
Dupage Policy Journal

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Du Page County Board reviews appropriation of grants

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DuPage County Board met Tuesday, Aug. 9.

Here is the agenda as provided by DuPage County:

Du Page County Board

Regular Meeting

8/9/2016 10:00 AM

County Board Room

421 N. County Farm Road Wheaton, IL 60187


Agenda Packet

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Invocation

Rev. Ellen Ribe, Chaplain - DuPage Convalescent Center

4. Roll Call

Roll Call

5. Chairman's Report

Jim Healy presents NACo Achievement Award

6. Public Comment

7. Consent Items

A. 2016-13 : 6/7 - Stormwater, 6/21 - Animal Care & Control, Development, 6/28 - Finance, Technology, 7/5 - Environmental, Health & Human Services, Judicial/Public Safety, Transportation

B. 15-16-720 : County Board Minutes 6/14/28

a. 2016-06-14 County Board Minutes

C. 15-16-724 : County Board Minutes 6/28/16

a. 2016-06-28 County Board Minutes

D. 15-16-725 : County Board Minutes 7-12-16

a. 2016-07-12 County Board Minutes

E. 15-16-712 : 7/12/16 Paylist

a. 07-12-16- Paylist

F. 15-16-713 : 7/15/16 Paylist

a. 07-15-16- Paylist

G. 15-16-714 : 7/19/16 Paylist

a. 07-19-16- Paylist

H. 15-16-715 : 7/22/16 Paylist

a. 07-22-16- Paylist

I. 15-16-716 : 7/26/16 Paylist

a. 07-26-16- Paylist

J. 15-16-717 : 7/29/16 Paylist

a. 07-29-16- Paylist

K. 15-16-718 : 8/2/16 Paylist

a. 08-02-16- Paylist

L. 15-16-719 : 7/14/16 Wire Transfer

a. 07-14-16- 2000-Wire Transfer

M. 15-16-721 : County Clerk Financial Report, May 2016

a. 2016 MAY

N. 15-16-722 : Treasurer's Monthly Report of Investments and Deposits - June 2016

a. June2016-Monthly Report of InvestmentsDeposits(5-31-2016)_Redacted

O. 15-16-723 : Treasurer's Monthly Report of Investments and Deposits - July 2016

a. July2016-Monthly Report of InvestmentsDeposits(6-30-2016)_Redacted

P. 15-16-726 : Consent Agenda 8/9/16

a. Consent Agenda 8-9-16

8. Finance - Fichtner

Committee Update

A. FI-R-0558-16 : Acceptance and Appropriation of the Donated Funds Initiative Program Grant PY 2017 Agreement No. FCSVJ00210 $90,320

a. Donated Funds Initiative Grant PY17 5000-6560 Attachment I Budget 08-09-16

b. Donated Funds Initiative Grant PY17 5000-6560 Attachment II Agreement 08-09-16

B. FI-R-0559-16 : Acceptance and Appropriation of the Juvenile Accountability Block Grants (JABG) Program Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Grant PY17 and Step Up & SPARCS Program Grant PY17 Agreement No.FCSVR03529 Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 6180 $185,152

a. JABG Budget

b. JABG Agreement

C. FI-R-0560-16 : Acceptance of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Emergency Management Performance Grant PY16 16EMADUPA $157,969.75

a. EMPG PY16 Agreement

D. FI-R-0562-16 : Acceptance and Appropriation of the Illinois Department of Human Services Supportive Housing Program Grant PY17 Agreements No. FCSVH00172 and FCSVH00352 Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 1760 $107,056.00

a. SHP Budget

b. Agreement No. FCSVH00172- IDHS-HPP_2016-17

c. Agreement No. FCSVH00352- IDHS-SHP_2016-17

E. FI-R-0563-16 : Acceptance & Appropriation of Illinois Department of Human Services (ILDHS) Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) PY17 Agreement Number FCSVH03761 Company 5000 - Accounting Unit 1695 $33,430.00

a. ESG PY17 Budget

b. ESG PY17 Agreement

F. FI-R-0574-16 : Budget Transfers 8-9-16 Budget Transfers Various Companies and Accounting Units

a. Budget Transfers 8-9-16

G. FI-R-0575-16 : Intergovernmental Agreement between DuPage County and the U.S. Department of Energy - Payment in Lieu of Taxes for Tax Year 2015

