Downers Grove Firefighters Pension Fund Board will meet at 4:30 p.m. Friday, June 17.
The Downers Grove Firefighters Pension Fund Board administers a fire pension fund for the benefit of firefighters, their widows, children or certain other dependents. Three members of the board are elected, and the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the Village Council, appoints two members to the board. All five members serve three-year terms.
Here is the agenda as provided by Downers Grove:
Downers Grove Firefighters Pension Fund
Special Meeting Notice
Friday 6-17-16 4:30pm
5420 Main Street, Downers Grove, IL 60515
1. Call to Order
2. Treasurer’s Report
a. Payment of bills
b. New employees / Retirees / Issuance of refund
i. Retirement Richard Niedospial
ii. New Hires Micheal Berg, Kent Rexilius
3. Old Business
a. Executive/Closed Session under 2(c)(11) of the Open Meetings Act, discussion of pending litigation Reiter V. Board of Trustees Case No. 15 CH1796
4. Public Comment
5. Adjournment