
Dupage Policy Journal

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Woodridge Village Board of Trustees adopts two PUDs

Webp meeting 05

Woodridge Board of Trustees met Thursday, June 2.

The Woodridge board of trustees consists of a mayor and six trustees who are elected at-large for overlapping terms of four years. As the policymaking body of the village, the board approves ordinances and adopts resolutions. The village clerk, also elected for a four-year term, keeps all official records and maintains minutes of all board meetings.

Here are the minutes as provided by Woodridge:

Mayor and Board of Trustees

Regular Board Meeting


5 Plaza Drive

Woodridge, IL 60517


Thursday, June 2, 2016 7:30 PM Werch Board Room


The Regular Board Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Woodridge was called to order by Mayor Gina Cunningham at 7:30 PM Thursday, June 4 2, 2016 in the Werch Board Room of the Woodridge Village Hall.


Upon Roll Call by the Village Clerk the following individuals were:

Mary Anne Blair Trustee Present

Mike Martinez Trustee Present

Mike Krucek Trustee Present

Kay Page Trustee Absent

Gregory Abbott Trustee Present

Pamela Beavers Trustee Present

Eileene Nystrom Village Clerk Present

Gina Cunningham Mayor Present

Kathleen Rush Village Administrator Present

Peggy Halik Assistant Village Administrator Present

Tom Good Village Attorney Present

Nadine Alletto Director of Finance Present

Gina Grady Chief of Police Present

Chris Bethel Director of Public Works Present

Michael Mays Director of Community Development Present

Jack Knight Assistant to the Village Administrator Present

Trevor Bosack Management Analyst Present


Mayor Cunningham called for a moment of silence.


Accounting Manager Linda Dalton led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.



A. Comments Not Related to Agenda Items

Sue Seelander personally expressed appreciation for the Board’s decision to expand the notification requirements from 350 feet to 500 feet. She noted that the residents in the area appreciate the consideration the Board has shown. She also thanked Director Mays and Planner Zawila. The residents appreciate that the Village Board and staff sincerely take resident comments into consideration.

B. Comments Related to Agenda Items

John Seelander stated that he has lived in Woodridge for 20 years and in the area for his entire life. He stated that there have been two times that since he’s lived in Woodridge that he was saddened. The first was when Woodridge police officers had to begin wearing bullet proof vests and second time was a year ago when Woodridge granted video gaming licenses. He sincerely hopes that the Village will not expand the total number of licenses available. He is not supportive of gambling in Woodridge because he believes it diminishes our great town.


Mayor Cunningham explained that all items on the omnibus vote agenda are considered routine by the Village Board and are enacted by one motion. There is no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda.

A. RES-2016-28 A Resolution Authorizing Submittal of Two Applications to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) for the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) In order to submit the two ITEP applications for grant funds for pedestrian paths along Route 53, the Village must pass a resolution of support for the projects and submit them as a part of the application package.

B. RES-2016-29 A Resolution Ratifying a Labor Agreement Between the Village of Woodridge and Metropolitan Alliance of Police – Local 51, and Authorizing the Execution Thereof. This item executes a three-year labor contract between the Village of Woodridge and its police officers. The contract is retroactive to May 1, 2015 and will expire April 30, 2018.

C. ORD-2016-19 An Ordinance Ascertaining the Prevailing Rate of Wages for Laborers, Mechanics and Other Workers Employed in Public Works Projects for  the Village of Woodridge. This item sets the wage rates for public works contracts. The Village is mandated by the State to pass this ordinance each year.

D. Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Woodridge, Illinois, held on May 5, 2016 at the Werch Board Room, Village Hall

E. Accounts Payable Registers for May 13 & May 20, 2016

Mayor Cunningham asked if there was a request for separate consideration of any of the Omnibus vote items.

Hearing none, Mayor Cunningham entertained a motion to approve Omnibus Vote Items A through C and acceptance of Items D and E. Motion to approve Omnibus vote Items A through C and acceptance of Items D and E. RESULT: ADOPTED [5 TO 0]

 MOVER: Mike Martinez, Trustee

SECONDER: Mike Krucek, Trustee

AYES: Trustee Blair, Trustee Martinez, Trustee Krucek, Trustee Abbott, Trustee Beavers

ABSENT: Trustee Page




Mayor Cunningham announced that the 33rd Annual Woodridge Jubilee kicks off on Wednesday, June 15th at the corner of Woodridge and Center Drive. Enjoy the bands, rides, food, and a fireworks show during this five-day festival. More information is available in the Village’s E-News.