a. CY15 Intergovernmental Agreement with DOE_Redacted

H. FI-R-0578-16 : Additional Appropriation for the G.O. 2010 Bond Project Fund Company 6000, Accounting Unit 3110 $639,700

a. Additional Appropriation - G O 2010 Bond Project Fund FY 16 - $639,700

I. FI-R-0576-16 : Placing Names on Payroll

9. Development - Tornatore

Committee Update

Regulatory Services

A. DC-O-0024-16 : DC-O-0024-16 -- Z16-006 A-Bassily: To approve the following zoning relief: (Downers Grove Township/ District 3) 1. Conditional Use for a Planned Development. 2. Re-zone from B-1 Local Business to B-2 General Business. 3. Exception (variation) to reduce the north yard setback from 20 ft. to approximately 4 ft. for parking (existing). 4. Exception (variation) to reduce the south yard setback from 20 ft. to approximately 2 ft. for parking (existing). 5. Exception (variation) to reduce the west yard setback from 20 ft. to approximately 10 ft. for parking (existing). ZBA VOTE (to Approve): 5 Ayes, 2 Nays; DuPage County Development Committee Vote (to Approve): 5 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Absent

a. Z16-006

B. DC-O-0025-16 : Z16-014 – Wetmore: To approve the following zoning relief: 1. A variation to allow a detached accessory structure to be located in front of the front wall of the principal structure. 2. A variation to reduce the front yard setback from 30 ft. to approximately 5 ft. for a new detached accessory structure. 3. A variation to reduce the side yard setback from 10 ft. to approximately 6 ft. for a new detached accessory structure. (Bloomingdale Township/District 1) Zoning Hearing Officer Recommendation to Approve Development Committee Recommendation (To Approve): 5 Ayes, 0, Nays, 1 Absent

a. Z16-014

C. DC-O-0026-16 : Z16-024 – Menchaca: To approve the following zoning relief: A variation to reduce the rear yard setback from 15 ft. to 10 ft. for a deck. (Addison Township/District 1) Zoning Hearing Officer Recommendation to Approve Development Committee Recommendation (To Approve): 5 Ayes, 0, Nays, 1 Absent

a. Z16-024

10. Environmental - Michelassi

Committee Update

A. EN-R-0557-16 : Acceptance of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Solid Waste Enforcement Grant Agreement State Fiscal Year 2016

a. IEPA Grant Memo Env Committee

b. R2-2 A16 DuPage Co 2016 Grant Agreement 2 7-21-16

11. ETSB - Grasso

Committee Update

A. ETS-R-0552-16 : Resolution approving the Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of DuPage on behalf of the Emergency Telephone System Board of DuPage County and the Village of Glendale Heights for the reimbursement of consolidation costs with ACDC [Total Amount: $200,000.00]

a. GH IGA Paperwork 6-16-16_Redacted

12. Health & Human Services - Larsen

Committee Update

A. HHS-P-0219-16 : County Contract issued to Lakeshore Dairy, Inc., to supply fluid dairy for the DuPage Convalescent Center residents, cafeteria and the cafeterias located in the JTK Administration Building and Judicial Office Facility Building, for the period September 1, 2016 through August 31, 2017, for a total contract not to exceed $75,500.00, per renewal option under bid award #14-149, second of three optional one year renewals.

a. Lakeshore Dairy - Requisition - 1603

b. Lakeshore Dairy - Checklist

c. Lakeshore Dairy - Vendor Ethics

B. HHS-O-0027-16 : DuPage County Health Department Amendment to Chapter 18, Article IV of the County Code - Private Water Supply Ordinance

a. Memo to Health and Human Services Committee re changes to well and septic ordinance August 2016 (5)

b. Chapter 18 Private Water Red Letter draft

c. Private Water Amendment Final Black Letter

C. HHS-O-0028-16 : DuPage County Health Department Amendment to Chapter 18, Article III, of the County Code - Private Sewage Disposal Ordinance

a. Memo to Health and Human Services Committee re changes to well and septic ordinance August 2016 (5)

