
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Westmont Village Committee to consider video gaming regulations

Webp hall

Westmont Village Committee will meet at 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 1.

Here is the agenda as provided by Westmont:

Village Board Meeting

September 1, 2016

6:00 p.m.

Call To Order

Roll Call

Pledge Of Allegiance

Open Forum

Participants are advised that the Open Forum procedure is a privilege and should not be abused. Upon completing an Open Forum request form and submitting it to the Village Clerk before the commencement of the meeting, participants will be recognized and given a chance to speak. The time limit to speak is 3 minutes. If deemed necessary by the Village Board, the matter may be referred to Village Staff or may be placed on a future agenda for Board consideration.

All participants are expected to exercise common courtesy and follow any rules of order established or announced by the Village Board and/or Mayor. Candidates for local public office may not use this forum for campaign purposes.


Board Reports






Items To Be Removed From Consent Agenda

Consent Agenda (Omnibus Vote)

Village Board Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes

Board to consider approving the minutes of the Village Board meeting held August 18, 2016.

Finance Ordinance

Finance Ordinance # 9

Total to be announced at the meeting.

Purchase Orders

Illinois EPA $25,984.86

CDW Governemnt Inc $24,185.63

Currie Motors $116,495.00

Standard Equipment Co $195,962.00

Total Of Purchase Orders - $ 362,627.49

Total Of Purchase Orders And Finance Ordinance

Total to be announced at the meeting.

Unfinished Business

New Business

Semi-Detached Single Family Residences - 224-226 W Burlington Ave.

Board to consider an ordinance approving the following requests from Peak Custom Homes LLC to allow for the construction of two new single-family semi-detached dwellings in the R-5 General Residence District:

1. Zoning Code Variance request for relief from the minimum square feet per building.

2. Zoning Code Variance request for relief from the maximum allowable density.

3. Site and Landscaping Plan approval.

Density variances were given a positive recommendation at the August 3 public hearing by the Planning & Zoning Commission, who discussed the proposed architecture and landscaping & continued that portion of the plan for further details.

Revised plans were revised by the Commission and given a positive recommendation for Site & Landscaping Plan approval on August 17. The Comprehensive Plan recommends the type of residences that are proposed.

LWV Odessa Ponds, LLC - Consolidation Of 3 Parcels

Board to consider an ordinance approving the following requests from the Westmont Village Apartments to consolidate three parcels with 94 separate property index numbers into two lots of record:

1. Preliminary and final Plat of Consolidation.

2. Plat of Vacation for Utilities.

The two lots will continue to be used for existing multi-family apartments, which are currently under one ownership and a single management company. Applicant will return to Village Board for additional approvals for a new clubhouse for the property.

6704-24 Echo Lane, 6703-24 Tudor Lane, 6703-24 Alpine Lane, 6703-24 Park Lane, 6703-24 Lakeshore Drive, 6703-24 Cedar Lane, 6703-24 Vail Drive, 6703-24 Aspen Lane, and 6703-23 Maple Lane

Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the project in July and August, and made a unanimous positive recommendation for approval, after answering questions and listening to comments from residential neighbors.

Westmont B Imports - New BMW Automobile Dealership

Board to consider ordinances approving the following requests from Westmont B Imports Inc. to build a new automobile dealership in the B-2 General Business District (420 & 430 E Ogden Ave, a portion of Westmont Dr, 645, 650 & 651 Westmont Dr, & 415 Plaza Drive):

1. Special Use Permit request to operate an automotive dealership in the B-2

General Business District.

2. Zoning Code Variance request to allow parking within the front yard setback.

3. Zoning Code Variance Request to increase the allowed height in the B-2 General Business District for the purpose of constructing a rooftop parking deck for an automobile dealership.

4. Preliminary Plat of Vacation for Westmont Drive.

5. Preliminary Plat of Consolidation.

6. Site and Landscaping Plan approval.

At the three public hearings, the Commission discussed the scope of the project, including the parking deck, detention, construction and traffic impact on the surrounding area, access to the property, unloading, and landscaping and screening.

After much input from surrounding commercial neighbors regarding vacating Westmont Drive and the impact upon those businesses, the Commission made a positive recommendation regarding all requests.

Additional attachments from the public hearings can be viewed at the following link: https://drive.google.com/folderview? id=0B_1JZ48i7TxmZE91TkNnR2xHdlU&usp=sharing

Video Gaming Regulations

Board to consider an ordinance amending Chapter 10, "Alcoholic Beverages," of the Westmont Code of Ordinances to create a new liquor license classification related to video gaming.

The proposed ordinance creates a new liquor license classification for liquor license holders that also desire to have video gaming. Existing businesses with video gaming are grandfathered from this requirement.

The number of video gaming liquor licenses would be capped at the current number of video gaming establishments - twelve. Businesses would have to operate in town for a least one year before applying for this license.

10. Miscellaneous

11. Executive Session

This Board may adjourn to closed session to discuss matters so permitted and may act upon such matters upon returning to open session.


Note: Any person who has a disability requiring a reasonable accommodation to participate in the meeting should contact the ADA Compliance Officer, 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday,Village of Westmont, Illinois, 60559; or telephone (630) 981-6210 voice, within a reasonable time before the meeting.