
Dupage Policy Journal

Monday, February 24, 2025

Hinsdale Board of Trustees approves accounts payable

Webp meeting240

The village of Hinsdale Board of Trustees met Nov. 1 to approve accounts payable.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:

The Board of Trustees is responsible for addressing city matters. The seven board members meet at 7:30 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of every month.


The specially scheduled meeting of the Hinsdale Village Board of Trustees was called to order by Village President Tom Cauley in Memorial Hall of the Memorial Building on Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 6:00 p.m., roll call was taken.

Present: President Tom Cauley and Trustees Christopher Elder, Neale Byrnes, Luke Stifflear, Laura LaPlaca and Bob Saigh

Absent: Trustee Gerald J. Hughes

Also Present: Village Manager Kathleen A. Gargano, Assistant Village Manager/Finance Director Darrell Langlois, Assistant Village Manager/Director of Public Safety Brad Bloom, Police Chief Kevin Simpson, Fire Chief Rick Ronovsky, Director of Public Services George Peluso, Director of Community Development/Building Commissioner Robb McGinnis, Interim Manager of Parks & Recreation Heather Bereckis, Village Planner Chan Yu, Administration Manager Emily Wagner, Management Analyst Suzanne Ostrovsky and Village Clerk Christine Bruton


President Cauley led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.


There were no changes to the draft minutes; Trustee LaPlaca moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of October 4, 2016, as presented. Trustee Elder seconded the motion.

AYES: Trustees Elder, Byrnes, Stifflear, LaPlaca and Saigh NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Trustee Hughes

Motion carried.




President Cauley stated there are two promotions of Fire Department Personnel to be recognized this evening. He noted that Board of Fire and Police Commissioners Ms. Margaret Arens and Ms. Donna Flynn are also present this evening, and thanked them for the good job of hiring they do. President Cauley announced the promotion of Jon Carlson to Captain and Any Ziemer to Lieutenant and administered the oath of office to each. He noted the fine job they do and outlined their service to the Village.


President Cauley commented that in the past several months there has been an increase in car burglaries and thefts. He said the Police Department is taking steps to create a more visible presence and increase surveillance between 2:00-6:00 a.m., but reminded residents to lock their cars, as there is a dramatic reduction in these types of crimes when cars are locked.


President Cauley expressed gratitude to the talented residents who serve the Village on its Boards and Commissions. He asked for a motion to appoint as follows:

Historic Preservation

Mr. Jim Prisby appointed to a 3-year term through April 30, 2019 Zoning Board of Appeals

Mr. Joseph Alesia appointed to a 5-year term through April 30, 2021 Plan Commission

Mr. Mark Willobee appointed to a 3 year term through April 30, 2019

Trustee Elder moved to approve the appointments as recommended by the Village President. Trustee Saigh seconded the motion.

AYES: Trustees Elder, Byrnes, Stifflear, LaPlaca and Saigh NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Trustee Hughes

Motion carried.


Administration & Community Affairs (Chair Hughes) a) Approve a Resolution Determining Amounts of Money to be Raised through Ad Valorem property Taxes for the Village in the Amount of $9,566,899 President Cauley introduced the item, noting an increase in the tax assessment of 121,351.00 or 1.87%. These numbers are governed by statute, and he explained it is important to take advantage of the tax assessment increase, because of rising pension costs. He also noted that the increase in property taxes does not offset these costs. The Board agreed to move this item forward for a second reading at their next meeting.

b) Approve the Resident Construction of Melin Park Ice Rink

President Cauley introduced the item and noted this has been done for a couple of years and there have been no complaints. Trustee Byrnes asked about liability, and it was explained that because this is a Village park, activities are covered by the Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency (IRMA). The Board agreed to move this item to the consent agenda of their next meeting.

Zoning & Public Safety (Chair Saigh) c) Authorize the assignment of a judgment lien to CR Realty Advisors in the amount of $47,152.03 President Cauley explained this item relates to a property with a lien, CR Realty Advisors wants to pay off the lien. If they hold the lien, they receive any statutory interest. He doesn’t believe there is any reason for the Village to hold the lien. Trustee Stifflear asked if the estate or dependents are aware of this action, to which Director of Community Services Robb McGinnis replied the family is aware, and involved to the degree they can be. Village Manager Gargano added the court has approved a receiver. The Board agreed to move this item to the consent agenda of their next meeting.


Administration & Community Affairs (Chair Hughes)

a) Trustee Byrnes moved Approval and payment of the accounts payable for the period of October 5, 2016 through October 18, 2016 in the aggregate amount of $1,809,079.88 as set forth on the list provided by the Village Treasurer, of which a permanent copy is on file with the Village Clerk. Trustee Elder seconded the motion.