b. PrivateSewageDisposal Red Letter Draft

c. PrivateSewageDisposal Amendment Black Letter Final

D. HHS-CO-0008-16 : Amendment to County Contract 1767-0001 SERV, issued to Arxium, Inc., for supplies needed for the medication dispensing machine, for the DuPage Convalescent Center, to extend contract through August 15, 2016 and to increase encumbrance in the amount of $4,500.00, resulting in an amended contract total amount not to exceed $25,500.00, an Increase of 21.43%

a. Arixum 7681 - CO

b. Arixum - Decision Memo

E. 15-16-678 : Senior Community Development Specialist to participate in the Annual National Association for County Community and Economic Development (NACCED) Conference in Allegany County, PA, September 11, 2016 through September 14, 2016; expenses to include registration, airfare, hotel, meals and miscellaneous expenses for an approximate total cost of $1,691.50 (Grant Funded)

a. Sr CD Specialist to NACCED 09-11-16 Backup Information

F. 15-16-679 : Community Development Administrator to participate in the Annual National Association for County Community and Economic Development (NACCED) Conference in Allegheny County, PA, September 11, 2016 through September 14, 2016; expenses to include registration, transportation, lodging, and per diems for an approximate total cost of $1,466.50 (Grant Funded)

a. CD Administrator to NACCED 9/11-9/14/16 backup information

13. Judicial/Public Safety - Eckhoff

Committee Update

A. JPS-P-0211-16 : County Contract issued to Clear Loss Prevention, Inc. to provide Campus Security with a Video Management System for the Security Department's CCTV system for the DuPage County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, for a contract total amount not to exceed $34,873.62, per RFP 16-114

a. Clear Loss Prevention - Decision Memo

b. Clear Loss Prevention - Checklist

c. Clear Loss Prevention - Best and Final

d. Clear Loss Prevention - Vendor Ethics

e. Clear View Prevention - Evaluation Score Sheet

B. JPS-P-0212-16 : County contract issued to Sentinel Offender Services LLC, to renew services with Sentinel per the WSCA-NASPO Cooperative Purchasing Agreement which will provide the best rate for the GPS & Electronic Monitoring Services to juvenile and adult offenders. Total amount of contract not to exceed $198,051.45.

a. Sentinel Offender Services - Vendor Ethics

b. Sentinel Offender Services - Checklist

c. Sentinel Offender Services - Requisition - Final

d. Sentinel Offender Services - Master Agreement

C. JPS-P-0213-16 : County requisition issued to Northeast DuPage Youth and Family Services to provide individual and group services needed for the juveniles and their families for the period of July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. This program will be grant funded by the Department of Human Services not to exceed $94,050.00 (County Match $10,450) per Intergovernmental Agreement. Northeast DuPage Youth and Family Services

a. Northeast DuPage Youth & Family Services - Purchase Requisition

b. Northeast DuPage Family & Youth Services - Decision Memo

c. Northeast DuPage Youth & Family Services - Agreement

d. Northeast DuPage Youth & Family Services - Setup Agreement

e. Northeast DuPage Youth & Family Services - Vendor Ethics

f. Northeast Dupage Youth & Family Services - Checklist

D. 15-16-649 : JPS-P-0511A-15 - Amendment to Resolution JPS-P-0511-15 issued to Imaging Systems Inc. D/B/A IDT, to increase the contract $4,225.52, resulting In a new contract total amount not to exceed $34,974.52, an increase of 13.74%. (Service Contract 1326-1)

a. IDT - Decision Memo

b. IDT - CO

E. 15-16-650 : JPS-P-0047A-16 AMENDMENT to Resolution JPS-P-0047-16, issued to Clausen Miller PC., for professional consultation services related to collective bargaining, for the 18th Judicial Circuit Court, to increase the contract $15,000, resulting in a new contract total amount of $45,000, an increase of 50.00%. (1627-1 SERV)

document Other Action Item Printout

a. Clausen Miller - Change Order1

b. Clausen Miller PC. - Decision Memo

c. Clausen Miller PC. - Vendor Ethics

14. Public Works - Healy

Committee Update

A. DR-R-0579-16 : Acceptance of Temporary Construction Easement - Ozgen - $1.00

a. Ozgen Easement

B. DR-R-0580-16 : Acceptance of Permanent Drainage and Temporary Construction Easement - Center Cass School District No. 66 - $1.00

a. Center Cass School Easement

C. FM-R-0572-16 : Agreement between the County of DuPage, Illinois, and the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts, for lease of space at the Henry J. Hyde Judicial Office Facility, for Facilities Management, for a monthly rate of three thousand six hundred ninety dollars and 50/100 dollars ($3,690.50), for the four year period of December 1, 2016 through November 30, 2020.

