
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Warrenville Finance and Personnel Committee met Jan. 23.

City of Warrenville Finance and Personnel Committee met Jan. 23.

Here is the agenda as provided by the Committee:

A. Call to order

B. Roll call

C. Pledge of allegiance 

D. Citizen's comments – On Non-agenda Items Note: The Committee Chairman will entertain Citizen Comments on Agenda items as the item is being discussed by the Committee of the Whole.

E. Officials and Staff comments 

F. Business of meeting - Summary

1. Consideration of Historical Society request for Director/Curator funding

2. Consideration of City Council sponsorship for Operation Safe Celebration 2017

3. Consideration of amendment to Council Sponsorship Guidelines

4. Consideration of FY 2018 Tourism and Arts Commission hotel and motel tax grant recommendations

5. Informational update on Phase III on the Compensation Study

6. Consideration of Phase IV of the Compensation Study

7. Informational update on Capital Maintenance and Replacement Fund performance

8. Consideration of staff recommended updates to the Capital Maintenance and Replacement Fund (CMRP)

9. Consideration to authorize issuance of the request for proposals (RFP) for the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution

10. Consideration of authorization to begin recruitment process for Public Works Management Analyst position

11. Informational update on Administration, Clerk’s Office and Finance FY 17 and prior decision packages

G. Closed session

H. Adjourn
