthbert requested periodic updates on ridership, then made a motion to approve the 2017 PACE Contract, seconded by Trustee Grimsby. Roll call: Trustee Abbate aye, Trustee Boltz aye, Trustee Cuthbert aye, Trustee Grimsby aye. All voted aye, and the motion carried.

8. Approval of Resolution for Township Levy Abatement: Attorney Alongi said he prepared the Resolution on the assumption that the Township Board will approve the levy referenced in item 9 of the agenda with the 2% increase. Trustee Cuthbert made a motion to approve the Resolution conditionally for the Township levy abatement (on condition that Board approves 2% increase), seconded by Trustee Grimsby. Roll call: Trustee Abbate aye, Trustee Boltz aye, Trustee Cuthbert aye, Trustee Grimsby aye. All voted aye, motion carried.

9. Passage of Township Levy Ordinance 2016 for Township Budget Year 2017-­2018:

Trustee Abbate said the options are a no levy or a 2% levy, asked for discussion. Trustee Cuthbert said he likes the idea of giving the Township future flexibility to achieve revenue it needs, supports the higher levy with the abatement. Trustee Boltz made a motion that the Township levy be in the amount of $2,596,123, a 2% increase, seconded by Trustee Grimsby. Roll Call: Trustee Abbate aye, Trustee Boltz aye, Trustee Cuthert aye, Trustee Grimsby aye. All voted aye and the Board passed Township Levy Ordinance 2016 with 2% increase, satisfying the condition as stated for Abatement Resolution in item 8.

10. Passage of Township Highway Road District Levy Ordinance 2016 for the Township Highway Road District Budget 2017-­2018: Trustee Abbate asked for discussion. Trustee Cuthbert said it is not the Board’s role to change or modify the levy requested by Road District, and asked the Road District to provide updates to the Board regarding expenditures of Road District funds including for snow removal. Trustee Boltz expressed appreciation to highway department, then made a motion to pass the levy ordinance in the amount of $3,993,800 as submitted, seconded by Trustee Grimsby. Roll call: Trustee Abbate aye, Trustee Boltz aye, Trustee Cuthbert aye, Trustee Grimsby aye. All voted aye, ordinance passed.

11. Approve 3 Resolutions for Participation by Supervisor, Assessor, Highway Commissioner in Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) Elected Official positions requiring 1,000+ hours per year: Trustee Boltz asked Attorney Alongi to request a letter of instruction from IMRF with regard to the Board’s statutory responsibilities. The Board asked Deputy Clerk West to see what other Townships are doing. Trustee Boltz made a motion to table agenda item pending inquiry, seconded by Trustee Grimsby. Roll: Trustee Abbate aye, Trustee Boltz aye, Trustee Cuthbert aye, Trustee Grimsby aye, all voted aye, motion carried.

12. Passage of Ordinance No 12-­13-­16 Establishing the Reimbursement of all Travel, Meal, and Lodging Expenses of Officers and Employees in the Township of Downers Grove, Illinois: Trustee Grimsby asked that the Ordinance be amended to require itemized receipts. Trustee Cuthbert made a motion to pass the Ordinance 12-13- 16 as amended, seconded by Trustee Grimsby. Roll call: Trustee Abbate aye, Trustee Boltz aye, Trustee Cuthbert aye, Trustee Grimsby aye. Motion carried.

13. Resolution for Jason Shiliga: Trustee Cuthbert said resolution was well written and he supports it. Trustee Grimsby made a motion to approve the resolution, seconded by Trustee Cuthbert, all voted aye and the motion carried.

14. Supervisor’s Report: Trustee Abbate said she had met with Supervisor Wurster and the cemetery is well on its way to having headstones repaired, work has stopped for now due to the weather, Township owes $10,000 but will not pay until all the work is completed in the spring, it is nearly done but not quite.

15. Old Business: Trustee Abbate said Supervisor Wurster resigned last month.

Trustee Abbate said she enjoyed working with him, he is an excellent leader and he made some nice enhancements to the Township during his tenure here. Great job (followed by applause). Trustee Grimsby asked if the Township is still getting the payments from Coast to Coast prescription RX program, the answer was yes.

16. New Business: Trustee Boltz recognized Supervisor Wurster for his service.

17. Executive Session to Select a person to fill the public office of Supervisor of Downers Grove Township to replace Supervisor Wurster, whose resignation will be effective December 31, 2016, pursuant to Illinois Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(3): Trustee Cuthbert made a motion to go into executive session under the Open Meetings Act, seconded Trustee Grimsby, all voted aye to go into closed session.

18. Approve Appointment of Supervisor effective January 1, 2017: Trustee Abbate made a motion to reconvene the open session, seconded by Trustee Cuthbert, all voted aye. Trustee Abbate recommended that Mark Thoman be appointed Supervisor of Downers Grove Township effective January 1, 2017, said Mark Thoman has been actively volunteering for the Township for many years, chairs the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee, has great leadership skills, was recommended by Supervisor Wurster and is a good person. Trustee Boltz said he had the privilege of working with Mark Thomas for a number of years, Trustee Boltz said the same and both agreed that Mark is a true servant of the community. Trustee Boltz made a motion to approve the appointment of Mark Thoman as Supervisor, Downers Grove Township, seconded by Trustee Grimsby. Roll call: Trustee Abbate aye, Trustee Boltz aye.

19. Executive Session: NONE.

20. Adjournment: There being no further business, Trustee Grimsby made a motion to adjourn, motion seconded by Trustee Cuthbert, all voted aye. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Laura Hois Town Clerk 

The next regular Downers Grove Township Board Meeting will be Thursday, January 19, 2017, 7:30 p.m. at Township Offices, 4340 Prince Street, Downers Grove, IL 60515. At the Supervisor’s request, there will be a special Downers Grove Township Board Meeting Saturday, January 7, 2017 at 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. in the Meeting Room at the Township Offices, 4340 Prince Street, Downers Grove, Illinois 60515.

Note: MEETING was CANCELLED, allowing attendance at William Swanston’s funeral.