a. Final Draft to County - 18th Circuit Mandatory Arbitration Lease-EIN

b. Judicial Court Arbitration Exhibit A- Leased Premises

c. Real Estate Disclosure Form_Redacted

D. FM-R-0573-16 : Agreement between the County of DuPage, Illinois, and the DuPage County Employees' Credit Union, for lease of space at the JTK Administration Building and ATM Operations at the Sheriff's Office and Henry J. Hyde Judicial Office Facility, for Facilities Management, for the total sum of one dollar ($1.00), for the five year period of August 9, 2016 through August 9, 2021.

a. Lease Credit Union - Agreement

b. REL Disclosure Statement_Redacted

E. PW-R-0571-16 : Intergovernmental Agreement between County of DuPage, Illinois and the City of Naperville for Vacuum Truck (Vactors) Waste Dumping

a. Vactor - Naperville Agreement

F. PW-R-0581-16 : Development Agreement for the Transfer of a Sanitary Sewer Main Extension and the grant and assignment of Permanent Sanitary Sewer Easements - 7879 Lemont Road - Darien

a. Lemont Memorandum

b. 7879 Lemont Agreement

G. FM-P-0229-16 : County Contract issued to American Air Filter Company, Inc. d/b/a AAF International, to furnish and deliver air filters for County facilities, for Facilities Management, for the period August 10, 2016 through August 9, 2017, for a total contract amount not to exceed $96,321.45, per lowest responsible bid #16-135

a. American Air Filter - Requisition

b. American Air Filter - Bid Tab

c. American Air Filter - Requisition

d. American Air Filter - VE_Redacted

H. FM-P-0230-16 : County Contract issued to Builders Chicago Corp., to provide preventive maintenance service and repairs for overhead doors, roll-up shutters, gate operators, dock levelers and revolving doors, as needed for County facilities, for the period August 15, 2016 through August 14, 2017, $59,010.00 for Facilities Management and $31,861.00 for the Division of Transportation, for a total contract amount not to exceed $90,871.00, per lowest responsible bid #16-134

document Requisition 25k and over Printout

a. Builders Chicago - Checklist

b. Builders Chicago - Bid Tab

c. Builders Chicago - Requisition

d. Builders Chicago - VE_Redacted

I. FM-P-0231-16 : County Contract issued to Fox Valley Fire & Safety, for preventative maintenance, testing and repair of the NON-Edwards System Technology Fire Alarm and Life Safety Systems for County Facilities, for Facilities Management, for the period August 28, 2016 through August 27, 2017, for a contract total amount not to exceed $123,445.00, per renewal option under bid award #14-117, second option to renew

document Requisition 25k and over Printout

a. Fox Valley Fire & Safety - Checklist

b. Fox Valley - Renewal_Redacted

c. Fox Valley - Requisition

d. Fox Valley - VE_Redacted

J. PW-P-0228-16 : County Contract issued to HD Supply Waterworks to furnish and deliver water meters and meter reading equipment for sewer and water customer, for Public Works, for the period August 15, 2016 through August 14, 2017, for a total contract amount not to exceed $60,000.00, per ILCS 5/5-1022 "Competitive Bids" (c) not suitable for competitive bids - Sole Source

a. HD Water Suppy - Checklist

b. HD Water Supply - Sole Source

c. HD Water Supply - Requisition

d. HD Water Supply - Vendor Ethics

K. 15-16-708 : FM-P-0111A-14 – AMENDMENT to Resolution FM-P-0111-14, issued to Chicago Metropolitan Fire Prevention Company, to provide fire alarm monitoring services for the County campus buildings, to extend the contract to September 30, 2016 and to increase the contract in the amount of $4,845.00, resulting in a new contract total amount not to exceed $43,605.00, and increase of 12.5%