She also invited everyone to join Infinity Gymnastics, in Woodridge, on Saturday, June 4 from noon to 2:00 p.m. for a free community day in honor of the upcoming Olympics. Activities will include a performance by the Jesse White Tumblers, a bounce house, face painting, and more. A complete list of activities can be found i this week’s e-news.

Lastly, she invited residents to join a summer reading book club and get rewarded at the Woodridge Public Library. The program started on June 1st and will continue through July 30th. Stop by during the kick-off celebration on June 4th for fun and games in the lobby and to get registered.


A. Acceptance of the Annual Financial Reports for the Village, the Library, the Tax Increment Financing District, and the Auditor's Communication to the Board of Trustees for Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2015. This motion will accept the Annual Financial Reports for the Village, the Library, the TIF District, and the Auditor’s Communication to the Board of Trustees for the year ending December 31, 2015.

 Accounting Manager Linda Dalton provided an overview of the 2015 audit.

The most important part of the audit is the content that is found in the Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A). She thanked Accountant Daren Clary who managed the entire audit process. There were challenges to the audit process this year: the conversion to a new computer system, the creation of a new chart of accounts, extra audit testing, and implementation of GASB 68; and yet the audit went more smoothly than anticipated. She noted that General Fund revenues were 10% greater than budgeted and expenditures were 8% less than budgeted. Bond debt was reduced by $1.89 million. This positive budgeting will provide greater flexibility in financing in 10 years ahead. The capital projects fund is maintaining a very healthy fund balance. The Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) fund balance was reduced by $300,000 due to roadway projects and reduced state shared revenues. The Village Board increased the local motor fuel tax to support this Fund and the General Fund provided financial support to this Fund as well. The MFT Fund remains very stable. The Water/Sewer Fund has grown its fund balance and will continue to grow the balance from 15.9% to 25%.

Ms. Dalton introduced Dan Berg principal with Sikich. Mr. Berg provided an overview of the audit process. Sikich audited the Village, the Library, and Seven Bridges. He noted that this is a comprehensive financial report and is above and beyond what is required by GASB. He recommended that the Board review the MD&A and the statistical section of the audit. He thanked the village staff for their preparation and responsiveness. Sikich has granted the Village a clean opinion. He noted the impact that GASB 68 required a change in how pension information is reported; no longer reporting that we are paying what we are required to pay or exceeding it, and instead reporting on the overall liability which was negative because of the 2015 investment year.

There are a few fairly minor recommendations in the report related to internal controls and other operational recommendations. None of those however rose to the level of material weakness or significant deficiency. He ongratulated the staff and Board for having very well managed financial operations.

Motion to accept the Annual Financial Reports for the Village, the Library, the Tax Increment Financing District, and the Auditor's Communication to the Board of Trustees for Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2015


MOVER: Mary Anne Blair, Trustee

SECONDER: Mike Krucek, Trustee

AYES: Trustee Blair, Trustee Martinez, Trustee Krucek, Trustee Abbott, Trustee Beavers

ABSENT: Trustee Page

B. ORD-2016-20 Park 355 Phase 3 - an Ordinance Granting Approval of Final Plan and Plat of Planned Unit Development for Park 355 Business Park – 2141 Internationale Parkway.

HSA Commercial Inc. is requesting approval of a final plan and plat for a PUD Director Mays provided a brief overview of the development. This development is located at the southwest corner of Internationale Parkway and I-355. Lot 3 is the third and final phase of this development. The project is a peculative 152,000 square foot office/warehouse development. The Plan Commission considered the development on June 2 and approved it unanimously.

Motion to approve Ordinance 2016-20 - Park 355 Phase 3 - an Ordinance Granting Approval of Final Plan and Plat of Planned Unit Development for Park 355 Business Park - 2141 Internationale Parkway


MOVER: Mike Krucek, Trustee

SECONDER: Mike Martinez, Trustee

AYES: Trustee Blair, Trustee Martinez, Trustee Krucek, Trustee Abbott, Trustee Beavers

ABSENT: Trustee Page

C. ORD-2016-21 An Ordinance Granting Approval of a Regional Planned Unit Development Zoning Lot Plan for Lot 4 in Union Pointe Phase 4, Approval of  Preliminary and Final Plan and Plat of Regional Planned Unit Development for Lot 4 in Union Pointe Phase 4, and Approval of Preliminary and Final Plat of Subdivision for Lot 4 in Union Pointe Phase 4 – AMS Mechanical, LLC – Northeast Corner of I-55 and I-355 AMS Mechanical, LLC is requesting approvals for Phase 4 of the Union Pointe Business Park to allow the construction of a 145,200 square foot office/warehouse building.