AYES: Trustees Elder, Byrnes, Stifflear, LaPlaca and Saigh NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Trustee Hughes

Motion carried.

b) Trustee Stifflear moved Approval and payment of the accounts payable for the period of October 19, 2016 through November 1, 2016 in the aggregate amount of $437,646.44 as set forth on the list provided by the Village Treasurer, of which a permanent copy is on file with the Village Clerk. Trustee Elder seconded the motion.

AYES: Trustees Elder, Byrnes, Stifflear, LaPlaca and Saigh NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Trustee Hughes

Motion carried.

The following items were approved by omnibus vote:

c) Award Bid #1618 to B&B Holiday Lighting, Des Plaines, Illinois, for holiday lighting and decorating in an amount not to exceed $24,280 (First Reading – October 4, 2016)

d) Approve the Parks & Recreation Art Donation application for a functional art piece to be installed at Katherine Legge Memorial Park, as consistent with the established Art Donation Policy (First Reading – October 4, 2016) Environment & Public Services (Chair LaPlaca)

e) Waive the competitive bidding requirement in favor of the State of Illinois joint purchasing with Rush Truck Center and approve purchase of a 2017 International Dump Truck with trade in for an amount not to exceed $94,679 Zoning & Public Safety (Chair Saigh)

f) Authorize a Hardship Permit Extension as set forth in 9-1-7 (B)(4) for a period six (6) months at fifty percent (50%) of the original base permit fee (First Reading – October 4, 2016)

g) Approve an Ordinance Amending Section 6-12-4 of the Village Code of Hinsdale, to allow for the installation of yield signs for east and westbound traffic on Ravine Road at Oak Street (O2016-38) (First Reading – October 4, 2016)

Trustee LaPlaca moved to approve the Consent Agenda, as presented. Trustee Saigh seconded the motion.

AYES: Trustees Elder, Byrnes, Stifflear, LaPlaca and Saigh NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Trustee Hughes

Motion carried.


Zoning & Public Safety (Chair Saigh)

a) Approve an Ordinance Approving at Exterior Appearance Plan for Replacement of an Existing Entry and Other Modifications in Breezeway - 22 E. First Street (O2016-39) (First Reading – October 4, 2016) President Cauley introduced the item and stated this is a request for a window and door in the breezeway of this property, and that no issues were raised at the first reading. Trustee Elder moved to Approve an Ordinance Approving at Exterior Appearance Plan for Replacement of an Existing Entry and Other Modifications in Breezeway - 22 E. First Street. Trustee Saigh seconded the motion.

AYES: Trustees Elder, Byrnes, Stifflear, LaPlaca and Saigh NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Trustee Hughes

Motion carried.


Proposed renovation and change of use at 722 N. York

President Cauley began discussion stating Dr. Tony Kremer wants to purchase the Brockman Building on North York Road, and build a veterinary and boarding facility at that location. There were two issues of concern for the Board the first time this matter was introduced, which were 1) what will the building look like; and 2) what is the traffic impact. Mr. Jason Sanderson, President of RWE Management Co., introduced Ms. Lynn Means from Gewalt Hamilton Associates Inc. who conducted the traffic study. She stated that if the building were filled to capacity in its current configuration of eight residential apartments and specialty retail commercial on the ground floor, it is estimated the proposed project would only result in a 1% increase in traffic. This is based on surveys of this type of business in other communities, and analysis of current traffic patterns at the intersection of York and Ogden Roads. Ms. Means explained that they monitor traffic during highest peak hours, relative to adjacent street traffic and corresponding to change in shifts at the new facility; from 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. They found the maximum was 10 cars in and 10 cars out. It was also noted that some of the cars at this intersection are traveling to the existing veterinary office, so no increase there. She also explained there are about 7-10 staff people on shift at a time with an average of 6-8 clients at a time. Mr. Mike Matthys, architect for the project, stated the current facility has 3-4 examining rooms, the new facility will have 8-10 rooms. In terms of parking, Dr. Kremer said he anticipates 8-10 cars at a time. Trustee Byrnes said he feels the traffic is minimal, and does not see an immediate doubling of activity. Mr. Matthys said there will be 40 parking spaces at the new location. It was noted that the current office is open seven days a week, with shorter hours on the weekends. The hours are determined based on demand. Boarded dogs will exercise inside, and walked out on a leash in a fenced in area 3-4 times per day. Dr. Kremer said emergency care is not anticipated for this location, but that his experience at his other location shows emergency care results in very minimal traffic. President Cauley noted that veterinary services are not allowed in the B-1; what attribute of the business prohibits the business in this B-1 district, and does the parking make a difference. He wants to see the buildings in Hinsdale thrive, this one is not. Village Planner Chan Yu confirmed that 44 spaces are required in this district. Mr. Matthys indicated the size of the building could possibly be reduced to accommodate more parking; they do not want a variance, and want to meet the code. Dr. Kremer said the existing building is horrible. His goal would be to get rid of the building and build something nice, a smaller footprint would be fine, and he is not married to any design, he just wants it to be first class. Mr. Sanderson said they will come back with elevations to illustrate to the Board what the building might look like. Director of Community Development Robb McGinnis reminded the Board this will require a text amendment to approve a veterinary office in the B-1 as a special use, and confirmed the Brockman’s successful petition to change this location from O-2 to the current B-1 several years ago. President Cauley indicated the Board would work with Dr. Kremer on setbacks to accommodate a new building. Mr. McGinnis added the goal was to maintain 50% of the perimeter to preserve current legal non- conformities. Trustee LaPlaca confirmed this location is not in the design overlay district, and encouraged the applicant to keep in mind the colonial style aesthetic of the area. Trustee Byrnes feels this would be a good addition, and agreed to take the lead on design, and work with Dr. Kremer for the Board. They will prepare elevations with the goal to bring this back to the Board in January.