document Other Action Item Printout

a. Chicago Metropolitan - Change Order

b. Chicago Metro - Decision Memo

15. Stormwater - Zay

Committee Update

A. SM-R-0561-16 : Grant of Temporary Construction Easement to Wheaton Sanitary District for use of the County Parcel for the construction of the proposed sanitary sewer system improvements and maintenance work

a. Wheaton San Dist._TempConstrEasement_(Clean_4-11-16)

B. SM-R-0569-16 : Acceptance of Land Sales Contract, for flood hazard mitigation, for Stormwater Management, in the amount of $154,176.91

a. bossenga-Land Sale Contract

b. 10-13-2015 - Resolution - SMR052515

C. SM-R-0570-16 : Acceptance of Land Sales Contract, for flood hazard mitigation, for Stormwater Management, in the amount of $170,572.34

a. Land Sales Contract 4723 Dumoulin

b. 10-13-2015 - Resolution - SMR052515

D. SM-P-0214-16 : Intergovernmental Agreement Between County of DuPage, Illinois and Wheaton Park District for the Rathje Park Water Quality Improvement Project, for Stormwater Management, for a contract amount not to exceed $68,357.00, Per Intergovernmental Agreement.

a. Wheaton Park District - Checklist

b. Wheaton Park District - IGA

c. Wheaton Park District - Requisition

E. SM-P-0215-16 : Intergovernmental Agreement Between County of DuPage, Illinois and Woodridge School District 68 for the Jefferson Junior High Green Campus Initiative Water Quality Improvement Project, for Stormwater Management, for a contract amount not to exceed $108,063.75, Per Intergovernmental Agreement.

document Requisition 25k and over Printout

a. Woodridge School District 68 - Checklist

b. Woodridge School District 68 - IGA

c. Woodridge School District 68 - Requisition

F. SM-P-0216-16 : Intergovernmental Agreement Between County of DuPage, Illinois and Community Consolidated School District 93 for the Jay Stream Middle School Green Campus Initiative Water Quality Improvement Project, for Stormwater Management, for a contract amount not to exceed $147,364.80, Per Intergovernmental Agreement

a. Community Consolidated School District 93 - Checklist

b. Community Consolidated School District 93 - IGA

c. Community Consolidated School District 93 - Requisition

G. SM-P-0217-16 : Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Village of Glendale Heights and the County of DuPage for the Leslie Lane Relief Sewer Project in Glendale Heights, for Stormwater Management, for a contract amount not to exceed $165,000.00, Per Intergovernmental Agreement

a. Village of Glendale Heights - Checklist

b. Village of Glendale Heights Leslie Lane Relief Sewer IGA - Glendale Heights - Agreement

c. Village of Glendale Heights - Requisition

H. SM-P-0218-16 : County Contract issued to Earthwerks Land Improvement & Development, for the Graue Mill Flood Protection Improvements Phase 3A (Floodplain Excavation) Project, for Stormwater Management, for a contract total amount not to exceed $639,698.00, per lowest responsible Bid #16-154

a. Earthwerks - Checklist

b. Earthwerks Ph.3 - Requisition FY16-20

c. Earthwerks - Bid Tab

d. Earthwerks - Vendor Ethics

I. SM-O-0029-16 : Cantigny Park Stormwater and Utilities Master Plan

a. Cantigny memo

b. cantigny book

16. Technology - Krajewski

Committee Update

A. TE-P-0226-16 : County Contract issued to CDW Government, Inc. for the purchase of HP mini desktop computers for various General Fund departments, for Information Technology, for a total contract amount of $65,000.00, per National IPA cooperative purchasing agreement pricing.

a. CDWG - 100 Desk Top Computers - Checklist

b. CDWG Desktop Purchase Requisition

c. Desktop Quote

B. TE-P-0232-16 : County Contract issued to Imaging Systems, Inc., d/b/a IDT to provide a Document Management System for the Supervisor of Assessments, including software and initial set up, licenses, and the first year maintenance fee, for the period of August 10, 2016 through November 30, 2016, for a contract total amount of $49,840.00, per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 “Competitive Bids” (c) not suitable for competitive bids - Sole Source.

