
Dupage Policy Journal

Friday, March 28, 2025

Village of Bolingbrook met Jan. 24.

Village of Bolingbrook met Jan. 24.

Here is the agenda as provided by the Village:

Roll call

Approval of minutes

Regular meeting of January 10, 2017

Approval of agenda

Approval of appointments - Boards and commissions:

Reports of officers:



Bill approval

Bill listing A - $966,753.59

Bill listing B - $834,550.23

Total $1,801,303.82

Tax receipts

1. October, 2016 state income tax - $390,191.85 (October, 2015 state income tax - $386,009.53) - a 1:08% increase

2. November, 2016 sales tax - $2,398,984.19 (November, 2015 sales tax - $2,405,520.33) a.3% decrease

3. November, 2016 Motor fuel tax $174,044.19 (November, 2015 Motor fuel tax - $165,579.19) a 5.1% increase


1. Resolution (17R-001) approving purchase of HVAC unit for fire station 5 - TR Miller heating & Cooling

Replaces 15 year old unit

Unit has mechanical problems/ parts unavailable

Cost $14,934

Public safety committee recommends approval


1. Ordinance (17-006) Approving amendments to the rules and regulations of the board of fire and police commissioners of the Village of Bolingbrook, Fire department, Articles 1, 2, and 3.

Questions from audience/ press.

Trustees' comments and reports

Executive session