2017 Central Business District Paving

Village Engineer Dan Deeter reported our contractor HR Green, is working on the bid documents for this project. In terms of scheduling the project, there will be a start date of July 5th, so as to avoid the July 4th parade, and a projected completion of August 19th before the middle school resumes classes on August 22nd. An informational meeting is being coordinated with area businesses for mid-November.

Construction activity update

Mr. Deeter reported the Woodlands project is complete, except for the punch list items.


a) Treasurer’s Report

b) Public Services

c) Engineering

d) Economic Development

e) Police

f) Parks & Recreation

g) Community Development

The reports listed above were provided to the Board. There were no additional questions regarding the contents of the department and staff reports.

Village Manager Kathleen A. Gargano reported that staff has received some questions about increased air traffic over Hinsdale. With the assistance of Congressman Quigley’s office, she was given the name of a contact with the City Department of Aviation (CDA). She was informed that the FAA manages the air space and sets forth arrival and departure schedules and procedures. Hinsdale has always been located in the flight path, and depending on weather, and construction and maintenance of runways, the volume of flights can change. This information can be found on the Village website, as well as links to the CDA. Trustee Stifflear noted we have no control over this issue, the FAA will do what they want, but he believes this could have a huge impact on property values. He encouraged the Village to get a position on the Noise Mitigation Board.










Trustee Saigh commented on the completion of the sidewalk program, and thanked Village Engineer Dan Deeter for the work. He also called attention to two new blue backlit signs on Washington. He feels they are gaining some presence; and backlit signs are a detraction in an historic downtown. Village Planner Chan Yu said there is a maximum lumen level they cannot exceed. Trustee Stifflear suggested that perhaps these backlit signs should not be approved administratively. President Cauley said we need to take a harder look at these signs, and exercise care.

Trustee Saigh announced the sale of his home, and that he and his wife will be leaving Hinsdale by the end of month, therefor this is his last Village Board meeting. He went on to say this Board is prepared organized, accountable and reasonable. He attributes this to President Cauley’s leadership, to these trustees and staff. He thanked the Board for this experience stating it has been enlightening and inspiring.

Trustee LaPlaca said her work with Trustee Saigh on commissions and committees over the last seven years has been a pleasure. He is serious and his decisions are thoughtful, conscientious and collaborative and in the best interest of the Village. President Cauley said he has known Trustee Saigh for 10 years. He is a gentleman and beats the drum for historic preservation. Without him Immanual Hall would be gone; he understands the importance of preserving what we have. He has always been accessible and open-minded and has done an outstanding job. Trustee Elder thanked him and wished him all the best. He will miss Trustee Saigh’s contribution to the Board. Trustee Byrnes and Trustee Stifflear echoed these sentiments, and noted Trustee Saigh is never afraid to speak his mind, which is a great trait and an important example for Trustees and Commissioners.


There being no further business before the Board, President Cauley asked for a motion to adjourn into closed session. Trustee Stifflear moved to adjourn the regularly scheduled meeting of the Hinsdale Village Board of Trustees of November 1, 2016 into closed session under 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5) purchase or lease of real property, and not to reconvene. Trustee Elder seconded the motion.

AYES: Trustees Elder, Byrnes, Stifflear, LaPlaca and Saigh NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Trustee Hughes

Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.

ATTEST: _________________________________________

Christine M. Bruton, Village Clerk