Director Mays provided an overview of this final phase of the Union Pointe development that was originally considered by the Board in 2011. The existing buildings are Edward Don, Orbus, and Kellogg. This final building  will be the corporate headquarters for AMS Mechanical with 30,000 square feet of office and the remainder as warehouse. The Union Pointe development contemplates three access points with Woodward, two of which already exist and one is a future connection that would serve the Orbus Development.

John Berzanskis, President of AMS, presented an overview of his company. He described the types of labor specialists that are employed at AMS and the vendors that his business supports. This building will consist mainly of office personnel, engineers, and other specialists. Trustee Abbott asked what kind of trucks will be going in and out of the facility. Mr. Berzanskis explained that they use a state truck and two box trucks. The building will house 35,000 square feet of office space and 100,000 square feet of warehouse space. They have 35 service vans/trucks and there might be 3-6 trucks per week at the headquarters. Trustee Abbott asked how much noise is generated at the warehouse. Mr. Berzanskis stated that while there is noise associated with the warehouse, it is at such a level that it doesn’t even interfere with the adjacent office space. Trustee Martinez asked about fumes to which M.  Berzanskis stated that they have never received any complaints.

Motion to approve Ordinance 2016-21 - An Ordinance Granting Approval of a Regional Planned Unit Development Zoning Lot Plan for Lot 4 in Union Pointe Phase 4, Approval of Preliminary and Final Plan and Plat of Regional Planned Unit Development for Lot 4 in Union Pointe Phase 4, and Approval of Preliminary and Final Plat of Subdivision for Lot 4 in Union Pointe Phase 4 - AMS Mechanical, LLC - Northeast Corner of I-55 and I-355


MOVER: Mary Anne Blair, Trustee

SECONDER: Mike Martinez, Trustee

AYES: Trustee Blair, Trustee Martinez, Trustee Krucek, Trustee Beavers

NAYS: Trustee Abbott

ABSENT: Trustee Page

D. ORD-2016-22 An Ordinance Vacating Certain Street Right-Of-Way and Approving a Plat of Vacation. This ordinance provides for the vacation of a portion of the Murphy Road right-of-way in conjunction with Phase 4 of the Union Pointe Business Park. Motion to approve Ordinance 2016-22 made by Trustee Martinez, seconded by Trustee Krucek.

Motion to amend the original motion of approval of Ordinance 2016-22 in order to lay on the table the item for consideration during the June 16, 2016

RESULT: TABLED [5 TO 0] Next: 6/16/2016 7:30 PM

MOVER: Pamela Beavers, Trustee

SECONDER: Mike Krucek, Trustee

AYES: Trustee Blair, Trustee Martinez, Trustee Krucek, Trustee Abbott, Trustee Beavers

ABSENT: Trustee Page

E. ORD-2016-23 An Ordinance Amending the Village Code - Title 3, Chapter 4E and Title 3, Chapter 3 - Video Gaming, Liquor Control. This item expands video gaming in the Village of Woodridge in establishments that have held an E-1 liquor license allowing for sale and consumption of alcohol on premise for a minimum of one year and that are a Category I facility as defined by the DuPage County Health Department Food Code. There continue to be 8 maximum video gaming licenses available.

Trustee Martinez stated that he was supportive of the expansion of the licensing to allow for Brunswick Zone to qualify, contingent on the video gaming terminals being located in the bar. Attorney Good stated that staff will approve the licenses under that specific Board directive.

Motion to approve Ordinance 2016-23 - An Ordinance Amending the Village Code - Title 3, Chapter 4E and Title 3, Chapter 3 - Video Gaming, Liquor Control


AYES: Trustee Blair, Trustee Martinez, Trustee Krucek, Trustee Abbott

NAYS: Trustee Beavers

ABSENT: Trustee Page






Motion to adjourn to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing Acquisition of Real Estate and Collective Bargaining


MOVER: Mike Krucek, Trustee

SECONDER: Mary Anne Blair, Trustee

AYES: Trustee Blair, Trustee Martinez, Trustee Krucek, Trustee Abbott, Trustee Beavers

ABSENT: Trustee Page

The Regular Board Meeting of the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Woodridge held at 7:30 PM on Thursday, June 2, 2016 in the Werch Board Room of the Woodridge VillageHall was adjourned at 8:18 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Margaret Halik

Assistant Village Administrator

Office of the Village Clerk

Eileene Nystrom

Village Clerk

Gina Cunningham