a. Imaging Systems - Checklist

b. IDT Purchase Requisition - SOA

c. Imaging Systems - Sole Source

d. 2016_DuPage_IDT_Proposal_SOA

C. 15-16-695 : TE-P-0436A-15 - Amendment #2 to Resolution TE-P-0436-15, issued to Titan Image Group, Inc., to furnish & deliver printed business envelopes for DuPage County departments, to increase the contract amount $2,550.00 to pay final invoices through July 31, 2016, resulting in a new contract total amount of $30,300.00, an increase of 9.19%. (1154 SERV)

a. Titan Image Group - Change Order

b. Titan Image Change Order #2 Decision Memo

17. Transportation - Puchalski

Committee Update

A. DT-R-0554-16 : Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of DuPage and the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority, CH 9/Highland Avenue Bridge over Illinois 56 (Butterfield Road) and I-88 (Reagan Memorial Tollway), Section 15-00199-00-BR (County to be reimbursed $235,000.00)

a. Agreement

B. DT-R-0555-16 : Awarding Resolution to Geneva Construction Company, for the Downers Grove Township Road District 2016 Road Maintenance Program, Section 16-03000-01-GM (No County cost)

a. Geneva Construction Company - Ethics

C. DT-R-0556-16 : Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of DuPage, the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority and the Village of Bensenville, Tollway Contract Number I-15-4662; Elgin O’Hare Western Access (Illinois Route 390)-South Frontage Road from Thomas Drive to York Road, Section 16-04662-EO-FP (No County cost)

a. ISTHA - DT-R-0556-16 - Agreement

D. DT-P-0200-16 : County contract issued to Currie Motors, for the purchase of one (1) 2017 Ford F-550 with Monroe dump body, spreader and snow and ice equipment for the Division of Transportation, for a contract total not to exceed $78,343.00; Per NWMC/South Suburban cooperative purchasing agreement pricing, in compliance with 30 ILCS 525/2 “Governmental Joint Purchasing Act”

a. Currie Motors DTR020016 - Requisition

b. Currie Motors DTR020016 - Checklist

c. Currie Motors DTR020016 - NWMC

d. Currie Motors DTR020016 - Ethics

E. DT-P-0201-16 : County contract issued to Currie Motors, for the purchase of one (1) 2017 Ford F-550 XL with Monroe dump body for the Division of Transportation, for a contract total not to exceed $59,913.00; Per NWMC/South Suburban cooperative purchasing agreement pricing, in compliance with 30 ILCS 525/2 “Governmental Joint Purchasing Act”

a. Currie Motors DTR020116 - Requisition

b. Currie Motors DTR020116 - Checklist

c. Currie Motors DTR020116 - NWMC

d. Currie Motors DTR020116 - Ethics

F. 15-16-625 : DT-0014A-13 – Amendment to Resolution DT-0014-13, Local Agency Agreement between the County of DuPage and the Illinois Department of Transportation, to modernize and interconnect traffic signals along CH 36/Schmale Road, from Fullerton Avenue to Bloomingdale Court, Section 11-00279-03-TL, to decrease the funding in the amount of $2,013.81, resulting in a final County cost of $70,986.19, a decrease of 2.76%

G. 15-16-639 : DT-R-0110A-16 – Amendment to Resolution DT-R-0110-16, issued to K-Five Construction Corporation, for the 2016 Pavement Maintenance Program (South Region), Section 16-PVMTC-06-GM, to increase the funding in the amount of $270,000.00, resulting in an amended total amount of $3,653,457.31, an increase of 7.98%

a. K-Five Construction Corporation - Supporting Data

b. K-Five Construction Corporation - Ethics

18. Executive Session

A. Pursuant to Open Meetings Act Sec. 2 (c) (11) - Pending Litigation

B. Pursuant to Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (2) - Collective Negotiating Matters

19. Unfinished Business

20. New Business

21. Meeting Adjourned

A. This meeting is adjourned to Tuesday, August 23, 2016 at 10:00 a.m.



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