
Dupage Policy Journal

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Village of Bartlett Board of Trustees met Dec. 20.

Village of Bartlett Board of Trustees met Dec. 20.

Here is the agenda as provided by the Board:

1. Call to order

2. Roll call

3. Invocation

4. Pledge of allegiance

5. *Consent agenda*

All items listed with an asterisk* are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the General Order of Business and considered at the appropriate point on the agenda.

6. Minutes: Board and Committee Minutes – December 6, 2016

7. Bill list: December 20, 2016

8. Treasurer's report: October, 2016

Motor Fuel Tax Report – September, 2016

Sales Tax Report –August, 2016

9. President's report: 1. National Night Out Award/Video

2. Class D Liquor License for St. Peter Damian Catholic Church

10. Question/ answer: President & Trustees 

11. Town hall: (Note: Three (3) minute time limit per person)

12. Standing Committee reports:

A. Planning & Zoning Committee, Chairman Reinke

1. Ordinance Approving RLE Property Corporation Annexation Agreement

2. Ordinance Annexing the RLE Property Corporation 2.055+/- Acre Parcel

3. Ordinance Rezoning the 6.475+/- Acre RLE Property to B-3, Granting a Special Use Permit and Site Plan Approval for RLE Property Corporation

4. Resolution Approving Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Village of Streamwood, RLE Property Corporation and the Village of Bartlett

5. Resolution Approving RLE Property Corporation Public Improvements Completion Agreement

6. Resolution Approving Ala Carte Entertainment, L.P. Easement Agreement

B. Building Committee, Chairman Hopkins 


C. Finance & Golf Committee, Chairman Deyne 

1. 2017-21 Capital Improvements Program

D. License & Ordinance Committee, Chairman Arends


E. Police & Health Committee, Chairman Carbonaro 


F. Public Works Committee, Chairman Camerer 


13. New business:

14. Question/ Answer: President & Trustees 

15. Adjournment
